
(Haitus) Blood Of the New Moon

Sick of seeing these cheesy low breed werewolves disgracing the monsters he admires, when Christian got the chance he took a bite out of their lives

Master_Livythan · TV
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26 Chs

Call me Step-Father...

The duo rushed to the hospital in Styles jeep, while Styles kept questioning Scott about what had happened in the forest considering how long it took to find him only to be met with silence

Styles stopped speaking and turned towards Scott only to find him lost in thought staring through the window making him raise his brows in confusion then surprise when he saw the blue eyes in the reflection, causing him to fall into his own thoughts....what he missed was that Scott had clenched his fist so tightly that blood was tripping onto his pants

They passed the rest of the journey in silence, hardly taking any time to reach their destination since Styles floored it, he was sure that he'd hear from his father later on tonight or tomorrow morning making him smile wryly

Pulling into the car park, Scott hopped out of the vehicle before it could even stop making Styles nearly crash into another car by accident . Styles sat in the jeep looking at Scotts receding back with a slight frown

" what the hell happened? " murmured Styles under his breath after he prepared to get out, only for a shadow to pass by right outside his door making him jump before looking around in surprise. Getting out and searching around before failing to find anything, he headed into the hospital


Scott *

I rushed to the front desk frantically ignoring the weird looks I received, I saw the nurse reach under the desk to most likely call for security, before they react I reached out and grabbed his hand making him release a pained groan as he looked at me

" don't do that " I said while slowly releasing his hand, only to find a large hand shaped bruise making me internally groan since I had even less control of my strength than before. When I was about to apologize I heard someone call me

" Scott? what are you doing here? " I turned around to find my mother walking towards me with notes in her hand. Not even paying anymore attention to the nurse I walked towards my mom

" mom are you okay? " I asked while circling her looking for injuries or anything weird. I looked up to meet my mothers bewildered gaze

" why wouldn't I be " she asked me looking at me intently before she frowned

" did you meet anyone weird tonight? " I asked to check and see if she met him already, only for my mother to pull my from that spot into a more secluded area confusing me

" did you take drugs tonight? " I heard my mother whisper into my ear looking at me worriedly making the atmosphere awkward before I managed to reply

" no I didn't take any drugs tonight mom " she stared into my eyes for a few seconds longer before she shook her head

" what did you mean before " she asked changing the subject before she could reply I was interrupted by someone grabbing my arm, turning around I came face to face with Styles who waved at mom before he turned to me and pulled me aside

" someone is here " I looked at him confusedly

" I have the feeling that if we stay here something bad will happen " I heard him whisper while looking around warily

" dude did you forget that he's going after my mom? " I asked him while glancing at mom who was started walking towards us

" dude I don't know what happened tonight but you say he's going after your mom, but he's not here yet or might not even be coming tonight since if he was there'd be no way we'd get here first. Us being here is only gonna put her in more danger " I heard him say while seriously looking at me

Before I could reply mom grabbed both our shoulders and turned us to face her with a serious expression on his face

" who's coming after me? " she asked. Before either of us could reply the lights suddenly shut off making a feeling of dread over take my body before I could warn either Styles or my mom I felt a arm wrap around my throat and something was put over my head and from the groan I heard it seems the same thing happened to Styles

Before I could even fight back I suddenly found myself grabbed by the neck before I felt us moving at extremely fast speeds before I felt a cold breeze on my face different from the ac inside, trying to find out what had happened only for our captors to throw us on the floor and whatever on out head was taken off

Looking around in confusion, I found myself on a roof of an abandoned building, I looked to the side and saw Styles wiping blood from his lip as he stared forward, following his line of sight I found Christian sitting on the edge with my mother standing at the side looking at us worriedly


Normal *

I would've gotten here much earlier but we came across Peter and we decided to spend some time and let Laura have some pay back and vent some frustrations on him before we went home to change clothes then check on Allison who was still unconscious

I had to destroy her phone since her parents where blasting it up with calls and messages and considering their personality it wouldn't be long before they tried tracking it and I didn't wanna deal with them before I dealt with Allison and any problems that may come from my abrupt bite

We took a slight 40m/s jog towards the hospital where we met the trouble duo pulling into the car park making me slightly surprised that he was already awake before I clicked my tongue in annoyance

We walked behind them and they didn't even notice making me wonder if Scott was really a werewolf, I mean he had a recent break through so this is just sad at this point. Deciding to have some fun, I told Malia to cut the electricity and I told Laura to get something to cover their heads

When it went dark, I waited for them to return only for both them to instantly appear at my sides, we each shot towards a target before they could react to the sudden change and we turned an left the building, randomly running in a direction we came across a abandoned building

Climbing to the roof, I decided that this is good enough

" you were there and still couldn't stop me from taking your mother.....hahaha you couldn't even protect yourself " I said mockingly while looking at Scott who tried to get up only to be pinned down by Laura who made a shush gesture

" yo Styles " I turned towards Styles and pondered while looking at him, if I had a favorite character it would have to be him.....I mean that wouldn't be able to stop me from killing him but....he's favorite

" why don't you let Derek bite you? " I asked while looking at him " I'm sure you'd make a better werewolf and plus with you following around that trouble magnet, wouldn't it be better if you could protect yourself? Just thought I'd throw that out there " I said while watching his face change several times before I turned to Mellissa who was at my side

" Mellissa right? The name's Christian, those two beautiful ladies over there are Malia and Laura. You're probably wondering why you're here or what's happening, well let me tell you. Your son didn't heed my warning and went after my mate and since I'm such a civilized person I just decided to beat him half to death hehehe " I chuckled as Mellissa looked at me angrily before she looked at the Scott confusedly, cutting her off I spoke

" You're probably wondering, if I beat him so close to death why is he here healthy before you? that's because he's no longer human. He's now a werewolf, yes I mean the one from the movies, like wolf man, full moon and such. He and everyone here except you and Styles over there are supernatural creatures " I had to stifle a laugh as I saw her look at everyone in disbelief especially since she didn't hear any voice of disagreement from the 2 on the floor

" now here's what's gonna happen, you're gonna move in with me until further notice. Don't worry though you can still go to work if you'd like but keep in mind that if you try to meet Scott I'll break his spine, do you get it? " I asked losing the smile I had since earlier

Turning towards Scott who started struggling once more only for a stomp to stop him in his tracks as he tried to not cry out in pain and worry his mother even more

" for your mother's sake, I'll make a deal with you. Team up with Derek and kill Peter, we won't intervene but do keep in mind that a group of hunters are in town who will make your life that much harder. Do this and I'll let you meet "

After I finished speaking I nodded towards Malia and Laura before I picked up Mellissa and disappeared leaving them on the roof

Styles stood up and dusted himself of before he glanced towards Scott who looked like he wanted to murder someone

" so you ready to tell me what happened? " asked Styles

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Was gonna woo her......decided kidnapping was easier since he looks like a teen

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts