
(Game of Thrones) The Pale Khal

Jon snow is kidnapped by slavers while his father was away fighting in the Greyjoy rebellion. How is an 8 name day old boy supposed to survive in a place like Essos with only his direwolf pup as a companion.

Telling_Tall_Tales · TV
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20 Chs

Chosen of R’hllor

( POV Tycho Nestoris )

I sat at the round marble table in the very centre of the Iron Bank. Around the table sat eleven other men ranging in ages from thirty to sixty.

"We have gathered here today to discuss our response to the Pale Khals moves." The speaker announced

"We can't allow this Westerosi Bastard turned Dothraki go unchallenged." One banker said but I disagreed with his hasty decision

"Do we know where he means to move his Khalasar?" I asked wanting to know more information before making a decision on how we should move forward

"There is rumours of his Qohorik allies making moves towards Norvos but currently rumours is all they are." One of the bankers said responding to my question

"What rumours do you speak of?" Another asks

"There is activity in the Axe and Hills of Norvos, some believe the Qohorik are calling upon distant lordships and that they are answering the call of the King under the Mountain." The previous banker said.

"What about the White Wolf himself?" I asked returning the conversation back to the original question.

"On his whereabouts we have more than rumours." Another banker, who had been silent before now, said.

"Has he taken his men back to the Dothraki Sea?" One of the Bankers questioned and I wondered the same, it was what many of us expected of him but the Pale Khal was anything but predictable.

"No, he sails down the Qhoyne for Volantis." The banker said shocking us all.

"Sails? What is a Dothraki doing near a boat?" An elder banker exclaimed

"It's true, multiple reliable sources speak of trade ships full of gold and treasure sailing down the Qhoyne escorted by fifty thousand Dothraki Screamers." He said and I took a moment to take in the information

"He means to get himself a fleet!" I exclaimed to the group

"The Dothraki have never sailed before!" One of the older bankers said, disagreeing with me

"Yet no Dothraki has ever sieged a city and won." Another said backing me up before the voices melded together into one big argument.

"ENOUGH! YOU ARE ACTING LIKE CHILDREN!" The eldest member shouted bringing everyone to silence

"The Pale Khal makes moves against Volantis and we suspect his allies make moves for Norvos but what shall we do in response?" The elderly banker asked

"We may be able to send supplies to Volantis before it falls to the White Wolf but any aid sent to Norvos will arrive late." I said to the assembled group

"If Norvos falls then Pentos will be their next target we should send aid to the Pentoshi Magistrate, they have been steadfast allies for an age." One of the younger members proposed and I agreed

"Then it is settled, we send aid to Pentos and Volantis." The eldest banker said and the table responded with a chorus of 'agreed'

"And we hope Norvos can hold without our support." I added grimly but I doubted it could.


( POV Ragnar the Red )

I looked up from the map In front of me to inspect the tent. I stood before my War Council. All of the men were powerfully built with braided beards and finely crafted arms and armour. Most were my senior by many years but they still looked to me for leadership and I only hoped not to let them all down. I looked back at the map for a few seconds before addressing my companions.

"The Pale Khal would have passed the ruins of Sar Mell two days past and should be camped along the River Volaena along with his host." I said to the group, getting there attention before placing the figure of a White Wolf on the map close to Volantis on the River Volaena. Beside the figure I placed five large figures of a Black Horses, to symbolise the fifty thousand Dothraki. The figure of an Anvil was placed to represent the Steel-Shaper and two small figures of armoured men wielding hammers were placed to represent the two thousand Qohori warriors who accompanied Dwalin.

"My father, King Dane Ironfoot, remains in Kazad-dûm with three thousand men to defend from a counter attack from Pentos, either by sending troops to Volantis or to us." I said as I walked to where Qohor sat in the map and placed a figure of a Mountain adorned with a crown as well as three smaller figures to represent the defenders of Qohor who remained with my father.

"Our forces are split throughout the Hills of Norvos but all camps are within a days ride to the city, we'll be at full force when we sack the city." I continued before placing many figures throughout the Hills of Norvos to represent the twenty thousand men in total that were spread throughout the many camps.

"A further two thousand men can be raised from our lands in The Axe." The warm boisterous voice of Glòin Hearth-Lord sounded out in the tent and I nodded at the Lord of Hearth Hall who preceded to place two small figures representing the two thousand reinforcements mustering at The Axe.

"Dorí what do the scouts report." I said to Dorí, Heir to the Hills of Norvos.

"My nephew Thror reports thirteen thousand in the lower city. Only three thousand of these are city guard the rest is slave soldiers and smallfolk who've never held a blade." Dorí said to me and I considered on with my questions a second later

"What about the upper city?" I asked him as he placed the corresponding figures on the map to signify the thirteen thousand men in the lower city. The figures were shaped like bears to represent the famous Norvosi tamed bears.

"My contact on the Magistrate Council tells me that the upper city is guarded by five thousand Warrior Priests." He explained to me before again placing Axe figures to represent the Warrior Priests.

"What do we know about this religion?" Kilí, my childhood friend and loyal second asked.

"Little is known even to those inside the city, those who worship the God do so reverently but most in the city have the God forced upon them and should they not follow their will then they are punished harshly." He said and silence settled in the tent as I contemplated the choices ahead of me.


( POV High-Priestess Kinvara )

The moon hung high and the midnight black sky was dotted with twinkling stars. Many boats sat in the Volantene Bay. Large trade ships belonging to the Elephant Party merchants, fishing boats owned by Smallfolk from the Shanty town and the Warrens. In the distant Shipyard you could see half constructed boats, the husks of these great vessels unfit for a sea voyage but impressive nonetheless. The docks themselves were overflowing with ships, wealthy nobles visiting the First Daughter of Valyria or merchants from distant shores come to sell their foreign wares in the bustling Duel Markets that brought Volantis so much of its wealth.

As a child I was fascinated with the sea, I heard tales of ancient battles on the waves and voyages to distant lands yet to be seen. What usually drew my eye every time I stared across these dark waters was the Jewel of the Volantene Bay, the Fleet of Volantis. Three hundred war ships constructed for the purpose of dominating the sea. The ships were unlike those of Westeros but quite similar to the Fleet of Qarth except the Fleet of Volantis was much larger by comparison.

Ships in Westeros often had many sets of sails per ship and their ships were smaller than that of Volantis. Most of the Westerosi fleets were made up of ships even smaller consisting of half sails and leaning more heavily on oars. However the ships of Volantis were of a different sort. They where longer than any ship you'd find on Westerosi shores and consisted of three levels.

The lowest level carried supplies into war while the bellow deck housed the sleeping quarters and allowed for rowing and quick manoeuvring in battle. The top deck held the single mast baring a large sail and was where the fighting took place. Men would be on the deck with a bow in hand and javelins on their back. The men would loose fire arrows at the sails and rigging of enemy ships immobilising them before getting closer and loosing javelins into their enemies on the deck. A series of hooked planks would be used to board turning the sea battle into a melee.

But tonight was different. I wasn't sat on the docks to stare across the bay or to preach the Word of R'hllor. No tonight I was sent as an emissary of the Red Church to meet with Azor Ahai. I could feel his presence in the bay. It felt like the rays of sunlight hitting my face. His power was blinding to those enlightened to R'hllor greater will. The closer his small rowboat made it to shore the more overwhelming his presence felt until he finally reached the dock. His eyes burned with power and his burning gaze made my legs weak.

"You are Kinvara?" He asked in his dark voice and I was overwhelmed by the power his voice held. I was unable to compose myself to speak only nod in agreement.

"I hear you have the grandest temple to the Lord of Light, would you be so kind as to show me?" He asked before handing two pieces of parchment to his Golden Falcon that took off into the night sky.

"It would be my pleasure Chosen of R'hllor." I said to him, my voice stronger now that I had become accustomed to his presence.

I Leah him through the various districts of Volantis. The small folk looked at me reverently as we traveled through the Warrens, Old Towne and even in the Thieves Quarter on our journey to the Red Temple from the docks. Not wanting to draw a crowd I avoided the North Market instead traveling through Upper Millston and Deepfinders Square. We didn't travel across the famous Long Bridge that lead to the Ebony City.

The Tiger Party and the Elephant Party both resided in the Ebony City, separated from the rest of Volantis by a large wall of black stone. The Ebony City housed the Elephant Parties vast wealth and the Tiger Parties fierce military and as such was well defended. The only way in or out was through the Daughters Pass, a steel gate that lead to the Long Bridge. The only path the the Ebony City was across the Long Bridge.

But we stayed clear of the Long Bridge, only seeing it briefly in the distance as we journeyed through Riverton before finally arriving at Temple District and the Red Temple itself. We were met by two Priests and a company of Fiery Hand, fearsome warriors with a flaming hand tattooed on their face.

"Azor Ahai we are at your disposal as directs the Will of R'hllor." The Priests said bowing their heads in subservients to the man. No the King that I escorted to them.

"I thank you for your kind welcome to your home." He said humbly

"But I did not come to exchange pleasantries, I came for a city." He said as power filled his very being and the flames around the city burned brighter for just a moment.

I couldn't speak. Couldn't move. Couldn't blink. Just stare in wonder and awe. What finally broke me from my trance was a Golden Falcon landing on the shoulder of R'hllors Chosen.


( POV Perikles Votar )

I walked into my study followed by Kleon, my loyal follower. I sat at my desk, my chair creaking under my weight. I scratched the tusk tattoo on my left cheek. The tattoo represented my place as a member of the Elephant Party. But I wasn't just any member, I was their leader.

I began to search through the letters on my wide desk. Trade agreements needing signed, a plea for tax cuts by some fisherman and another by our major jade imports from Qarth. I through the one form the fisherman into the fire and inspected the one from Qarth more closely.

"It seems our friends in Qarth have run into some trouble, Kleon." I said to my companion and he looked up from the letter he was reading.

"What is it?" He questioned and I obliged

"Some woman in Greater Moraq is styling herself as Queen. With the use of her uncle, named Bayek's army, she means to challenge Qarth for a greater percentage in tax from the Jade Gates." I said humour clear in my voice at the thought of it.

"Not to mention there is war brewing in Yi Ti. Gods know what that'll mean for our imports in saffron, silks and gemstones." I said the humour leaving my voice at the thought of business being damaged.

"What war in Yi Ti? This is the first I'm hearing about this." Kleon said while picking up a new letter and I could have sworn I saw a tattoo of a burning hand in the inside of his palm. Shaking my head I continued

"Some Uncle usurping his Nephew and the Jogos Nhai have left the Howling Hills in ruin and are mustering along Yi Ti's border." I said explaining the situation.

"Well you should forget about the distant struggles of strangers, we have our own problems." He said while handing me a letter. It I knew what it contained, it was news about the Pale Khal.

"Jonos Ahesh, the White Wolf sits on our doorstep, and asks for a meeting." I said before scowling and tossing the letter into the fire.

"He will get nothing but Fire from the First Daughter of Valyria!"


( POV Nikolaos Maegyr )

I read the letter carefully before looking to my son Alexios. He was powerfully built and had spent time in the military, like all of the Tiger Party he was trained as a weapon from birth.

"Alexios, my son, the Pale Khal requests a meeting, the Tiger Party will answer." I commanded

"I will set it up right away Father." He responded before taking of to make the necessary arrangements

I stared at the letter for a moment longer before setting it down on the clear desk and standing to my full height. I walked to the balcony to contemplate. I stared out over the Volantene Bay. Fifty thousand Dothraki Screamers camp just up stream, lead by what many are calling the most fearsome Khal to ever ride. The Tiger Party is strong I knew. But the Elephant Party are fools, with the support of Bravos they will overestimate themselves and they will die.

My family won't die with them.
