
(Dropped)DxD with gojo satoru's inheritance

An otaku's wish to become a jujutsu sorcerer in the DxD world after death. ~~~~~~~~~~ Warning *I do not own the characters and cover of this novel. *This is not a fanfic for those who seek perfection. So, you can expect some mistakes, grammar errors, and few changes in some characters. i"m writing this story to improve my skills. *I'm a newbie author and this is my first decent book. Please forgive me for any mistakes and correct me for any errors. ~~~~~~~~~~

THECRAZY_RB · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Youkai faction & Club meeting

After talking with Yasaka while they were going to her Youkai faction he gets to know more about her unique personality. Although people likely might misunderstand her polite behaviour and noble aura. in reality, she has a playful mischievous personality. Along the way she periodically stops, taking breaks and supports herself by clinging to Akira's shoulders, sometimes squeezing them a bit.

Initially, she was a bit reluctant to tell him about her matters but after pestering her non-stop she decided to reveal it. She was informed that her one fo the clan elder was gravely injured in Kanto region of East youkai faction but all of Hero Faction planned to capture Yasaka. Her being a Kyuubi in addition to the center of Kyoto's leylines, he has access to all of the tremendous spiritual power flowing throughout Kyoto, due to this, she already has her own limitation for not leaving Kyoto for long and this led her being one of the primary targets of Hero faction. After that, her powers were temporarily weakened from her Youkai form by an upper echelon of the Hero faction, whom she managed to kill but in return suffered internal injuries and got trapped during her escape. otherwise, Her Ultimate class level powers were more than sufficient for her to wipe out those trashes.

They swiftly reached urakyoto, located at the other end side of Kyoto, surrounded by bamboo trees and forest, the whole faction was completely separated from outside just like the underworld, in a separate dimension.

Looking keenly at the surroundings of the faction, he had to say the place was very beautiful with a peaceful environment.

"Let's go in, at least I can show a warm welcome," Yasaka said.

"Okay," Akira said in response.


When they arrived at the entrance of the base, Several Youkai's lowered their head and frowned seeing a human but soon, some of them sensing weak energy coming from Yasaka immediately raised their guards, some of them even showed hostile expression.

"Stop!.... He's my benefactor.....now go back to your work immediately" Yasaka shouted at her Faction members for their behaviour.

"That...was truly a very warm welcome," Akira spoke sarcastically.

"I am sorry for their behaviour. I hope you don't take any of their actions to heart" Yasaka bowed.

Admit or not Akira's eyes widened not because of her sincerity but because of the proper look of her cleavage she was showing. He had to admit her skin was pure milky white and her breasts were definitely one of the biggest he had seen with his very own eyes.

*cough* "That's enough I don't mind" Akira coughed, reluctantly shifted his eyes from the treasure and said "And, don't ever bow in front of someone else"

Yasaka, of course, knew the meaning behind his words. She smiled mischievously at him and directed him inside her house.

After a few minutes of walking, she took him to what appeared to be a spacious traditional Japanese room. Yasaka offered him a cup of tea and went to receive her daughter to be checked while he sat in his place enjoying the tea.

A few moments later she entered the room along with her daughter. Yasaka's palms were bandaged.

"Akira-Kun?" Yasaka called out to him.

"Hmm?" Akira turned toward Yasaka.

She urged her daughter in front and introduced her to Akira " She's my dear daughter Kunou and come on greet him"

She shyly enters front and bowed to Akira " H-hello my name is Kunou"

Kunou is a young girl with the appearance of an elementary school student. She has golden, blonde hair tied in a ponytail and matching eyes. She also has nine golden foxtails and matching ears.

Though she displays the attitude of a princess but now in front of Akira she was showing her childish personality. 'Maybe because she became too shy seeing my attractive face' thought Akira. He returned her greeting while a smile. "nice to meet you Kunou, my name is Akira gojo. I'm a friend of your mother"

"N-Nice to meet you too Uncle Akira" Kunou spoke.

Akira's eyes twitched 'Uncle? Do I look like an Oji-san to you?' He wonders if it's because of calling himself handsome. He twisted his face to Yasaka who was giggling covering her mouth.

"GIRL I'm just a few years older than you, just call me big brother" Akira Pats her head and lightly pinches her cheeks.

" Ouff.....Okay, Oni-chan" She faked a pained expression and replied to Akira.

"Now, kunou you can play outside for now. Mother has something to talk with him" Yasaka told her daughter to leave.

Soon, only two of them were in the room. Yasaka was lost in her own thoughts. She hastily realized that Akira was also in the same room. She shifts her head towards Akira and saw him staring at her in a questionable gaze.

Akira asked in worry"Is something wrong?"

"Oh... No, it's the opposite I merely want to thank you for saving me in that difficult moment if it hadn't been for your help I would be unable to see my daughter again and my Youkai faction would have been destroyed." He saw her bitter, he felt a little bad seeing her in this state.

"Don't worry about it anymore. What happened has already happened... Does it hurt?" Akira consoles her and pointed to her bandaged hand.

"fufu.....No...Are you worrying about me?" She asked tilting her head, then smiled playfully.

"l wouldn't lie to such a gorgeous woman. So yeah" He smiled at her looking straight into her eyes.

"What is that?... Your eyes?" Her curiosity was triggered when she finally gazed deep into his dazzling blue eyes.

"Y-You only just noticed? god.....what were you doing before" he was genuinely surprised at her lack of social observation. Seeing her curious, he gently moved close to her until their faces correctly were a few inches apart and chuckled "it's not some kind of cheap trick. Look, I was born with these eyes"

Yasaka could feel her face getting hot because that's what she was believing, but she applauded and turned her face away from him. " It's unusually beautiful," she mutters.

Akira offered her a pizza. She initially refused but he opened one box starts devouring it, despite her denial. Seeing him, she also felt hungry but couldn't convince herself to ask for some, until Akira forced a slice in her hand. She ate it but felt more and more shameful for her hunger.

*cough* "Let's talk about something important... where do you belong Akira-Kun? I have never heard of a human as powerful as you before" She diverted the topic to hide her embarrassment.

"I go to kuoh academy in kuoh town, as for a faction? I do not belong to any but have a few connections with heirs of the devil families," Akira explained.

"I see" she mutter then spoke " Akira-kun I know you are strong and I was hoping you could become our ally. D-don't get me wrong, I'm not requesting you to join us. Just a little help will be sufficient when required. Though I don't really possess any value to offer you"

"True, I can't really join any faction but that doesn't mean I won't help when you're in danger" Akira utters in a thoughtful expression and then winked at her "Besides, I'll be really sad if something happens to you."

She blushed "Thank you" Akira gave her his personal contact information and informed her to contact him if necessary.

He stood up and stretched his arms " I am already too late for home. sorry, I'll visit some another time, say bye to kunou for me.... see ya" he picked his bag and instantly disappeared.

Yasaka just stood there completely in her own thought. She was feeling something similar that was lost a long time ago that she herself could not define. But one could see a smile hanging on her attractive face.


When Akira wet home Asia and Raynare were both in the living room watching T.V. Upon seeing Akira enter they both greeted him. "welcome back master/brother Akira"

He handed his bag to Raynare " Ray, put these in the oven... tonight we will eat this"

"What's that brother Akira?" Asia Asked curiously.

"It's called pizza... sometimes I really wonder how could you survive on just fruits and simple dishes till now" He chuckled and pinched her nose.

"mouu.. Brother Akira, I have been here for one day and you're bullying me" she pouts and complains at him but then both look into each other eyes and laughs.

"So, how's your preparation? excited for school tomorrow?" Akira asked.

"Yes!" She exclaimed. she was really excited for the first day at school or rather excited to make new friends.

"Okay okay chill out .....go freshen up before she comes" Akira said.

Afterwards, they all ate and slept in their respective room. For Asia, Raynare has already prepared a guest room.


The next day in the morning they both dressed up and went to school. this time Akira only wore glasses. no blindfolds.

The walk to Kuoh Academy was comparatively peaceful. There weren't many people on the streets in the area wound the academy town, especially as they both get closer to the school. She asked a ton load of questions about all sorts of things related to school, and he answered them carefully one by one.

"This is the Kuoh Academy Asia," I say when we arrive at the front gates. "Now, you'll be studying here together with others and me."

"It's really as big as you said," she said, as she stares at the school. "I'm really excited."

"Your transfer is already being arranged as we speak," Akira told her. He looked at the time and said "The tour will have to wait at lunch break. Come on, there's another building around the back a little away, that's the club building where the others are waiting for us"

After a few more minutes of walking to arrive at the Occult Research Club room. He doesn't bother knocking on the door and just heads directly in, detecting the presence of all members already inside.

Rias smiles at us as we enter, looked like they were already aware of our arrival, having been notified beforehand. "Akira!" She greets me as we walk over to the sitting area. Where the rest of them were present. Akeno came and hugged him and gently pecked on his cheek causing Asia on Akira's side to blush.

"Thank you for coming so suddenly." Rias turns to Asia. "And you must have recovered. I'm sorry for what you've been through, but I believe your time here is better."

Asia smiles "Thank you," then she turned towards other members and bowed "Thank you all for coming to save me"

Akeno turns back to them. "If you both hadn't eaten yet then I have some food prepared over here. only if you'd like to." She pointed to the tray of food on the table, where Kiba and Koneko were eating.

"We'll take this offer," Akira replied. he placed his hand on Asia's shoulder. "Asia, you can eat first. I have something to talk to Rias and Akeno" she nodded but was too nervous.

He felt her nervousness. He gently encouraged her by caressing her head and told her to try her best to befriend the two people she doesn't know, After calming herself she gave him a reassuring smile "Okay, Brother Akira."

As she goes to where Kiba and Koneko were, Akira sat down In between Rias and Akeno. "So, you told me you had something important to talk about?" Akira asked.

"Umm, Yes firstly. I was thinking if you Asia can join my peerage," she replied. Her expression was anxious, almost nervous, which strikes felt odd from Akira's perspective.

"You know," Akira said, "Your questions are wasted on me. I enjoy my freedom very much. But that doesn't mean I'll make decisions for someone else. Especially someone whom I've barely met for a day." He alters his face to her and replied," You should ask her directly."

He noticed as Asia finished her meal and called her over. She came and sheepishly sat between Akeno and Akira as the latter's both shared a knowing look before Akeno gladly gave up a little space for Asia to sit.

"Well, Asia... we all know that It's pretty much impossible for you to return to church. So I was hoping that If you would like to join my peerage? we all treat each other like a real family." Rias asked her.

"P-peerage? Ah....umm" Asia gets nervous and looks toward Akira who just gently intertwined his fingers with hers and gave her a calm smile. She took a deep breath and replied with determination "YES!" 'They had already helped me saving my life so it's only natural for me to help them in any way possible' She thought.

"huh?" Rias gets surprised. Initially, she was really nervous, she thought she will also reject her offer like Akira." that's great, Thank you very much Asia for accepting us"

she impulsively hugged Asia but as both Asia and Akira were close and she didn't notice that Akira was also caught up in her hug.


[Issei's POV]

Hehe, I have been training all night as per Ddraig's guidance and became a little strong now. I wonder If I was this much stronger before I could have beaten Freed in 10 moves and Impressed Buchou and Asia-chan. going to school early has its own benefits and I can even meet my Asia-chan today.

Thinking about Bouchou's figure and Asia's petite body. A perverted smile forms on his face. He was lost in his own thoughts and slipped his foot on dog shit and fell on his ass.

"what the fuck?" I stood and dusts off my ass and noticed dog shit on my shoes. " Is my luck so bad that I got a fucking shit of a fucking dog in the morning"

'I've noticed that you have great Luck getting cucked up by others' Ddraig mumbles inside his mind.

"Huh? Did you say anything? Ddraig?'" I ask him.

'Oh Ah, I said you have great Luck getting hooked up by others' Daraig says.

"Oh.....hehe that I know...Just watch me how I impress others at the club today" I laugh and puffs up my chest in a confident expression.

'....' Ddraig.

I Quickly ran to my home wore my other uniform and shoes and ran to school again.

I was already fully recovered as I thought 'I wonder how they'll react to see me strong and fully healed.' Upon reaching the school gates a satisfied smile forms on my face as I lift up my fist in the air and ran to the Clubroom. Here I come BUCHOU, AKENO-SAN, ASIA-CHAN.

'....' Ddraig silently offered his condolences as he already sensed what was happening in the clubroom.

"Asiaa-chan" I happily ran to the meeting room and slammed open the door to surprise them but What I saw was not what I expected


when Rias unintentionally hugged Akira along with Asia. Someone bursts into the clubroom.

"Asiaa-chan" when Issei triumphantly entered the clubroom and witness the lovely scene in front of him. His face fell, and a disbelieving look appears on his face.

His buchou and Asia-chan were engaged in a tight hug with his inner heart demon, Akira.

His eyes bludged as if threatening to come out he points scornfully his finger towards Akira" Y-You you what have you done to Asia-chan" his eyes then shifted to Rias " And BUCHOU??"

Only After Issei came, did Rias realized what she did. She frantically released both of them and stood up from her seat. Her face was total red from shame. Akeno at their side released a delighted chuckle.

Issei wanted to puke blood but didn't dare. He knew he'll die, he barely had enough blood in his body.

*cough* *cough* "It's good that you came" Rias coughed twice to distract the tense atmosphere and shifts everyone attention to herself "Asia has decided to join my peerage, she will be one of us"

This news calmed Issei a little. In his view, as a fellow peerage member, he had an advantage that Akira didn't have.

In a moment Rias came up with a bishop piece and drew a magic circle on the ground. She made Asia stand on it and begins her ceremony to revive her as a devil.

The entire process went pretty easily" It's Done" Rias spoke. When Asia opened her eyes, "I am a devil now?"she mumbles and directly went in Akira's direction and sat beside him. Her eyes contained a mixture of both happiness and sadness.

Akira places a hand on the shoulder and consoles her " Don't worry, whatever decision you'll make. I'll help you" she looked at him in his sincere eyes and gave him a lovely smile " Thank you"

Issei observed their interaction and couldn't help but clench his fist.

Akira noticed his reaction and smirked at him before placing his other hand on Akeno's slim waist and gently pulled her near him. She blushed but didn't reject his touch instead leaned her head at his shoulder.

Issei's face became red and blue with jealousy and anger, he shouted in his mind.

'Ddrag! Please lend me all of your power. I want to punch this bastard's smug face for once.' Issie shouts and called out to Ddraig.

'.....' Ddraig.

'Ddraig, are you listening to me?' Issei asked irritatedly.

'.....' Ddraig.

'Ddraig!!' Issei shouted again.

'FUCK YOU' Ddraig replied and goes into sleep leaving issei on his own.

'dammit' Issei cursed in his mind, someone tapped on his shoulder, as he looked over to his shoulder and found Kiba who forcibly took him out with him. Kiba and Issei went outside leaving the rest in the room.

Rias was aksing Asia some questions about her powers while Akira as on their side with his eyes closed and Akeno leaning against his chest pressing her breasts against his sides. At some point he sensed an Aura of a fallen approaching the club room, but he bothers to move. He already identified who that person was.

"Asia, About your sacred gear...." Rias asked Asia.

"I'll tell you later" Akira spoke at this moment.

"You know? please tell us then" Rias urged him.

He was about to tell but was disturbed with a knock on the door. Rias was disappointed at sudden interruption.

"I am opening" Koneko dashed towards the door and opened it.

What greeted them was a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee, he stood there smiled and introduced him self

"Hey kids, sorry for sudden interruption. I am Azazel, the Governor General of the Fallen Angels"

Should I make Issei a drug addict??

THECRAZY_RBcreators' thoughts