
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 3: Welcome to Tower Academy (3)

The day of the opening ceremony, but luckily the ceremony itself is in the afternoon after lunch on the 8th floor since the first day is a half day on a Tuesday, the hunting floor where the academy will put on a show or something.

Yesterday was the first day that the academy allow students to enter and make some friends and explore the school a bit, but today is the official first day where we will meet our classmates in the morning who we might be spending the next 3 days training with, the only way they can get removed from the class is if the teacher that is assigned by the tower gave them a failing grade or the tower itself fail them.

My classroom is on the second floor where I then headed. I then walked around and asked random passing by teachers to search for my class, I came early to day to sleep in class and get the first seat, I'll take one by the window near an air con since I sleep better cold.

I got to my class and sure enough...I'm not the first one there, I can sense a few students trying to hide their presence and trying to hide in the shadows, but I ignored it and claim a seat and sleep. Those gacha games sure were tiring.


Cordelia POV

I should have taken my brother's advice to come early, he attended this academy for a year to get tough training before he went to study at the police academy, he was also a student of the A class, should be about 40 students or so of elites.

The moment I entered the class, everyone stopped what they're doing for a moment to then looked at me and observe me, my brother told of this, elites are determining and judging whether I have potential or not for them to team up with before going back to chatter with each other.

As I scanned the room, I saw him...the only one in class who have silver hair. Perseus Silver. Conveniently no one took the seat to his right, which I now claim. I don't know why he's sleeping though, this is a room full of elites, if you show bad work ethic, no one is going to want you on their team.

He's the brother of Diana Silver, the black phoenix, the only one of the list of the top 100 whose last name is also Silver. She is age 26, ranked 67th, a person whose flame can heal her allies and burn the enemies to a crisp, a powerhouse who can either be a support or a high damage mage.

But...she isn't fully human, she was confirmed to be a mixed blood, they are either very weak or much stronger than normal, a descendant of nature spirits. I can take it that he must be the same, I can feel it, a subtle feeling of kinship, he possess the power of spirits, but that is the weakest one. But he felt different, he isn't a full human.

Should I wake him up?

I can then hear the chattering around me stopped for a moment and the feeling of my surroundings got eerie all of a sudden. I turned to see a girl with 2 other following her, she then eyes all of us with eyes looking us like pitiful objects.

I then saw her teeth, or should I say fangs, her mouth was full of them, she's a ghoul, flesh eaters. Following her was a fairy in her human form, so she's in human size, but she has glittering wings on her back and the other was a giant who seemed to have been shrunk by magic into regular size to fit in the classroom.

The ghoul has red eyes, short violet hair and the way she carried herself. I then heard a guy approached her.

"Ah you're the genius that is famed to have the potential to be a named." this vampire said as he approached her "You're a daughter of one of the possible 100."

The possible 100, they are basically people whom the 13 races determine as the next best hundred raiders after the named, they aren't acknowledged by the tower, but their powers are said to be very powerful, and many have gotten themselves amongst the named after a named retire, so that means she's powerful.

"And what if I am?" the girl said in a mocking tone "Do you want to make an enemy of me or something?"

"Oh, sorry if I offend you." the vampire apologized "I was just trying to get to know you."

"Let me make this clear." the girl said "I, Acacia Belladonna, am no need to make friends with all of you, I already have many invitations from different clans at my age, I'm only attending this academy to show my worth and how much I'm superior to the elite class."

Arrogant, but she does have talent, to be chosen for the A class isn't an easy feat. But that vampire who talked to her just now isn't necessarily weak either.

"Well we'll see." he chuckled and walked away

I can't believe my brother survived a whole year, this class is troublesome. The bell then rang after a couple minutes, people seems to have gotten into their seat and the guy who was supposed to keep an eye on me is sleeping, and let's just say people do not have a great impression of him.

A large man then walked into our room, our homeroom teacher is a human, luckily in the tower, people aren't unusually discriminated against, so human, spirits or not, you will be treated the same, if anything, goblins are the only ones who are.

Hobgoblins are an exception, but a regular goblin...to think one of them in an elite class, that's something, they are the weakest one, but cunning, so I can easily assume that the particular goblin is a very smart individual. I shouldn't mess with anyone who is chosen by the tower into this class.

Our teacher is a human a bit taller than 2 meters, looks to be in his early 40s, burly and muscular, he has blue eyes, brown hair and a nicely trimmed brown beard, he's wearing plated armor for class too.

"I'm Craig Steel, your homeroom teacher." he introduced himself and threw a book with his full strength.

It was so quick that even the Acacia girl was surprised, because Perseus grabbed the book before it hit him on the head, and he then revealed his face for the first time. Everyone was surprised at his reflex even though he was sleeping just now

"Yo, throwing something at a student on the first day, isn't that abuse?" he said before yawning.

I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a beat the moment I saw his face, I can fully understand why my father didn't want me to meet him, because he is exactly my type.

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