
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 146: They are quite alike (3)

Perseus POV

"I'm going to strangle you when I meet you." Diana said on the phone "Which is during the semis that is taking place the day after tomorrow."

I excused myself to the toilet a bit and used magic to make sure no one can hear my conversation and no one would come in as I told my sister what happened.

"Don't worry, the weaver will be in disguise, I'll even change my voice to make sure no one can recognize that it's actually me, and this is a win-win situation for me, I get 2 good swords, you can have the other one."

"Don't you work better with your fist since a sword of that caliber would only limit your power output?" she questioned "Why get a sword of that level if it's going to be useless?"

"You know that my identity as the number 1 would have to be public someday, confirming the existence and making it slowly lead up to them actually knowing that it's me would be good since everyone love a good build up."

"You know, i both love you and hate you, little brother." she retorted and hang up on me.

I then make my way back to the table to see that the 3 royals are talking about ways to obtain my specific request.


I sat and listened through their conversation until Farian roped me into this inconvenient social interaction again.

"How do we know that this isn't a scam?" he asked

Dude, just let me enjoy my silence in peace, like neglect me or something, my parents did it and they're the ones that created me, so the guy whom I've just met should be better at it.

"We never really have concrete proof that you're his student or any sort of protégé apart from your words and some other whistleblowers." Farian continued "Your true identity is ranked amongst one of the biggest top 10 mysteries, who are your parents? How are they able to give life to 2 of the strongest raiders one after the other?"

"Well I got nothing, but the fact that I'm the greatest prodigy in history should convince you, you'll never see another me again, even my children are not able to grow as strong as me."

"That's true, there's a definite pattern in history." Valentina agreed "Just because the parents are incredible, doesn't mean their children are the same, though they do inherit some talent and skills, but never all of it, but they are almost always definitely placed on top of this impossible pedestal of expectations."

"So are you going to trust the word of the youngest ranker in history or your claim of me being a liar?"

"What are we allowed to bring if we manage to pay you?" Sebastian asked

"Nothing, formal clothing, he don't mind, but you definitely can't bring spatial rings or equipments or anything else, as for your lucky charm don't bring it, he's a greedy guy, he'll take it by force and you can't depend on anyone to get it for you."

Now, I have sowed the seed of trust in him, I'm a dependable guy is what I'm trying to convey to him and it seems to work, and if he really is a part of my enemies, it's also conveying that I have no interest in it, but Valentina does have an image of wanting it, but we can play it off as a part of their national treasures that she want back, but it's no longer with her, the Lagunas have it.


And on the day of the semi finals, my sister actually strangled me the moment we met, I don't even know how she remembered that, but luckily she warped me away since we got time and we got on the job early.

"Sis, you know that it doesn't really hurt but it does annoy the both of us."

"Well, I keep my word, so how will you do it? The queen is more than qualified enough to detect illusion magic and you can't accompany them and talk to an illusion without the both of them noticing."

"Well it depends on the level of illusion, a pure illusion is easier to detect little illusion..."

"You want me to disguise as you?" she picked up on what I'm trying to say

"yeah, you know me more than well enough, just tease Valentina a bit, act a bit arrogant and flirt with every beautiful girl you see, you just need to apply a little bit of illusion on yourself and you can hide under their detection. Then I'll act in my own disguise with a bit of sound magic to change my voice."

We then talked for a bit of where the whole thing will take place and how it will go before we go back and do our job.

Break the pillar, basically simple, you break a pillar. A participant will use mana to shape it into this rectangular pillar thing with the minimum of 5 m tall on their side of the field and then one of their opponents do the same while they then defend and maintain it as they are forbidden to attack their opponents since it's a job for their teammate, 2 students in each bout and the challenges goes on till one class get 2 wins.

So tie doesn't count and students can't go back to back, the rules are simple enough. I got a notification from one of my phones, I took it and saw one from a messaging app we used.


Sender is unknown...that means the demigods are apprehended or dead. Too fast for their own good, what did they do to get them so quickly?

I then see another text from Rex.

'How are they any good?' it said

I then excused myself a bit and called Rex.

"Are you not gonna answer my question, mate?" he asked

"Don't call me that, trust me, it's better if it's like activated with mana to the brim before the blood implode, as for the red jade, did you find anything?"

"Can't say much, before I'm about a week about from recreating it."

That's too quick, how?


"Yes, I'm not an idiot, bye now, they're trying to escape, smell you later." he said and ended the call