
(dropped) Can a Low Level Adventurer Become Strong?

This has been dropped, I'm gonna take some time and revamp the story, I will come back with eventually a story similar to this, but with better ideas.

NuggetBoi · Fantasy
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1 Chs

What are the chances?

How could our luck be this bad? A huge humanoid monster with huge horns sticking out of its head was standing right in front of us, one strongest monsters, which is suppose to be hibernating right now, is standing right in front of us..

All my life, I've been the weakest. I lost at everything I ever tried. My strength is weak, my intelligence is average, hell, I'm not even that attractive.

Even my younger brothers are more skilled than me, the only reason I'm here on this mission with them is to carry their bags and items.

Even with their strength, this monster is still one of the strongest monsters, they wouldn't stand a chance!

"What do we do?!" one of my older brothers screamed

As he said the the monster turned its head towards our direction, I could see the hunger in its eyes. As I seen that, my heart skipped a beat.

"Stay calm." my oldest brother said in a whisper

My oldest brother was the only person who ever believed in me, everyone else, even my other siblings, looked down on my like I was trash. Even though I came from one of the most well known families, my abilities are that of a peasant, maybe even worse.

"Even though this beast is one of the most dangerous monsters out there, one of its downsides is its eyesight." my oldest brother started to say. "If we stay still for a while, we might be able to slowly slip away."

Right after he finished speaking the beast let out a huge roar and started looking around crazily.

"That's not gonna work." I whispered to myself

My youngest brother managed to hear me, he has always been hotblooded, even as a child he always had an attitude.

"Well do you have any better ideas?!" he said in a loud whisper

I just sat there thinking a bit before I was interrupted by another roar. It looked in our direction again, but this time I made eye contact with it. While they are known to have terrible eyesight, they say not to make eye contact with it, because for some reason they hate it.

"Oh no!" I whispered loudly

My brothers all looked at me confused until they seen what had happened. The beast start running madly in our area and we all started running in different directions.

"I'll hold it off!" My oldest brother yelled as he brought out his sword and got into his stance

I wanted to run away so bad, the urge to run was great, these people barely even care about me, why should I care about them?

"DAMN IT!" I yelled and ran towards the monster, my brother looked at me in confusion as he was contending with the monster.

"Run, just run!" I yelled to him, to everyone "There's no need for you to lose your life when your so important!"

He hadn't told anyone but me, that he was going to be the successor for my father in a couple years.

"Bu-" he started but I cut him off


I looked him in the eyes and he had a conflicted look, I just nodded at him and he nodded back. He and all of my brothers ran in different directions away from the monster.

I knew I would die, I wouldn't even last 5 minutes agaisnt this beast. But I didn't care, It would be enough time for them to get away. All my life I wanted to be useful, just once, and I finally I got the chance.

"Hey look at me you big oaf!" I yelled at it so it would take its attention away from my brother.

I threw one of my brothers bags at its face as they left their stuff.

It looked at me and I felt the worst fear I'd ever felt. Pure madness could be seen just resonating off of it.

It bolted at me, so fast I could barely see. It attacked me with its claws and even with my armor, I could tell it was already broken.

"AAAHHHHH" I screamed in pain

With my free hand I grabbed my sword and attacked it

"Take this!" I slashed at its chest, but it barely even left a scratch! All it did was anger it even more!

The feeling of wanting to run came again, but I was too far gone, I couldn't run even if I wanted.

It slashed at my again with its claws, and I tried to dodge, but before I could even process it my already injured arm was gone. After that it kicked me an I flew about 15 feet away into a tree.

Pain, it's all I can say, pain I never could've imagined went through my body and I immediately started throwing up blood. I could barely even stand anymore. I slowly started to stand up and when I stood up it was running at me with its head down.

One of the reasons this horned monster is so dangerous, is because of the frenzy it will go into, when it starts to frenzy, it uses a charge attack with its horns. And now, it's using its frenzy attack on me.

I couldn't even move, and before I could think of what to do it charged into my stomach, both of its horns stabbed me and I immediately threw up even more blood.

I fell on my back, barely having enough strength to breath, it started to walk back to where it was when my brothers and I arrived here.

They made it away, they really made it. I started to laugh, I barely had enough energy to stay alive for too much longer, but I started to laugh. I was laughing for about 10 seconds before I started to cry.

I wanted to stay alive, I wanted to become strong, it's all I wanted, to become strong, strong enough to defeat anyone.

Suddenly I felt an amazing feeling and words suddenly flew in front of my eyes.

You have died