
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

The mysterious woman and impotence(corrected)

Going back a little in time, before Aiz came, Mark could be seen sitting in silence. The reason he came to this deserted place was not only due to the pain in his eyes, but also to discuss the fragment with the Guide.

"So, what did you manage to find out." -Mark asked rubbing his eyes.

[The situation is quite peculiar, the fragment that should be found in its solid-state, is in its spiritual version.]

"Would this have any kind of effect?" - Mark asked worriedly.

The Guide had said the shards were protected by the power of "god," but now that might have changed.

[Even if it is in the spiritual state, it still retains the protection of 'god'. Now the main problem is that, since it's not in its solid-state, you can't interact with it, therefore, I can't help you absorb it.]

"Possible solutions?"

[The first would be to have a skill or item that allows you to interact with souls, the second through the reincarnation of the fragment.]

"What are you talking about, in the past you have told me that only the two main fragments have reincarnated." - Mark said contradicting him.

[Exactly, but now that the shard has entered the dungeon, it has been subjected to its reincarnation system.]

"Wait up! You're saying the fragment reincarnates in Goliath every time! " -Said Mark with a flash of genius.

[Exactly, I assume that the fragment should burrow itself in the monster's magic stone, of course, this is just a hypothesis, but I'm pretty sure.]

"But how is it possible that her soul is still there" - That was what Mark couldn't understand.

If the soul were to hole up in the magic stone, when the adventurers killed Goliath, they would carry away the stone with the soul as well. But the Guide felt it still there.

[I assume this is due to the film covering the boss's room. It makes sure that the soul does not run away]

"It makes sense." -While Mark was still reflecting on his words, he heard footsteps approaching.

'Shit!' -Hiding quickly behind boxes, he thought he was the killer. Straining to see through a crack, he felt his heartbeat again when he saw who they were.

"For a moment I thought it was the killer, what the heck are you doing here?" - Mark said to the girls in front of him. Those were the events before the present ones.

--- Present ---

After seeing the village being attacked, the group of 4 also started running towards the base camp. Being far from the affected area they did not encounter monsters, but as they approached, plants began to come out of the ground.

"!" - Sensing something from the ground, Mark rolled away in time. Where it was before, a giant carnivorous plant had sprung up.


Activating her spell, Aiz ran towards the monster and with a swing of the sword she split it, but she didn't stop there. She also went to the monsters that were blocking the way forward, with quick but always lethal movements, she killed all of them.

"Thanks, Aiz!" -Seeing that the monsters no longer blocked the way, Lefiya breathed a sigh of relief.

"They're also coming from behind!" -Cried Lulune in fear.

"You go ahead, I'll take care of it here." -With those words, Aiz charged towards the group of giant carnivorous plants.

"Let's go!" - Seeing that Aiz would cover them from behind, Mark began to run.

Even Lefiya followed him after a moment's hesitation -

'The enemy's strength is equal to or greater than a level 3, if I stayed here I would only slow Aiz. At the moment I can only take care of this. '- Lefiya thought as she clenched her fist for her weakness.

While running, Mark was looking for other routes, but the road was only one way and was lined with crystal walls that reached around 10 meters. Everything was going well, when suddenly, a few meters in front of them something fell, generating smoke.

Straining his eyes, what Mark saw made him turn pale.

'Level 6!' - Immediately guessing who it was, without hesitation he jumped back creating distance.

Mark's decision could not be more than right, as the smoke disappeared, a fully armored 'man' immediately reached Lefiya lifting her from the neck with one hand. Seeing the elf in trouble, Lulune tried to attack the man, only to be hit by the other hand, throwing her against the wall.

'I have no chance' - Mark thought coldly and when he was almost ready to use the 'heart of golem' ability to escape, Aiz appeared from the sky hitting the man, making him back off a few steps.

"Lefiya are you all right?" - She asked, to her friend, without turning her gaze to the enemy.

'cough' 'cough'

"I'm fine." - Said the elf with difficulty.

"Are you the killer?" -Aiz asked seriously.


Said the man, who however had a woman's voice, as she took off his helmet and tore off the skin on his face revealing that of a woman.

"I tore off the man's face and used it, but I must say it was a very uncomfortable experience." -Said the woman coldly.

'This is too much even for me' - Mark thought with disgust.

"S-so it was Hasharna's face." -Said Lefiya turned pale, as she put her hand in front of her mouth.

The woman herself was not ugly, she had short auburn hair and green eyes but with vertical pupils, and a seductive body. But the pressure she generated made you realize right away that she was a warrior.

"Haa now I feel free." - The woman said, getting rid of her armor, and pulling out a large curved sword.

Wasting no time, Aiz ran towards the enemy, but when she approached, the woman jumped and using gravity as an advantage, swung her sword towards Aiz, who parried beautifully, sliding the opponent's sword.

Seeing that the blow had no effect, the woman tried a straight kick, which Aiz dodged by bending her back parallel to the ground. The woman did not stop and tried to hit her again with the sword, but Aiz counterattacked with hers and after exchanging several blows at an absurd speed, finally, Aiz could not resist and was hit by a punch that made her move away a few meters.

'Magic chant'

"Arcus ray!"

Seeing Aiz in crisis, Lefiya cast a spell that fired a beam of light that chased the target. What surprised everyone, however, was that not only did the woman stop the magic, she reflected it against the elf.


"Lefiya!" -Shouted Aiz, distracting for a moment.

"You shouldn't get distracted girl" -The woman told her while hitting her with the sword, but Aiz dodged a little. Now the woman was trying to hit her with a swing in flight.

'I don't want to use it on humans, but I have no alternative.' - Showing a murderous look, Aiz shouted. - "Tempest!"

The moment she invoked the magic, the blade was surrounded by the wind and directed it towards the woman who was hit by a real tornado, knocking her away.

'Hahaha, haaa. What am I doing here?' - Mark laughed.

What was happening in front of him was something he could never do with his strength level. Initially, he had come with the intention of learning, but the more time he spent with them, the greater the understanding of the difference in strength they had.

'More, I need more strength! I don't want my life to depend on someone like now! '- Mark thought angrily as he gritted his teeth.

"How nostalgic, I haven't felt that wind in a long time. So you should be 'Aria'. " - Said the woman who was getting up with no apparent injuries.

The moment Aiz heard that name, her expression turned pale as sweat began to roll down her forehead. -

How does she know? Only Loki, Finn, Gareth, and Riveria should know. Who are you? '- Aiz thought in shock.


While she was distracted, the sphere emitted a shrill cry and jumped on the monster plant and merged. As the merger began, the monster began to grow in size.

"Tch all this for nothing." -The woman said irritably.

Instead, Aiz ran to the trio loaded them on her shoulders, and headed quickly to base camp.

'That stone reinforced the monster ?!' - She thought in horror.

"Aiz dodge now!" -Hearing Mark's scream on his back, she recovered and dodged a vine much thicker than before.

After running for a few minutes, Aiz and the others joined Finn's group.

"Riveria take care of them." -After leaving them, Aiz headed for the plant monster, which now had taken on a semi-human form.

"Mark what happened?" -Riveria asked, as she quickly healed Lefiya.

"Now there is no time, you have to deal with that monster and the killer." -Said Mark.

"Have you seen the killer?" - Finn asked who had just cut off a good part of the monster's roots.

"Yes, and from what I've seen she's level 6." - Mark said seriously.

'GRAAA !!'

The plant monster, who was enraged by the constant attacks, carried out an area attack that hit nearby adventurers.

"Lefiya I need your help" -Riveria asked her.

"Tell me." -Lefiya said with a determined look.

"I'll be the bait, and I want you to cast your strongest magic at that thing. Do you think you can? "

"Count on me!"

"Good, let's go!" -With Finn's command, everyone began the attack, leaving Mark behind.

'They are fantastic don't you think.' - Mark asked, as he watched them fight the monster.

[By the standards of this world, they are the best. Although the members of Zeus and Hera Familia, they were stronger.]

'If they were the strongest, how come there aren't. in Orario' - Mark asked confusedly, as he saw Lefiya cast a spell, which reminded him of countless mortar shots.

[They have been annihilated]

'!' - Hearing the words of the Guide, Mark's mind went blank. In the past, the Guide told him that the two Familia had an a level 9 and 8 as their captain, and the fact that they were annihilated anyway, made it impossible for him how to react.

[They had agreed to perform the big three quests. The hunt for the three kings who had escaped from the dungeon. The king of the earth, the Behemoth, the king of the ocean Leviathan, finally the kings of the sky, One-Eyed Black Dragon. They managed to kill the first two, but the last one completely annihilated them.]

'The location of the monster' - Mark asked, while the others finally managed to kill the monster after Riveria's magic that froze it and the combined attack of the others.

[Unknown. After that event it disappeared completely.]

'The road is still long, isn't it' - Mark said helplessly. The powerlessness of being able to only look and be defended by others was a feeling that he no longer wanted to experience.