
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Prologue 2(corrected)

Mark's parents were geniuses, his mother specialized in robotics managed to create a highly functional prosthetic limb, which was able to help many people who were missing a limb. Instead, the father, a computer expert, was in charge of various software projects that are used by the most famous companies.

For this reason, Mark grew up in a home full of awards and certifications earned by both parents. When he was little Mark was proud of his family and his dream was to become like them, so every day he strove to study to become the best, but no matter how many years passed he was always above average but never the best.

Over the years the pride of having such parents had turned into a burden, many people expected great results from him making him more and more agitated and the fact that his parents were always happy, no matter what kind of result he brought, it made him frustrated because he thought they were hiding their disappointment behind their smiles.

The reason why Mark felt grateful was this. He was finally free from that burden but at the same time he felt empty, the goal he had set for his life was gone and he no longer knew what to do.

The days went by and Mark spent most of the time in his room between playing video games or lying on the bed, he could no longer find the motivation to study, the only time his depression subsided was when Selene brought meals of the mother. Each time she would sit behind the door of the room and she would start talking about what had happened during the day. Mark would remain silent all the time but the very sound of Selene's voice was able to give peace to his heart.

One evening Mark left the room to take the dinner that Selene had brought and as he was about to return back he noticed that the door of his parents' office was wide open.

'Maybe Selene forgot to close it,' -He thought as he walked towards the office, but instead of closing the door, he decided to go inside as he had nothing to do.

"It doesn't matter how many times I walk in here, this room surprises me every time," -He said to himself.

Shelves full of programming and logic books, desks full of papers and notes, and the floor littered with mechanical parts, this room could be described as a technology lover's paradise. At the back of the room was his father's desk where there was a PC and since the one in his room was having problems he decided to play with his father's.

Once he logged in, he was about to download a game, but on the desktop he noticed a folder called "happy memories". Intrigued he opened it only to be speechless.

"What the heck... that's more than 200GB of memory between videos and photos," -He couldn't help but exclaim.

Clicking on the first video a slight smile appeared on his lips, you could see his father and mother younger and he who was just born. The video was made after giving birth and you could see all the love with which they looked at it. When the video was finished he moved on to the next one and then to the one after, he was so busy that he didn't notice that the sun had risen, in all the videos and photos he was always present even in the most embarrassing ones that he immediately skipped.

"Happy birthday honey we hope that your life will be full of happiness, always know that your parents will love you."

His parents told him as they hugged him with a smile at the end of the last video. At that point he could no longer hold back the tears, the pain he felt in his heart was immense he wanted to scream but his sobs prevented him. Mark had finally understood that his parents didn't care if he became an important existence for them it was enough that he was happy, unfortunately, he understood it too late.

When he finally recovered, he made a promise to himself and his parents.

"Mom, Dad I don't know if you can hear me but here in this room I make a promise, I will no longer try to consider your fame as my responsibility but rather I will live to search my own happiness."

Once the decision was made, he finally left the house after two months. The first thing he did was to go to Selene's house to apologize for his behavior. They had helped him a lot in recent months but he still refused to talk to them.Both Selene and her parents told him not to worry because they could understand the pain he went through losing both parents.

From that day Mark's new life began, he resumed going to school and he noticed how his grades began to rise since he no longer felt the responsibility that bound him. He graduated from school with top marks and finally decided to confess to Selene, one of the few people who has always been by his side even in moments.

"Selene, there's one thing I've wanted to ask you for a long time... would you like to be my girlfriend," -Mark said agitatedly.

"So let me see, you make me wait all these years and you confess now. Tell me what I should answer." -Selene replied, looking him in the eye.

'So it's no huh,' -Mark thought, but before he could speak he found Selene's lips closing his.

"I hope that is sufficient as an answer." -Said Selene, pulling her lips apart and showing the most beautiful smile Mark had ever seen.

Once their relationship was made official, they told to Selene's parents who were happy about it even though they teased Mark for taking so long. Over the years Mark finished his degree and became a computer engineer, while Selene followed her father's footsteps and became a doctor and once they both found a good job they decided to get married. The wedding was small but all the people important to the couple were present, making it a wonderful day.

-- present time--

Waking up on the deckchair Mark thought he had a long dream.

"Finally you are awake. Look, the sun is setting and tonight there will be dinner in the hall with the captain," -Pointed out Selene who was at his side.

"Then why didn't you wake me up," Mark replied as he ironed.

"You were too cute while you were sleeping, you looked like an old cat." -Selene told him as she ran away, but not before kissing him.

"Look at her, she's 25 but she still acts like a little girl," Mark couldn't help but shake his head.

Getting up Mark looked at the sunset and as he smiled he thought.

'Mom, dad now my life is full of happiness.'