
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs


Inside the dungeon, Mark could be seen running while three Shadow Warriors were chasing him. During his run, he was unlucky as a Shadow Warriors and a frog shooter were born in front of him. With both paths blocked, Mark continued to stay calm as he thought of a plan.

Pointing his hand at the newborn monsters, an electrical net came out of his hand and paralyzed them. After paralyzing the monsters he turned to the three shadow warriors who were approaching, but they froze as they felt fear rising within them.

Seeing that the monsters were blocked, Mark immediately went to attack them before the effect wore off, and with extremely fast swings of the sword, he killed them before they could do anything. Once the three monsters were killed, those who had been paralyzed by the magic got up, the frog was about to attack with its tongue, but an electric bolt killed it, while the last shadow warrior managed to get close enough to attack. Seeing the attack coming, Mark dodged slightly and stabbed the sword in the monster's chest.

Seeing the ease with which he killed the monsters, Mark nodded satisfied, although a sigh came from his mouth when he saw the condition of his weapon.

"It lasted longer than I imagined. Guide how many days have gone by? "

[This is your fourth day inside the dungeon.]

"The armor is damaged, the weapon is broken and I ran out of supplies, I think it's time to go back."

With those words, Mark began to walk towards a corridor where there was a large backpack with various stones and pieces of monsters inside.

It had been a week since Mark joined the Loki Familia, the first three days he tried to earn as much as possible so that he could buy tools to be able to spend the days inside the dungeon. In addition, his membership in the Loki Familia was announced to the guild, which surprised many adventurers, as Loki is very careful when choosing her children, but the excitement soon disappeared when they saw that he was only level 1.

"Guide, show me the results of this week" -Sayed as he continued to carry the backpack.



[NAME]: Mark Tormeto

[AGE]: 18

[LV]: 1


Strength: G 205 -> F 390

Endurance: G 200 -> F 300

Dexterity: G 200 -> F 310

Agility: G 215 -> E 400

Magic: G 200 ->F 350


Falna perception (B)

Falna manipulation (E)

Monster percepetion (F)


-electricity control: allows control over electric mana.

-electric dart

-electric web


-Golem heart:

(active) Turns off your human side and increases your statistics by 100 (corruption risk) (when used in conjunction with 'limit break' double corruption) (Statistics increases by 50 every 5% of corruption) (corruption 5%).

(passive) Makes it easier to distinguish the nature of people.

-Limit break (lv1):

(active) doubles the gains but you will suffer double the pain (it can only be activated before fighting if deactivated it will negate any kind of gain).


(active) you can convey your intent to others whether it is fear or courage.


Seeing the results, Mark believed that in a few months he would reach the maximum in the stats, as they all reached the level F and the agility managed to reach E. His magical abilities had not leveled up, but now it was simpler to use magic, in fact during the days in the dungeon he had developed a spell that allowed him to launch a net of electricity, which did not do as much damage as an electric dart but managed to paralyze monsters for a long time.

A new development ability that he was satisfied with was 'monster percepetion'. Using the falna as a medium, he could perceive when a monster was approaching.

"Well, it's time to sell this stuff and then get ready to explore the 8th floor."

[Host must know that there will be no new monsters on floors 8-9, but the monsters will be stronger than the previous floors. Adventurers are usually advised to have at least one E-stat.]

"Then it's decided, with my agility at E, I'll still have the ability to handle monsters."

What Mark did not understand was that the guild gave this advice if you were in a party, otherwise it was recommended to be much stronger and the fact that until now he had always fought alone, even against multiple enemies, could be considered rare.

Walking through the tunnels of the dungeon, he was about to turn the corner, when he heard footsteps approaching. Placing his hand on the sword, he waited for the person to approach, but when he could see who the people were, he was surprised.

"Miss Aiz, Miss Lefiya, do you also explore the dungeon?" -He asked with a polite smile, looking at the beautiful blonde girl and the elf with golden yellow hair in a ponytail and dark blue eyes, whom he met at his welcome party.

"You can call me Aiz" -She replied with her usual straight face.

"M... me too, you can call me Lefiya." - The elf replied slightly embarrassed.

"Then I'll call you directly by your names. Um, Aiz, do I have something on my face? Because I feel you're looking at me quite intently " - Mark asked with a somewhat complicated expression, from the intensity of the gaze.

"Why haven't you been seen at the base these days?" - She asked him curiously.

"...I've been in the dungeon for four days" - Mark replied quietly.

"... huh?" -Hearing Mark's response, both Aiz, and Lefiya were speechless.

What Mark didn't know is that sleeping in the dungeon was almost impossible due to the random birth of monsters. Ironically though, it was thanks to spending so much time sensing monsters nearby that he developed his new ability.

"Are you telling me you spent the nights in the dungeon alone ?!" -Shout Lefiya in surprise.

"I found this way more efficient." -Hearing Mark's words, Lefiya didn't know what to say.

"Why are you willing to spend the nights in the dungeon?" -Aiz asked looking him in the eye.

"I want to have the strength to be able to forge my future, without anyone being able to change it."

Mark's words deeply affected both Aiz who was planning to take revenge for her parents, and Lefiya, who wants to stop being afraid of clashing with monsters. Aiz was about to ask another question, but a monster had just been born and was about to attack Lefiya who was completely paralyzed. Aiz was about to draw her sword and attack but an electric bolt passed her and easily killed the monster.

"I think we've talked too much, so I salute you." -Taking a little bow he was leaving, but he heard Lefiya's voice from behind.

"Wait how did you do it? You didn't speak. " -Lefiya asked after recovering.

"I practiced, but to be honest, I never expected a level 3 to be afraid of the monsters on the 7th floor." - Making an ironic laugh, Mark resumed walking towards the upper floors.

--- POV Lefiya ---

Hearing Mark's last words, I couldn't deny it. If I have to attack monsters from a distance I would have no problem, but the moment they are close to me, fear assails me.

"Haaa" -I couldn't help but sigh.

"Are you okay Lefiya?" -Aiz asked me worried.

"Yes, it was just that I was thinking about what Mark said" - I replied slightly dejected.

"Don't worry Lefiya, you will get strong." -Aiz said showing a rare smile.

'Hehe Aiz smiling is fantastic' - Shaking my head to remove impure thoughts towards Aiz, I asked.

"Anyway, how did he cast that spell?" -In fact, that was something I didn't understand.

"I don't know, but that magic of him was the same one that hurt Bete, even though this time was weaker and slower." -Aiz answered seriously as she began to walk towards the lower floors.

"So he hurt Bete... wait wasn't he a level 1?" - I asked confused.

"That's right, that's why he got Loki's attention. Even though the day he cast the magic, his entire presence was terrifying. " -Aiz said looking into my eyes.


"That's right, both humans and monsters have a presence that is good or evil, but his presence was completely empty, so we were only able to react when he had already cast his magic. That day if Bete hadn't moved, he would have found a hole in his chest. " -The memory alone made Aiz shiver.

'Is it even possible that a human presence would be empty?' - With that thought in mind, I continued to follow Aiz.