
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

His name is Bell Cranel(corrected)

After all the members had finished their breakfast, they headed for the dungeon. Walking down the street, Mark seemed to have underestimated the popularity of the Familia. As soon as they saw them approaching, no one dared to block the way, but what he liked most was that none of the members seemed to be arrogant about the situation.

When he was on Earth, it was not uncommon to meet some son of a wealthy family, showing off to others all the expensive items they had obtained not through their efforts, but through the wealth of their parents. Mark's family was also rich because of the prizes his parents had won, but he did not boast about it. He only took the minimum from them and tried to be better than them, which was why he liked the attitude of the Loki Familia.

'I think I found a good Familia.' -He thought with satisfaction.

When they arrived at the square in front of Babel, the members of the Hephaestus Familia were already waiting.

To prevent blockages in the dungeon, preventing other people from descending, the members would be divided into two groups, the first commanded by Finn and the second by Gareth. This formation would be maintained until they reached the 18th floor.

"Looks like we'll be in the same group Mark." -Said Lefiya who was standing next to him.

"At least until the 18th floor. Also when we get to the 50th floor won't you be part of the vanguard?"

"That's right." -Lefiya replied, clenching her fist confidently.

Once they got to the 50th floor, only a few members would continue, and they were the main members of the Loki Familia, Lefiya, Tsubaki, and a member of his Familia he hadn't expected, Raul Nord. He'd only met the guy once at his welcome party, but he hadn't made much of an impression on him, besides the fact that he was level 4, but he later found out something interesting. In addition to his position as commander, Finn held him in high regard and there were rumors that he would become the next captain.

"Ohi Mark, how are you doing?" -Turning around, he could see Tsubaki in her usual outfit, but with a katana equipped at her side.

"All good, I have to thank you for the equipment, with these on I have no problem exploring the 14th floor." -Replied Mark.

"Hahaha then I'm glad, let me see how you're handling ápeiron."

Handing her the sword, she began to carefully analyze it with her eye as she turned it in various positions.

"Hm I see you're handling it well, good job." -Tsubaki told him with a satisfied smile as she handed it back to him.

"I pay more attention to how I maintain the equipment." -Mark replied lightly.

"Group 1, ready for the descent!"

"Well, it looks like I have to go, see you on the 18th floor." -With those words, she headed for the other group.

"Exactly when will it be our turn?" -Mark thought.

"We usually have a difference of one hour, but since the Hephaestus Familia blacksmiths are also here, I'd say at least two hours." -Lefiya replied after a moment's thought.

"Are you itching to let off some steam, boy?" -Gareth said as he approached them.

"Rather than vent, I'd say it's boring to wait." -Mark replied with a sigh.

"Hahaha don't worry kid, once you're down you'll be praying that you can just rest." -Gareth said with a laugh.

Looking at the armored dwarf like a viking who possessed a huge axe on his shoulders, Mark was analyzing him carefully. Unlike the other members, he hadn't had much interaction with him. At first glance, he might look like the classic dad sleeping on the couch, but the size of his aura quietly rivaled that of Finn and Riveria.

Gareth Landrok, one of the oldest members of the Loki Familia, that was said to be the adventurer with the highest defense. There were reports that he managed to withstand Goliath's punches without moving an inch, which was why he was called the wall of the Loki Familia.

'Then I will spend this time focusing on the aura.' -Making up his mind, he walked over to the bench by the fountain and closed his eyes.

(Perspective Group 1)


"Come on Tiona, don't be depressed, there will still be chances."

"I know, it's just... I wanted it to be sooner." -Tiona replied sullenly.

Seeing her sister's state, Tiona struggled to hold back a smile.

The main group had advanced further than the others, to clear the road so that the others would have to expend less energy. They were now walking fairly quietly through the seventh floor.

"What are you two whispering about." -Riveria asked as she approached.


"Tiona likes Mark."

"Tione!" -She looked at Tione angrily.

"Ehhh, so that's the reason. Anyway, I'm happy for you, but you found a tough opponent." -Riveria said with a smile.

"I guess it's in our blood." -Tione said with a shrug.

Hearing her words, both Tiona and Riveria shifted their gaze to Finn and couldn't help but nod. Like Mark, Finn spent most of his time running the Familia and researching the dungeon, which was why he had never had a love affair.

"Do you have any advice Riveria?" -Tiona asked hopefully, she hoped that with Riveria's knowledge she would get some results.

"...I'm sorry to say this, but I cannot help you. In my long life, I've never had the chance to fall in love, so I wouldn't know what to tell you." -Riveria said with a sigh.

"...Oh I see." -Tiona said dejectedly.

"Even though I don't have any experience, I can still give you advice. Just try to be yourself and not someone else." -Riveria said putting her hand on her head.

"I'll try." -Tiona said confidently.



Hearing screams, everyone's faces turned serious. Looking a little further ahead, some people could be seen running with all their might.

'Heavy breathing'

"L-Loki Familia, thankfully you're here." -Said an adventurer.

"Calm down, tell us what happened." -Sid Finn calming him.

"O-on the 9th floor there's a minotaur, but it's monstrous! It goes around with a broadsword and has already killed many people!" -The terrified man replied.

"Were there other people present?" -Finn asked seriously.

"A-A white-haired boy was followed by the minotaur, probably now..."

Hearing the man's words, Aiz's eyes widened and she immediately started running towards the 9th floor.

"Aiz! Haaaa, Riveria after you treat these people join us."

"Alright." -After Riveria nodded, the others began to run.

Meanwhile, Aiz was running as fast as she could, even though she had personally trained Bell, she knew well that against a minotaur he wouldn't stand a chance. That's why every time she met adventurers, she asked if they had seen him.

Arriving on the 9th floor, she continued to search until she encountered a hooded figure struggling to walk and then falling to the ground.

"Are you alright?"-Aiz asked worriedly as she helped her up.

"P-please help Mr. Bell." -Lili said with blood dripping from her forehead as she clung to Aiz's armor with all her might.

"Tell me where he is." -Hearing Bell's name, AIz asked quickly.

"It's down the hall." -I said Lili pointing to the end of the corridor but was petrified when she saw a figure emerge from the shadows.

Aiz also had a frown on her face as she looked at who it was. - "King Ottar, why are you blocking the way?"

"I met a member of an opposing Familia in the dungeon, isn't that enough of a reason to kill you?" -He asked as he got into position with his broadsword.

'What is the target of the Freya Familia?' -She asked herself as she set Lili down on the ground.

It wasn't the first time this had happened to her, a few nights ago, some members of the Freya Familia had attacked her, Bell, and her goddess and during the fight, they told her that if she intervened again, they would kill her, but she didn't understand what they wanted with Bell.

Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, she prepared to attack. The opponent in front of her was not easy, but she still had to get through. Charging at full speed, she attacked Ottar, causing a cloud of dust to rise, but when it cleared, Ottar could be seen completely unharmed. He blocked Aiz's blow with his greatsword, which he held with only one hand, showing the clear difference in strength between the two.

"You've gotten stronger." -Ottar said apathetically, striking Aiz and sending her flying against the dungeon wall.

Seeing that she was about to hit the wall, Aiz adjusted her position in the air and used the wall as a boost to charge forward again, but this time she also used 'ariel'.

"lil rafaga!" -Surrounded by the wind she charged again at full force, hitting Ottar.

"GHAAA!" -Shouting at full force, Ottar performed a vertical swing, parrying Aiz's strongest blow.

Breathing hard, Aiz looked at her fully intact opponent in front of her. She knew the difference in strength between the two was great, but she didn't expect it to be so one-sided, but she still had to surpass him.

"Let me through!" -She started to run, but two figures passed over her and attacked Ottar.

"I don't know what's going on."

"But we won't let you attack Aiz."

The two were none other than the twins who had attacked at the same time, but they were still blocked by Ottar.

Seeing a chance, Aiz passed him as fast as she could, and when Ottar tried to attack her, he was stopped by Bete's kick.

"Who the heck do you think you're attacking huh?"

"Hey Ottar." -Hearing a voice calling him, he turned around only to see Finn along with Riveria.

"How am I supposed to take this, is your lady ready to go to war?" -He asked with his usual confident smile.

"...No, it was my decision. I can't fight you all at once." -Ottar simply replied as he put his broadsword away.

"Then it's for the best, we wouldn't want to fight you either." -Finn said smiling as he saw Ottar walk away.

"Haaaa, looks like we missed a problematic situation, so Riveria, how is the girl?" -Finn asked as he watched Riveria give the girl a potion.

"She's fine, but she keeps pointing to that area, it looks like the adventurer who was followed by the minotaur is there." -Replied Riveria.

"And that's also the direction Aiz went, alright, we'll go too."

Once they had cured Lili, they headed in the direction indicated, and when they arrived Aiz could be seen watching the encounter between a boy full of wounds and a red minotaur who was holding a broadsword, but had several stab wounds covering its body.

"Aiz what's the situation?" -Finn asked.

"I don't know, when I got here they were already fighting." -Aiz replied, not shifting her gaze in the slightest from the confrontation.

The others were also watching the clash with various feelings. They were high level and had participated in more difficult and dangerous battles, but this battle had its own charm.

A level 1 adventurer fighting an opponent that would usually be impossible to defeat was happening in front of them. The boy moved nimbly as he continually dodged the minotaur's blows while striking the monster over and over with his dagger.

There were certainly many flaws in the way he moved and faced the monster, but he did not lack courage, and that was what attracted the most attention.

Bete, known for his derogatory comments, also watched in silence. He had recognized the boy, he was the same one who had escaped covered in the blood of a minotaur, but he seemed to have become totally different. Seeing this fight however also increased his frustration, because it reminded him of someone he just couldn't stand and the mere memory of him made his shoulder itch where he had been injured.

'Tch like I would feel something for these weaklings.'


Meanwhile the boy continued his fight, he had managed to pierce his dagger into the monster's wrist, forcing it to drop its broadsword. Seizing the opportunity, the boy swung the broadsword, causing serious injuries to the monster.

"Is it seriously a level 1?"-Riveria asked surprised.

"Exactly." -Aiz replied with a smile.

"He's good, but he still lacks experience." -As Finn said, the boy wasn't used to using a broadsword.

During one of his swings, he struck the monster's horn, although he managed to cut it off, he also broke the weapon, allowing the minotaur to charge him with the remaining horn. Seeing the horn about to impale him, the boy rotated on himself and picked up the dagger, which he had left stuck in the monster's wrist, and stabbed its chest.

"FIREBOLT!" -He cast a spell, which passed through the dagger hitting the monster's insides directly.

"GRAAAA-GA!"-Screaming in pain, blood began to pour out of the monster's mouth as its body expanded.


When he cast the last magic the monster's body exploded from inside killing it, disappearing in a black mist, dropping its horn. In the meantime, the boy who had been fighting remained standing, but it could be seen that he was unconscious.

"It's been a long time since I've witnessed a battle like this, he even passed out on his feet." -Said Finn with an interesting look.

Even the others could only nod, the strength had given them a lot, but it had also erased those emotions they had in the past.

"Ohi Riveria, check his status." -Bete said.

"Bete it's not a nice thing to do." -Replied Riveria seriously.

"Look at him, his back is completely exposed with his status uncovered, he's telling us to read it." -Bete said irritated.

Even if people had their status on their back, it didn't mean it was visible. Only gods or a potion reveals status could do that, so it was strange.

Seeing that no one was against it, Riveria could only sigh.

"Alright, but only his stats, I won't go any further." -Riveria said sternly as she began to read the values, and when she did, her eyes widened.


Seeing Riveria laughing like never before the others were quite surprised, but Bete was even more irritated.

"Aiz you can read them aren't you? Tell me how it is."

"Haaa, all his stats are S." -Riveria replied recovering from her laughter.

"AHH!" -Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

"Do you know the boy's name Aiz? " -Finn asked as he approached her.

"His name is Bell Cranel" -Aiz replied as she shifted her gaze to him.