
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Forcing the second phase of the aura(corrected)

--Pov Loki--

"haaaa, I'm exhausted."

"Sorry Loki, for leaving all this in your hands."


Looking at the two gods in front of me, my headache only increased. Kali with her crazy amazons and Njord the god responsible for Melen and one of the culprits behind the appearance of the Violas.

Once I managed to unmask Njord and his accomplices, who were the mayor and the branch manager of Melen, he told me everything.

With the disappearance of the Poseidon Familia, life for the fishermen of Melen had become impossible. Unlike on land, the density of monsters in the sea was greater, so it was difficult to catch anything and deaths were inevitable, but the residents could do little since the town's economy was based on exporting fish.

The situation changed when about seven years ago, the first Violas appeared, which instead of attacking people, focused on monsters. Wanting to understand the origin of the monster, Njord headed to the drainage canal that connected the Melen Sea to Orario, there he met a man who offered him a deal, he would offer him the Violas, and in return, he would help him with the smuggling of the repellent powder, for this he needed the hand of the mayor and the guild branch manager.

Njord knew that the person he was talking to was probably part of Evilus, but when he thought about how he could help all the fishermen and townspeople, he finally agreed.

In all of this, the Ishtar Familia was the one in charge of transporting the monsters, but a question remained. What was their object?

'Well knowing Ishtar, it had to do with that nymphomaniac goddess who lives at the top of the tower.'

"So flea, you're not going to say anything?" -I asked Kali.

"Ah! I will not give you this satisfaction." -Crossing her arms, she refused to speak.

"Whatever, but a message has arrived from the guild of Orario, where they recognize you as the main culprit of the situation here. Looks like you're going to have to shell out some money."

Smiling at her, I handed her the paper, and as soon as she saw the price her face contorted.

"Khu! That damn goddess! She used me as a scapegoat."

With the fact that the Ishtar Familia disappeared after the events and that there was no concrete evidence about their involvement in this, the guild could not touch them, especially being a grade A Familia, so the blame fell on Kali. I had to admit that Ishtar had put a lot of effort into processing this.

"But the problem remains, for what reason did Ishitar release those monsters?"

"No idea." -Kali said, shaking her head depressed.

"I don't know anything either." -Said Njord displeased.

'No clue huh?

"I don't give a fuck about Ishtar and those monsters! Loki get my children back to normal!"

Seeing her irritation, Njord and I could only feel pity for her as we watched the scenes not far from us.

The amazons of Kali followed with hearts in their eyes the members of my Familia. Since strength reigned in Telskyura, when the amazons were defeated by my members, they fell in love with them...

Even Argana, the most sadistic, had transformed herself into the typical village maiden as she tried to seduce Finn.

"Oi Loki, have you resolved?"

"Oh, it's you Tiona. Although we've learned a few things, we still don't know where Evilus is hiding."


"?"-The sound of something tapping interrupted our conservation.

"Didn't it come from Mark's room?" -Tiona asked confused.

"...It seems so. He had left early in the morning and then returned, who knows what he's up to?"

I honestly still could not understand what kind of person Mark was. He had a sharp mind and although his hunger for power was for the benefit of the Familia, he was too thoughtless and hasty.

'Seriously, sometimes I just want to block him and interrogate him by revealing when he tells a lie, but that wouldn't be fun.'

"Eh, so even though he knows he has to fight me, he spends time in the room instead of training, am I being underestimated?"

Hearing our conversation, Tione approached us with a "friendly" smile as she snapped her fingers.

"What fight?"

'Oh no.' -Before I could silence her she spoke.

"A challenge imposed by Loki so that Mark can fight Goliath alone. Apparently, he wants to do it even though he already has the standards to become a level 3, as an added boost."

Seeing Tiona's shocked face and Tione's face realizing she had blurted it all out even though she had promised Finn, I knew for sure that my headache would only increase.

--Pov general--

Knowing that the Guide had a way to help him, he returned to the tavern but was surprised by the scene of amazons chasing his Familia companions.

'And now what's wrong with these women?'-Mark thought exasperatedly.

[Telskyura's Amazons fall in love with men who can beat them.]


He was already dealing with Tiona, handling other amazons would become hell.

Not wanting to be discovered by the amazons he had defeated, he hurried to his room, where he sat on the bed.

'So what did your idea consist of?'

[The host remembers what was possible to do with the aura, once your strength was enough?]

'Infuse aura into objects?'

[That's right, but not only that. The hots must understand that there are three stages of aura, the first is Reinforcement, which is to materialize the aura. To move to the second stage, the person must be able to cover himself completely with the aura]

'Then I turn out to be qualified.'

By dint of training, he was finally able to cover himself with the aura, the problem was that it lasted only a short time and the resistance consumption was too high, so it was not usable.

[Yes. Continuing, the second phase is Infusion. It allows you to infuse the aura not only to objects, but everything connected to you, such as organs, nerves, and what brings us to the resolution of your problem, the magic circuits. The last stage, Creation, is to create something from your aura, but that will be for the future].

'...Do you want me to connect my aura to my source of magic? -Mark asked with some hesitation.

He had already strained his magic circuits more than once, and if it were to happen again, no medicine could cure him of the side effects.

[There is no reason to worry. The aura is a type of null energy that you can associate with other sources of energy. By doing this, your aura will take some effects of electricity that will also affect your body].

'I understand, but for what reason were you not sure it was working?'

[Even if the host has achieved the goal of covering himself with the aura, the amount is still not enough for this procedure, unless I am the one forcing it to stretch to the magic circuits.]

'From the way you say forcing, it sounds like there will be some side effects.'

[There are two, the first is that you will only be able to maintain that state once and then you will have to wait until you become level 3 and increase your aura enough so that you don't force it again. The second is that it will be painful for the host.]

'Hmm the first one is problematic, but I can wait, for the second one is no problem, I'm used to pain.'

Although they sounded like presumptuous words, they were the truth. He had sustained so many injuries since coming to this world that he had lost count, and with the fact that his ability doubled the pain, it had now become something of a habit.

[Don't underestimate it host, you'll feel your soul pull as I connect the aura to the magic circuits.]

'...I understand, but I want to continue, tell me what to do.'

Getting serious, Mark would not miss the chance to gain an advantage even if it meant suffering.

[Lie down on the bed, make sure to cover your whole body with the aura, and relax, I'll take care of the rest.]

Following the Guide's words, he relaxed with his eyes closed as he released the aura. At that point he felt something moving it; it was similar to when he absorbed the fragments but more irritating.

The more the aura was moved, the more something inside him seemed to be pulled and that discomfort began to become more and more painful, but Mark continued to remain still as he gritted his teeth.

[Host will now connect the aura to the magic circuits, good luck].

With those words, Mark's world changed. Millions of colors, sounds, tastes, and smells bombarded his senses all at once. The above had become the below and vice versa, nothing seemed to make sense to Mark anymore.

His every sense was going haywire, he didn't even know where he was anymore, and after what seemed like an eternity, he began to return to normal.

His senses had begun to work slowly as he realized he was on the floor and next to him was a destroyed bedside table with bloodstains on it.


Kneeling on the floor with a bleeding forehead, a deathly pale Mark with dark circles under his eyes struggled over to a bucket.

"Guide, what the heck did you do to me? BLEARGH."

In a hoarse voice, he emptied everything in his stomach.

[I had told the host it would be painful.]


Still holding close to the bucket, Mark considered the word pain an insult to what he had felt.

" 'Cough' then it's done?" -He said with a trace of happiness.

[I think the host is misunderstanding something. During the procedure, the host crashed into that bedside table, preventing me from continuing].

Those words were able to make Mark even paler.

"E-Exactly how much is left?" -Stuttering Mark asked.

[Apart from your right arm, all the rest of your body, but don't worry host. The following procedures will be easier to support now that your soul is already stretched].

Mark almost felt like crying, especially when he heard that there was more than one procedure.