
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Date with the wolf

(Bete Perspective)

Inside the dungeon, between the 13th and 17th floors, a strange pair explored the labyrinthine corridors. A cheerful-looking amazon and a werewolf who looked like he was having one of the worst days of his life.

"Bete! Bete! Look how cute this almiraj is!"

With a happy smile, Lena held the rabbit monster with such ease that it was hard to consider it one of the most frequent causes of death in that area.



With a suplex move to make even the best wrestlers envious, the Amazon turned the poor monster into a crushed heap of flesh...

"Can you explain to me what kind of date is so bloody?" -Bete sighed wearily, seeing Lena start slaughtering monsters.

The aforementioned dungeon date, was an actual date where two people shared the dungeon experience, which combined with sleeping and fighting together, was a disturbing method of deepening a relationship.

'Well, from the strength she looks like a level 2 close to 3, it doesn't look like she'll have any problems until the 20th-floor monsters.' -Bete thought

"Perfect, I'll take care of getting the magic stones from this area, you from the other." -Lena said once she finished slaughtering the surrounding monsters.

"Why should I stoop to picking up the drop of these little fish." -Bete said haughtily, hoping to get some reaction from the Amazon.


Unfortunately for Bete, Lena didn't seem to care about his character and began to collect the monsters' drops while humming happily.

"With Bete next to me nothing seems to be able to stop me, but if we were in bed together it would be even better, he-he."

Seeing her drool as she laughed, Bete felt the hairs all over her body stand up. He was beginning to understand the suffering Finn had to go through every day with an amazon in love.

"You amazons are weird, do you seriously fall in love with the first guy who beats the shit out of you?" -Bete had to ask.

"It's not that simple." -Lena said, recovering from her fantasies.

"Not all of us fall in love with someone who beats us, take Aisha as a case, you beat her, but she hates you. It varies from amazon to amazon, for me for example it was like a Baaam!"

'I see, so she's serious.'

"Something inside me said 'it's him', making me believe it was really meant for us to meet, that's why I knew I had to have your baby."

'She's really serious about me.'

"Anyway, I think it's getting late and I doubt you want to spend the night here with me. But maybe... maybe we could meet another time to visit the lower floors, what do you say?" -Lena asked embarrassed.

Bete had begun to understand this Amazon, even if exaggeratedly, she was trying to convey her feelings. Her heartbeat, breathing, and attitude were signs that she was indeed interested in him, but for Bete-.

"This is so stupid."

He couldn't care less.

"For someone who doesn't even know her place, you talk big." -Bete said with contempt.

"W-Well, it's true that compared to the others I'm weaker and I've often been bossed around by that frog-head, but it's different now! I'm going to become as strong as you!"

"HAH!" -Bete couldn't help but find it ridiculously funny.

How many times had he heard something similar and how many times had he watched such people being buried.

"You cannon fodder always say 'sooner or later', but guess what, always cannon fodder you remain!" -Shouted Bete.

"M-Maybe I still have to try!" -he tried to convince Lena.

"You are no different from many others I have met! They shout so much about their dreams and desires, but in the end, they are the first to come to a pathetic end. Sometimes I wonder why you weak fools are so full of hope when you can't even argue back! You know, in my eyes you and the other weaklings are nothing but trash." -Bete said with contempt.

At the end of Bete's words, Lena lowered her head and because of her fringes, Bete could not see her expression, but of one thing he was certain, Lena no longer had her smile.

'...So she can also have such an expression.' -Bete thought as he shifted his gaze.

In the end, life was like that, the weak and the strong could not unite, that was the law. Being together would only end up hurting each other, so it was better for her to hate him and-

"So you're telling me that if I get stronger I can be with you?!" -She shouted full of energy.

"Sorry wha-"

"YIPPEE!!! I just need to get stronger and I can have you as my husband!"

"WHA-?! But did you just hear what I said before?!"

Bete was speechless, all the solemn atmosphere from before and his speech were swept away by the empty head in front of him.

"I just need to get to level 6 and then we can do this and that hehe, I think I just got wet." -Lena said without even hearing what Bete was saying as she breathed heavily.

Looking at the amazon in heat, Bete had to take a few steps back. this was all too much even for him.

"Anyway, I realized something." -Lena said, stepping in front of Bete, blocking his escape route.

"The reason you call people weak is not that you hate them, it's more like, hmm... OH! It's more like you're trying to tell us to get stronger quickly, it's your way of encouraging us, isn't it?" -Lena said, smiling, causing Bete to widen his eyes momentarily, before returning to normal.

"...Nonsense." -Bete huffed, starting to begin the climb.

"I'll go with you!" -Lena said cheerfully, lying next to him.

The two rose to the surface without any problems and since there was still some time before the sunset, Lena suggested to Bete that they take a walk around the market area together. As one could imagine, Bete refused without hesitation, causing Lena to lie down on the ground and start throwing tantrums, attracting the attention of the crowd.

With the people staring at him as they whispered and Lena continuing to whine, he finally gave in, acceding to walk with her as long as she stopped immediately.

"Hey Bete, do I look good in this dress?" -Lena said with embarrassment, displaying a silk dress similar to those found in the East of the Earth.

"It's shit." -Bete replied dryly.

"Come on, every time I show something you always say it's shit. If you keep this up you won't be popular with the girls." -Lena scolded him.

"As if I give a shit. Anyway, when you decide to give me the information I'm looking for." -Bete said without patience.

"Not a chance! As soon as I give it to you, I'm sure you'll run away as fast as you can. The deal was that you would spend the whole day with me." -Lena said, puffing up her cheeks and entwining her arms with Bete.

Initially, Bete wanted to throw her off, but he seriously lacked the strength. He had spent only a short time with Lena, but it seemed to him that he had lost years of life. The most annoying thing was that it didn't matter if he insulted her or hit her, she would treat it like a prize, making him exasperated.

'Haaa, I want to die.' -Bete thought depressed.

As the two strolled through the market streets arm in arm, they did not notice an elf watching the scene with her mouth wide open.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the market, there was a group from the Loki Familia who had been given the task of asking the former members of the Ishtar Familia for information.

"Tell me, have you by any chance seen such an object, Salas? Do your fellow amazon a favor, any clue, even the smallest would be helpful." -Tiona asked an amazon who was a former member of the Ishtar Familia, not realizing that the latter was already unnerved.

"My name is Samira not Salas! And no, I do not have the information you are looking for!" -Said the Amazon angrily walking away.

"Nothing this time either." -Tiona sighed.

"Looks like you had no luck either." -Tiona, who had just arrived, told him.

"Did you have bad luck too?" -Tiona asked curiously.

"Yeah, I went to the Freya Familia's base to deliver the letter the captain entrusted me with, but those assholes didn't even deign to open the door." -She said grumpily.

"Well, considering the relationship between our Familia, I'm not surprised. Oh? Lefiya's coming, maybe she's had some luck." -She pointed at Tiona.

"T-Tiona! Tiona! H-I just met Bete!" -Said Lefiya, breathing hard.

The two amazons looked strangely at Lefiya's agitated state, but when they heard about Bete, they showed their discontent.

"Let us hear, what that idiot wolf is up to." -Tione said, snorting and crossing her arms.

"H-He was strolling arm in arm with an amazon, it looked totally like a d-date!" -Screamed Lefiya stammering.


The ropes that kept the amazon sisters' patience snapped immediately.



As Tiona and Tione continued to swear at Bete, Lefiya seemed to realize that she had made a bad choice in telling them, especially when she heard what they were planning to do to him.


Turning back to Bete, the latter had a sudden shiver, but his attention shifted to Lena, who had approached a flower shop.

"Hey Bete, do you want to know what would send me over the moon as a present?" -Lena asked him, winking, but from Bete's contracted expression, he didn't seem to care.

Ignoring Bete's expression, Lena walked towards a group of bluish flowers and after smelling them, her face softened.

"You know, I could fall in love with a man again if he gave me a bunch of forget-me-not flowers." -She said, alternating her gaze from him to the flowers.

'This little girl.' -Bete thought exhaustedly.

"What are you doing here Lena? Wait, Vanargand?!"

Aisha, who was walking there, could not believe the spectacle before her

"Guh A-Aisha it's good to see you again." -Lena said agitatedly, while only after a while did Bete recognize her.

"...You're the girl from the tavern."

A throbbing vein appeared on the amazon's forehead at Bete's behavior, but there were more important things she needed to discuss with Lena.

"Can you explain to me what you are doing with someone like him?" -Aisha scolded her, pulling her cheek.

"W-Wait, he and I are on a date." -Lena said quickly.

"...A date with him? I'm beginning to regret all the times I've hit you, it seems to have crippled your sense of taste." -Said the Amazon with pity.

"You realize I can hear you." -Bete said frowning.

"Please Aisha, let me spend time with him." -Lena said with puppy-dog eyes.

Seeing those big shiny eyes so close to her, Aisha sighed in surrender.

"Haaa, alright. But let's clarify one thing Vanargand." -She said, pointing towards Bete.

"For today I allow you to drag her along, but if anything happens to her, I will make sure you regret being born." -With those arrogant words, she walked away, leaving Bete speechless.

'But she's the one dragging me around...'

The two resumed walking and by now he didn't even make an effort to move Lena, who was attached to him worse than a leech, no, at least the leeches were silent. As they walked, Lena continued to talk and her unsuitable talk attracted unwanted attention.

'At this point, I doubt this day can get any worse.'


Unfortunately for Bete, the day was shaping up to be even more unfortunate. There was one thing he most wanted at that moment, and that was to not meet anyone he knew, but fate would have it that the person who saw him, was the one he least wanted to meet.

Turning around stiffly, he turned towards Aiz, who was looking at him strangely.

''Huh, what's going on? Wait, don't tell me Sword Princess is your wife! You can't because I will be his wife!"

As various question marks arose in Aiz's expression, Bete tried to plug Lena's mouth but to no avail.

"Look how close we are! Besides, he promised to give me his children!" -Shouted Lena.

"Can you shut your mouth?!" -Screamed Bete in despair.

Finally managing to block Lena's mouth. He looked at Aiz who looked even more confused and then realized that there was only one thing to do at that point. Grabbing Lena like a sack, he turned around and ran away as fast as he could.

"W-Wait Bete, I have something to tell you!" -Aiz also began to chase after him.

"Out of all times, you choose to chase me right now?!" -Shouted Bete, accelerating his run.

Seeing the distance being created between the two, Aiz activated her magic. - "Tempest."

"You seriously used magic?!" -Bete said wordlessly, increasing his speed even more.

The two of them ran through several streets, and that day several people noticed the strange phenomenon of air currents suddenly rising.

(Some time later...)

'Heavy breathing.'

"That woman..."

Breathing hard and with his legs shaking, Bete finally managed to outrun Aiz after hours of pursuit, confirming once again why he was considered the fastest in the Familia.

"Let's do it again!"

"You... forget about it. I just want to sleep at this point."

Seeing how excited she looked, Bete wanted to say something, but eventually gave up. That day had been too tiring.

"Actually, the shelter I told you about is located nearby. You can rest there if you want."

Bete was initially confused, but only then did he realize that he had run towards the ruins of the Ishtar Familia area.

"...At this point I don't care anymore, just give me the information you owe me tomorrow." -He said wearily, watching as the sky had already turned dark.

Lena's eyes shone with joy and she quickly led him towards her shelter, which turned out to be a small cottage not too far from them.

"If you go upstairs, there is a room with a comfortable bed, you can use it to rest."

With little alternative, Bete nodded and when he entered the room, he lay down tired on the bed.

That night, Bete had a bad feeling that he would dream of those long-gone days he wanted to forget.

---Pov Bete---

The labyrinth city awaited me at the end of my long journey. The first thing I intended to do was to obtain the blessing of a god, but I had no time to wait for one to choose me, so I went in person to find one.

After several attempts, a god agreed to let me join his Familia and his name was Vidar. He was someone of few words and hardly showed any facial expressions, very different from the idea of a god I had in mind, but the few times he spoke, I felt I could believe him immediately, so I had no problem.

The Vidar Familia was of an exploratory type, with several young members who were about my age, and since there were a lot of animal people, I adapted fairly quickly. But after I joined, my problem of instigating the other members began to arise.

However, there was someone who always intervened, ensuring that the situation did not degenerate, and that person was the captain of the Familia, Selina. She was an annoying woman, she could always tell when I was hurt or the reason behind my behavior, and although annoying, the me of the past had no hope of defeating her.

Time passed and the number of battles we did as a group increased, also improving our relationship. I may have had more combat experience than the others, but in terms of statistics I was far behind, so I gave myself as much as I could and after a year's work, I began to see the benefits.

During one of the many expeditions to the dungeon, we ended up on an unfamiliar path. We had no potions and our equipment was damaged, a desperate situation, but even in that situation, the others wanted to rely on me, because they recognized my strength. Under my command, we managed to fight our way back to the surface.

As time went by, my stats also grew quickly and there began the first change in the Familia.

"It seems I am no longer the strongest Bete, congratulations on being the new captain."

Those were Selina's words, but there was neither jealousy nor anger, just a contented smile, and the other members laughed happily too.

Under my command, the Vidar Familia had an exponential increase in its strength, with several members rising in level, making my Familia one of the new rising stars in Orario.

Seeing the other members grow, something inside me changed; I could not defend all the weaklings, but I could make them grow stronger, and develop their fangs. I had regained the things I lost in the past, yes... even love was regained.

Selina and I became lovers. Neither of us knew when we had begun to feel attraction toward the other, it was a natural thing. She had many similar traits to my childhood friend, but if there was one thing that differed, was her desire to want to be stronger.

But even with that warmth surrounding me, it was impossible to erase the anger burning in my heart.

"Do you have to go Bete? Aren't I and the others enough to give you a fresh start?"

"I'm sorry..."

Seeing her sad was painful, but there was nothing I could do to change my decision. It had now been four years since I had arrived in Orario and I was already a level 3, it was time to avenge my family.

"I see... promise me that you will return safely because I will be waiting for you every day."

With tears gently streaming from her eyes, she made me that promise which I vowed to keep.

The next day I began the journey to my homeland and after three long months, I returned to what was now a land of loneliness and death.

That night I wandered the plain, finding the dragon monster who now ruled that area, the same one who commanded the legion of monsters that destroyed my entire family.

Without any hesitation, I threw myself at the monster, in a fight that would last all night. During the clash, several weapons broke, enormous amounts of blood painted the ground and many bones were broken, but I never stopped fighting.

I destroyed the claws responsible for the dismemberments, the legs that crushed my sister, and the jaw that devoured Rene. I destroyed everything I could attack, I destroyed again and again, again and again. That night I became a far more terrifying beast than the one that had lived on the plain.

The battle ended at dawn, or at least I thought it did, at one point I had lost all rationality and all that remained of the giant monster was a half-destroyed carcass, on which I sat exhausted, looking up at the sky.

Various feelings ran through my mind, happiness, sadness, anger, and emptiness. I had become stronger and would never again lose something I cared about.

Or at least that's what I believed before I went back to Orario...

---General Pov---

Because of the morning lights making their way through the window, Bete began to wake up irritated by the dream he had just had.

"Good morning..."

Still half-asleep he lowered his gaze to Lena who had started to drop his pants while he slept, causing several veins to appear on his forehead.

"Great day to have a bab-GHUUEH!"

With a punch in her stomach, he pushed her away and hurriedly put his pants back on.

"Oi, time for you to honor the deal." -Bete said with little patience.

"Y-Yes." -Lena replied with a rapturous smile.

Seeing the Amazon, who seemed to find pleasure from the pain, Bete looked forward to getting the information he needed and never meeting her again.