
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

Astraea and Zoe Elpis(2)(corrected)

The duo's journey continued for a few weeks allowing Zoe to see other villages and various landscapes. Obviously, the journey was not without problems, sometimes they encountered monsters, but being weak, they were easily managed by Zoe, with her magic, and after the long journey, they began to see the walls of Orario.

"Is that Babel?" - Zoe asked fascinated, as she watched the illuminated tower, which broke the night sky.

"That's right, and it's home to many important gods, as well as being the dungeon block." -Explained Astraea, as she watched the city walls get closer and closer.

'Squeeze' - Without realizing it, Astraea was squeezing her fist.

"Mother, are you okay?" - Zoe asked worriedly, as she placed her hand on her fist.

"Yeah, it's just... it's just that this place has a lot of memories." -She said with anguish.

She blamed herself for accepting that mission and for making her Familia a police force, which antagonized the Evilus and led to the death of her daughters.

'This time I won't commit the same mistake.' - She thought, as she stroked Zoe, smiling at her, but then became serious.

"Zoe as you know, I made Evilus my enemy. Technically they should be destroyed, but as a precaution, I will always wear this cloak to distort my likeness. I also want you to always keep your eye uncovered, are we clear? "

"All right." - She answered seriously.

"Great, when we get off we'll go see your sister. She should work in the most popular tavern. " -Said Astraea.

"By sister do you mean Ryuu?" -Asked with expectation. Her mother had often talked to her about Ryuu and her strength, so she was curious to know her.

"Exactly. She was beautiful when she fought and the use of her magic was fabulous, but it was my fault that she ended up in that situation. " -She said with remorse.

Seeing her mother's remorse, Zoe didn't know what to say to her. Astraea told her all about Ryuu's past and revenge story, but she couldn't judge her. Losing people you care about hurt. Every night Zoe couldn't dream and all she saw was the darkness of her past, but she could go on thanks to the lights that were Astraea and Al, if she ever lost them, she didn't believe she would escape that darkness.

After the checks at the gate, they entered Orario and once they stopped, they finally got out of the carriage.

"Welcome to Orario" -Said Astraea with a smile, as she showed her the illuminated city even though it was evening.

Zoe was curious about everything, the various adventurers walking the streets, the people enjoying themselves in the pubs, and the various shops, which were unfortunately closed.

As they walked, various memories flowed through Astraea's mind. Walking these streets was normal for her, but now it had become strange, but seeing how fascinated Zoe was with everything, she could carry on.

After walking for a while, they finally arrived at a tavern with many people and entered. They didn't attract much attention, as they both wore cloaks.

Finding a free seat, they sat down and waited a little while before an elven waitress came to serve them.

"Good evening, what can I bring you." -She asked politely, but seeing that they didn't answer her, she looked at them strangely, but stopped when she heard the person on the left speaking.

"You've become even more beautiful Ryuu, it's a shame you don't have long hair anymore." -Astraea said, revealing her face, before returning it.

"Goddess... Astraea." - Ryuu said without words.

"Shh, do you have a place to talk quietly?"

"Gi-give me a second." -She said still in shock, as she went to Syr to ask for a break.

When Syr heard Ryuu's agitated request, she was curious about the people at the table but decided to cover her anyway.

"Okay, follow me." -After Syr agreed, to cover her, she took them to one of the rooms above.

Once inside, she immediately went to hug Astraea as the tears began to fall.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I said those words to you, I'm sorry I blamed you, I'm sorry about everything," Ryuu said painfully as she held her tightly.

"Don't be dear. You were right, the fault is mine alone and my sense of justice. " -Astraea said to her amorally as she too began to cry.

The day her companions died, Ryuu emptied her anger on Astraea by judging her for the choices she had made, blaming her for everything that had happened, telling her, she would never forgive her. Obviously, she didn't mean them seriously, it was the anger and the pain that spoke and when she finally managed to take revenge, inside her she felt empty.

The remorse of having judged her goddess was such that she couldn't go find her and working in the tavern, were the only times she could think of something else, but she still wanted to apologize to her for what she said, but she never could to find the courage.

After hugging for a long time and beings apologizing to each other, they pulled away, but their eyes were red from tears.

"Look how we are reduced, we are a mess." -Astraea said laughing, making Ryuu smile too.

"Well Ryuu, I want to introduce you to someone, this is Zoe Elpis my adopted daughter. Zoe, I already told you about her, but I present her again, she is Ryuu Lion member of my Familia. " -She made the introductions, but whispered something in Ryuu's ear.

"She's younger than you, so it means you're the big sister."

"Plea-Pleasure to meet you." -She said stiffly as she reached out, while her long ears were red.

"Nonono the pleasure is mine." -Said Zoe also embarrassed.

Ryuu was the youngest in the Familia and was always treated like a little sister by the others and now that she found out she was the older sister she was embarrassed by her previous behavior.

Zoe was embarrassed too, she wanted to leave them some time together, but before she could leave they had already hugged and she didn't want to ruin their moment, plus she could hear what Ryuu was thinking.

<What do I do now, she saw me in that state, it will be difficult for her to see me seriously. Well, with everything I've done I don't think I can become a model for her, like the others would have been.> - Hearing Ryuu's thoughts, a smile broke out on Zoe's lips, and she started talking to her.

"So Ryuu what do you like to do in your free time." -She asked with a smile.

"'Cough' I usually read or help in the tavern." -Said Ryuu still stiffly.

"Ehh what kinds of books do you like."

"I don't have a favorite genre, but I usually read books on magic. Do you, on the other hand, have any passion? " - She asked her curiously.

"Yes, I want to become an alchemist." - Zoe said enthusiastically.

"It's a good profession, but it's a difficult path." - She told her seriously.

"I know, but I have to do it if I want to know my past."

"Your past?" -Ryuu asked confusedly, making Astraea intervene.

"I met Zoe three years ago in the woods and she doesn't seem to remember anything about who she was or where she came from. I tried to buy even the most expensive potions, to bring back the memory, but nothing was successful. "

"!" -Hearing Astraea's words, Ryuu looked pityingly at Zoe.

<What should I tell her? I can't even imagine waking up in a place I don't know not even knowing who it is. What must this girl feel?>

"Ryuu, there is no need to show me compassion. It is true that at the beginning was difficult, but over time I began to get used to it and I formed a new family. " - Zoe said while looking at Astraea.

"But today I'm happy because the family has grown. Now I have an older sister. " - Zoe told her as she took her hands.

"Zoe… I don't think you know, but I'm not a good person. I also ended up on the guild's blacklist. " -Said Ryuu, as she removed her hands, but they were again held.

"I know what you did to that Familia, but I don't judge you. The pain of losing your loved ones, I don't even want to think about it, that's why I'm not afraid of you Ryuu and I ask you if we can start getting along as a family. " - Zoe told her smiling.

Seeing the sincerity in her words and the fact that there was no fear in her heterochromatic eyes, she gently nodded her head.

"Hehe Ryuu you are so cute." - Zoe told her as she hugged her.

"Wh-what are you saying ?!" -Ryuu said embarrassed as she tried to get out of Zoe's arms

Seeing how the duo were bonding, a smile came to Astraea's lips, but she had to say something important.

"Zoe listen to me for a moment." -Hearing Astraea's voice, Zoe walked away from a still embarrassed Ryuu.

"Zoe, I don't want to let anyone know about our bond. This will keep you safe from my enemies." -Astraea said seriously, gaining Ryuu's approval.

If Astraea was found to have an adopted daughter, the enemies she made when she was in Orario could attack her.

"So what do you suggest?" - Zoe asked her.

"Here at Orario, I have two friends that I can completely trust, Hephaestus and Hestia. You'll have to join one of those Familia if you want to keep leveling up." -Astraea told her.

Although Zoe was sad not to be able to remain in the Familia, for her, the bond with Astraea was not just something formed by the blessing, but by the affection, she has always given to her.

"Okay, but what kind of goddesses are they?." -If she had to enter one of those Familia, she at least wanted to know what they were like.

"Hephaestus is the goddess of forging, her brand is recognized all over the world and can be worth up to millions of valis. She has a strong personality and is serious about her work, but she gives unconditionally love to her children and hopes for the best for them. Instead, Hestia, I heard that she has recently come down, and let's say that in heaven she was ehmm... particular. Tomorrow I'll let you meet them so you can decide. " -Said Astraea in trouble while thinking about Hestia.

After chatting a little more, Ryuu had to get off to continue working, and following her advice, Zoe and Astraea decided to eat there.

"Hey, do you believe the story of the Loki Familia rookie?"

"Killing an infant dragon never seen alone? This is all nonsense."

"You were not there! That thing was monstrous and that boy was fighting it alone."

"Maybe you have seen it wrong, at most, he will have been a support."

"Seriously guys, he cast a spell and 'bam!' The monster was dead."

"Hahahaha! That's a good one."

Hearing the various adventurers talking and laughing out loud, Zoe wondered what they were talking about.

"Curious?" -Ryuu asked her as she handed to them the dishes. Seeing her nod, Ryuu explained.

"Mark Tormeto, it has been a little over a month since he joined the Loki Familia and is said to have killed a monster that was around level 3 despite being a level 1." -Explained Ryuu with a complicated face.

"Impressive, but why do you make that face." -Astraea asked her.

"Actually, before joining the Familia, he was staying here."

"By chance, my Ryuu got a crush." - Astraea joked.

"Nonono, we have talked just a few times. It's just that he never showed his true feelings and was on guard against everyone. I hoped that joining a Familia would do him good. " -Said Ryuu with a sigh.

"Then Ryuu, do you believe in the rumors, that he killed that monster?" - Zoe asked her with interest.

"If you ask me if he has the strength to do it, then my answer is yes." -Said Ryuu without hesitation.

"Why this trust?" - Zoe asked her confusedly.

"Because with my eyes, I was able to see, as he pierced the shoulder of a level 6." - She said seriously.

"Apparently Loki has found another monster." -Said Astraea in amazement.

'Who knows how many other interesting things I will discover in this city.' Zoe thought as she finished eating.