
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

An amazon in love

"Who the fuck are you midget?" -Bete said annoyed, pulling her away from his body.

"Huh? How come you don't remember me, yet we spent such a pleasant night together." -The girl said, winking at him.

"...Ah?" -Bete had no idea what the girl was referring to.

While Bete was still confused, Mark analyzed the girl. She was an amazon who possessed the usual characteristics: tanned skin, dark hair, light brown eyes, and revealing clothes. She had a fairly petite build, in fact, her head came just up to the chest of the two of them, and although she had no exaggerated curves, the clothes she wore emphasized her feminine parts in the best possible way.

'I'd say between level 2 and 3' - Mark evaluated while looking at the size of her aura, but that wasn't the important thing.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but are you by any chance Lena Tally?" -Mark asked.

"Oh! Lost Prince knows me, well, I also met you that night." -Said Lena, a former member of the Ishtar Familia, surprised, but Mark was no different.

"Have we met before?" -he asked confused, not remembering that he had ever met her. He had only seen her image among the members of the Ishtar Familia.

"Come on guys, have you seriously forgotten? We met in Melen!" -said the amazon offended.


The two seemed to remember something now.

Mark remembered that while he was fighting Aisha, the level 4 amazon, there were three other people. The amazon, who looked like a frog, a hooded figure who could empower others, and finally a normal amazon who turned out to be the girl in front of him.

Instead, Bete seemed to remember her for another reason...

"Wait, aren't you that amazon I punched out?" -He said with a strange expression.

"Then you remember! Since that night you have never disappeared from my memory and I fell in love at first sight, but I never had the chance to meet you. However, when I heard from the others what happened at the tavern, I made sure to seek you out. So let me have your children Bete Loga!"

Lena jumped towards Bete with open arms and lips ready to kiss him, but-


Due to a reflex, Bete threw her away, bouncing her a couple of times.

"Shit! Is she dead?" -Bete said, feeling cold sweat running down his back.

It was the first time a woman had interacted so absurdly with him.

"...Fortunately not... I think." -Said Mark hesitantly.

Seeing the girl still spasming on the floor, Mark approached to see how she was but regretted it soon afterward.

"He-hehe-hehe I feel Bete's presence still inside my stomach... now I've definitely become pregnant, hehe."

The girl was not in pain, she was experiencing so much pleasure that she was drooling and Mark was pretty sure he saw pink hearts inside her eyes.

'This girl is bad news.' -For the first time, Bete and Mark's thoughts coincided.

"I swear, there is no amazon who is well in the head." -Bete sighed.

"It's not like that... we're just... honest with ourselves." -Lena said, lifting herself with trembling legs.

"What nonsense. Do you realize I beat up your friends?"

"This just means that you are stronger than I imagined, making me fall even more in love."

Seeing the excitement with which her eyes shone, Bete had to take a step back from how uncomfortable he felt. Never in his life had he wanted to be as far away from someone as possible.

"Forget it, I just want to go sleep at an inn and forget everything that happened today." -Bete said, preparing to leave.

"An inn? Not your house?" -Lena asked confused.

"He was kicked out of the house." -Commented Mark.

"It's not true!" -Shouted Bete.

"If you have nowhere to go come to my refuge, there is a big comfortable bed suitable just for two people, and who knows... you might experience the best night of your life!" -Lena said, striking a seductive pose.


Seeing how Mark seemed to be enjoying himself, Bete looked at him crookedly and then answered Lena dryly.


"Are you sure you don't want to come? The hotels around here are quite expensive." -Lena said sadly.

Bete did not seem to care, but his expression immediately turned pale when he remembered that he had left all the money he had at the tavern to pay for the damage he had caused. He could have gone to the dungeon to earn money, but it was too much trouble and he had no one close enough to lend him money.

"Hey Lena, can I ask you a question?"

Brought back to reality by Mark's request, Bete shifted his gaze to him but had a bad feeling when he saw how he was smiling at him so happy.

"What?" -Lena asked him, finding nothing strange in Mark's smile.

"Were you close to the goddess Ishtar?"

"I wouldn't say close, but I think I know her pretty well."

"Then do you happen to know if she had anything similar?" -Mark began to draw on the ground the outline of the key used to open the orichalcum doors of Knossos.

"Mmmm... oh, I remember now! Is it by any chance silver in color and has the outline of an eye?" -Lena asked, remembering something.


Although these questions were part of his plan, he did not expect the girl to know anything, but it was for the best.

"Tell me, would you be willing to give all the information you have on the object in question? Obviously, I'm not saying I have it for free, let's say Bete has to spend a day with you, what do you say?" -Mark proposed, extending his hand.

"AH?!" -Bete was beginning to understand where that uncomfortable feeling was coming from.

"Of course!"


The two shook hands happily. Mark was happy that Bete would experience the misery of being with that amazon, while Lena was happy that she could have Bete all day long. However, there was someone who did not like the way things had turned out.

"Oioi! When did I ever say I would accept?!" -Bete said with his face contorting in anger.

"Come on Bete, don't say that, see it as a possibility. If you get the information from her you will help the Familia and improve your reputation a little, don't you think?" -He told him as if he really cared about him.

"Just say you're amused by the idea that I have to spend a day with that psycho amazon." -Bete whispered annoyed.

"You are goddamn right." -Mark whispered, not even trying to hide how pleasant he found Bete's misfortune.

'This piece of- oh...'

Bete, who was on the verge of exploding, immediately calmed down when he had an idea.

"Well, I'm tactful enough to leave two lovebirds alone." -Said Mark, smiling.

"You are indeed considerable." -Lena said, moved by Mark's kindness, not knowing that she was simply being used by him to annoy Bete.

Mark prepared to leave, but Bete's hand grabbed his shoulder and he seemed unwilling to let go.

"What are you-"

"Tell me, didn't you defeat several amazons in Melen? So I bet some of them are interested in you." -Bete said, smiling disturbingly.

"...No." -Now it was Mark's turn to have a bad feeling.

"Bete is right! Many of my companions have taken an interest in you, do you want me to introduce them to you?" -Lena said happily.

"N-No I don't want to disturb you." -Mark said quickly, but it seemed that Bete was unwilling to let go.

"Come on don't say that, we can all go out together. Don't you think it's more fun that way?" -Bete tried to convince him, but what he really meant was:

"If I sink, you will sink with me."

"How could I possibly join in and disturb the wonderful date that awaits the two of you." -Said Mark sounding slightly embarrassed, but what he really meant was:

"Go suffer alone."

A strange scene was taking place in that park. From Lena's point of view, it looked like two friends doing everything they could to support each other. Instead, for Mark and Bete it was a mental struggle, where one was trying to escape, while the other held him back.

'This guy won't let go!'

Although he was smiling, the force he was exerting on his hand to move Bete's was frightening, but the wolf-boy did not move an inch. Thinking of a way to free himself, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone familiar walking slightly away, finding the desired opportunity.

"Look I'd love to come, but actually I was waiting for her." -Mark said,

pointing at the girl who seemed to be walking distractedly.

"Oh, I know her! She is Titania from the Hestia Familia." -Said Lena in surprise.

"I think everyone knows her after the War Game and that destructive magic of hers." -Bete said seriously.

Although it was not the main topic, no one dared forget the show of strength that Zoe's magic had, after all, she had played a major role in winning the War Game.

"I was not talking about the War Game, yesterday night she and-"

"It doesn't seem like she's looking for you anyway, besides, how long have you two known each other?" -Bete commented, ignoring Lena, who was talking. In fact, Zoe walked quietly without even noticing them.

"Look, hey Zoe!" -Shouted Mark.

Hearing someone call out to her, Zoe lifted her head in the direction of the sound, where she saw Mark move his hand vigorously, confusing her, but she nevertheless responded to the greeting with a wave of her hand.


"Yes, but still- ARGGAAH!"

When he returned his gaze to Mark, what awaited him was his palm on which several magic circles formed, simultaneously launching 'flashbangs' at maximum power, causing Bete to release his grip and Mark to run in Zoe's direction. The only reason the magic had had such a high effect against a level 6 was due to several factors, including the proximity, the fact that Bete didn't expect it, and the strength of Mark's magic having increased.


"I'll explain later, now run!"

Caught off guard by the development of events and the fact that Mark was practically dragging her away, Zoe confusedly followed Mark.

"That piece of shit seriously used magic against me!"

Rubbing his eyes, which nobody could tell whether they had turned red from magic or rage, he prepared to chase after him but Lena clung to his leg.

"If you don't want to die this instant, you'd better detach yourself!" -He said angrily, wiggling his leg.

"No! We have an agreement and you owe me a date!" -She said forcefully, clutching her leg even tighter.

"As I said before, I never agreed, so get out of my way! I have a bastard to kill!"

"If you leave, I will go to your comrades and tell them that you assaulted me!"



Taking a deep breath he managed to calm himself down. Although finding Mark and beating the shit out of him was something he had to do, this girl was just as much of a problem. With the low reputation he had, it wasn't hard to imagine that if Lena seriously said something like that, many would believe her.

"Just one day are we clear? If you reappear in front of me trying to extort me like this, you'd better run for your life." -Bete said wearily.

"Hooray! Oh, by the way, do you think Lost Prince and Titania were also on a date?" -After jumping for joy, Lena became curious about the two's situation.

"If you don't want to die, don't mention that person." -Bete said coldly, but his threat seemed to not affect the amazon.

"Hehehe, it is one of my desires to be killed by the person I love." -She said with her eyes shining like stars.

'...This is going to be a long day, haaa...'

With his head beginning to ache, he followed the excited amazon.