
(Danmachi)To you who have my heart

(danmachi fan-fic) Mark lost everything, the past he lived, the present he was living and the future he would live, all because of one bad decision, but his story didn't end there. Making a deal with the "god" who rules the cycle of reincarnation, Mark now had a new chance to be reunited with his beloved, but would he make it? or would he become just a pawn on a bigger board? Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to danmachi or its characters. The cover used was taken from google and all credit goes to the artist who made it.

Nales_Tales · Anime & Comics
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159 Chs

'Limit break' is broken(corrected)

Looking at his stats, Mark didn't know what to think, half a day spent fighting was almost equivalent to his 2 days of training.

[Now you understand the reason for going to Orario, after obtaining H on your stats.]

"I would like to hunt more but the day is about to end, it's better to come back." -In fact, Mark had been hunting for many hours and was starting to feel tired.

On his way to his temporary base, Mark found that he had gotten a lot faster. On the way, it took an hour to get to the forest, while for the return it took only 50 minutes. The minutes may not be long, but it allowed Mark to understand that he was getting stronger.

When he arrived at the base, he washed and then ate dinner. After dinner he went to his room to meditate, by now he meditated not only to be able to strengthen his mind but also to eliminate the stress that was accumulating in his body. Just sitting and breathing slowly relaxed him and he was able to forget all the problems he had to think about. In fact, Mark never stopped thinking, every moment he thought about how to improve his training, how to better use the environment in his favor, but what he focused on most was what he was going to do in Orario.

"Guide tell me about the situation in Orario."

[As mentioned earlier, Orario is the strongest city with the largest number of high-level adventurers. The city has everything it takes to explore the dungeon and is the city with the most Gods. The strongest family is that of the goddess Freya who owns the only adventurer of lv 7, but her family rarely makes expeditions in the dungeon. The second strongest Familia is the Loki Familia, who has no lv 7 but they have more adventurers on lv 6 and are also specialized in dungeon exploration. The other Familias in comparison have no lv 6.]

After hearing the Guide, Mark thought for a couple of minutes.

"Would I be able to explore the dungeon on my own?"


Hearing the immediate response Mark was surprised.

[Let me explain. For a high-level adventurer, it is possible to explore many floors by himself, but at some point, the monsters will be almost infinite and no matter how strong you are, sooner or later your stamina will run out.]

"I understand, so the problem is not the strength of the enemies but the quantity that doesn't allow you to rest. Then I have to fight with others, TCH. " - Mark did not trust people, the first moment they are all laughing, while when a problem occurs they would push others to save themselves.

The mere thought of trusting the people who might abandon him, making him die without saving Selene was enough to make the coldness rise in his eyes.

"Thinking about my future 'comrades' now makes no sense. What I have to think about, is which Familia to join. Joining a low-level Familia wouldn't help if Selene's shards were deep in the dungeon. The Freya Familia doesn't make too many expeditions, so the only one that remains is the Loki Familia. "

After deciding on his future steps, Mark went to sleep to prepare for tomorrow. At dawn the next day, Mark was ready to head for the forest. After a 50-minute run, Mark arrived in the forest to kill the monsters, but this time he decided to activate the 'limit break' every time before the fights to get double the payoff.

He encountered several slimes that didn't give him any problems, especially now that he had increased his stats. He had also encountered several goblins who were always alone so he had no problems. T

he hours passed but he was having no difficulty defeating the monsters until he found an interesting situation.

"Let's see, there are four goblins, one unarmed, two have a branch as a weapon, while the last and most problematic holds a rusty dagger in his hand." - Looking from behind a tree, Mark has come up with a strategy.

'limit break'


By now he was used to hearing the noise of the chains breaking when he activated the ability.

He grabbed a stone and threw it as far as possible to distract the goblins, as they turned to see where the sound was coming from, Mark sprinted at the goblin with the dagger. The goblin, hearing the sound of footsteps, turned and when it saw that Mark's blade was about to hit it, it used the dagger to defend itself.

Seeing that his attack didn't work, Mark didn't care because he managed to break the dagger, but now he was up against 4 goblins.

He first kicked the goblin who lost the dagger and then dodged the blows of the goblins who had the stick.

The goblin attacks were slow but it was difficult to dodge multiple attacks at the same time, so he threw pebbles at the faces of the armed goblins. When the goblins protected their eyes, Mark immediately went to attack them. First he stabbed the chest of one of the monsters, killing it instantly, while the second one, who was still rubbing his eyes, found itself a sword in the middle of its forehead.

Mark did not stop and went to the goblin he had hit at the beginning, who struggled to get up, cutting him in half. Now there was only the unarmed goblin who, seeing all his dead companions, tried to escape. Seeing the monster escape, Mark showed no mercy, he reached it and stabbed it in the back.

"Haaaa, this was tough."

Even if he did not suffer direct hits, the fact that he suffered twice as much pain each time still caused him discomfort. Before he collected the monster stones he noticed one thing.

"Why hasn't the ability been deactivated yet?"

Mark could understand when the ability continued to work. Realizing that the monsters weren't finished, Mark immediately tried to get on the defensive but it was too late because a goblin who had hidden behind a rock scratched his back making him bleed.

"GHA! Haaaa, haaaaa, I hate this pain. "

Trying to take deep breaths he tried to reduce the pain. Even though the attack didn't do much damage, it seemed to Mark as if he had been whipped.


Seeing how glad the goblin was to have hurt him, Mark sprinted at full speed and before the goblin could do anything, it was divided in two.

After killing the goblin, this time Mark didn't let his guard down immediately but tried to figure out if the ability had stopped working. Only after verifying that the ability was deactivated he was finally able to sit down.

"Damn I still feel the phantom pain" - He cursed as he touched his back to see where the cuts were.

"I was too reckless, from today I will always keep my guard even after the fight."

Mark was lucky that a goblin hit him, if it had been a stronger monster he would have suffered a serious injury, or worse he would have died. For this, he was grateful for today's event, which was able to help him stop making this kind of mistake.

"I think it's time to go back, I killed many more monsters than yesterday and I also want to clean the wound, but first, Guide show me the status."


[NAME]: Mark Tormeto

[AGE]: 18

[LV]: 1


Strength: I 50 -> H 100

Endurance: I 32 -> I 80

Dexterity: I 35 -> I 90

Agility: I 65 -> H 110

Magic: I 10




-electricity control: allows control over electric mana.


-Golem heart: Your experiences have taught you true human nature, this makes it harder to get others into your heart and only people who truly care about you can receive your feelings.

(active) Turns off your human side and increases your statistics (blocks the use of limit break) (corruption risk).

(passive) Makes it easier to distinguish the nature of people.

-Limit break (lv1): the possibility of exceeding your limits in order not to be weaker.

(active) doubles the gains but you will suffer double the pain (it can only be activated before fighting if deactivated it will negate any kind of gain).


The moment he read the values ​​his expression froze, only to burst out laughing

"Hahahahaha, how can one not laugh reading these values. I knew that 'limit break' was strong, but looking now, I think it's totally broken. "

Looking at the values ​​Mark couldn't stop laughing.

If a person of this world could see his status, he would tear his hair out of frustration seeing how much his stats have increased in a single day.