
(COMPLETE) System Rebirth: The Godly Hunter

There have been people all over the world that would say “The end is near!” But most people didn’t really believe them. Most people thought they might just be crazy and just doing it for attention but never would they thought the end would really be here. But would it be the end of humanity? No it was not us that has ended it was are way of life. Ten years ago something in the sky open and monster started to fall from it. Most died on impact but there where some that survived and they started to kill everyone on sight. When the military arrived they managed to clear the monster’s known as Orcs but for every Orc we killed they could kill ten of us. After that day the world started to change, people started to awaken powers and people called them heroes of humanity but the government came in and declared them as awakened. Back then kids wanted to be astronaut’s or something but now they just want to be an Awoken and get rich fast but only 95% of humanity has gain some type of power as for me? I’m a nobody, I didn’t gain any power but I didn’t let that stop me. Would that kill me one day? Yes it would and I would know... because that day is today or should I say was? I gained something that day that would break the balance of life and death. Even in death I shall prevail.

Harbenger · Fantasy
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83 Chs

The art of doing nothing

Armin left his world of swords and went to go check on Eve. He quietly opened the door a notice that she was still asleep so he closed the door once more and checked the timer that the system gave him once she drank the mana potion.

[Time remaining: 00:36:21]

Seeing how long Armin has been in the world surprised him as he didn't think he was in there for so long.

'Damn... I didn't think I was in there for so long while creating those swords. But I made a lot of swords along with those legendary swords so I should go find some time to test it out.'

But Armin knew that Eve would be waking up soon and wanted to be there with her while she tests out her new abilities if she awakens any. So while Armin waited for Eve to wake up he decided to watch tv in the living room and made sure to turn the volume down just in case.

While watching a random movie that was on he suddenly hears a door open and sees Eve walk out with crazy bed hair and this makes Armin smile and say.

"How was your sleep and do you feel or notice anything different?"

Eve just yawns and said.

"I slept pretty well but I wanna make so coffee because I'm still a bit tired. Yeah actually I feel a lot stronger and my hands feel a bit different..."

Armin smiled again while saying.

"Just sit down and I'll make so coffee for you. Are you hungry?"

Eve then gave Armin a kiss but was too tired to blush like she normally did and gave a 'no' jester with her head towards Armin's offer of making her food. Seeing this Armin made his way towards her kitchen and only noticed she had black coffee causing him to think it's her favorite type and after five minutes he made his way over with a coffee mug in his hands saying.

"Here's your finest cup off coffee m'lady but be careful as it's still hot."

Eve smiled towards the way he said it and told him thank you as she took small sips. While drinking she said.

"How'd you sleep and when did you wake up?"

Armin then gave an errr kinda smile and said.

"Remember when I said if you wanted to come to my blade realm? Yeah well, I kinda been there the entire time making swords and lost track of time and only came back around forty minutes ago so I didn't get any time to sleep yet. I feel fine though but I'll probably feel tired later in the day."

Hearing this Eve remembers Armin talking about the sword place and said.

"Can you take me there when I finish taking my shower? I wanna see it from what you told me so far about it."

Armin nodded his head as he made his way towards the spare bathroom to take his before Eve took hers. Once they both finished there own showers Armin asked if she was ready and with Eve nodding her head he tried to enter his blade realm when a notification was shown.

[Another entity within range please specify their alignment!


Armin decided he would question this later as he thought.


Suddenly both Armin and Eve were transported towards his realm and once Eve saw the environment she was shocked and said.

"This place is both breathtaking and beautiful!"

She noticed all the swords in the distance along with the floating swords within the sky. She then noticed a beautiful sword close to her as he was close to multiple other swords and she walked over towards and said.

"Is this one of the swords you wanted to make? What was it called again, Excaliba?"

Armin laughed and said.

"It's called Excalibur, do you want to hold it?"

As he asked he pulled the sword out of the earth and handed it to her but as she tried to hold it, it just fell back down towards the earth and when she tried to pull it out it didn't Eve budge.

"Why is it so heavy? I can't even lift it..."

Armin was surprised as the sword didn't feel heavy and when he asked the system why he was given a response.

[Well there are two reasons why she can't hold Excalibur.

1: Only the user may interact with swords within your realm.

2: Excalibur has chosen you to wield itself. ]

Reading this Armin was surprised that he was the only one allowed to wield the weapons and told Eve.

"Apparently I'm the only one allowed to wield the swords here. Sorry, I didn't know till now, I'll show you the other swords I copied."

Armin then showed her all the swords he created including the legendary ones. Once they finished the duo then left the realm and appeared within Eve's living room as they both sat down. Armin then decided to try and figure out her ability when he suddenly had an idea.

'What if I use appraisal on Eve?'

As he does this he can suddenly she the information on her.

[Eve (Foll) -8- Cleric/Healer]

Armin was surprised as it showed her ability then realized that he only used it on monster. He then said.

"You said your hands feel weird? Hold on." Armin quickly ran towards the kitchen and grabbed a knife and gave himself a small cut on the palm of his hand then grabbed a paper towel so blood wouldn't fall onto the fool and went back to Eve saying.

"Your ability might be able to heal people so try and heal me, please. Oh, the pain I think I'm dying you're my only hope, Eve."

Eve seeing Armin act like this made her giggle as he was WAY over dramatic and she put both hands forwards and tried her hardest but nothing happened and when Armin noticed this he said.

"Try and focus on the feeling within your hands."

Hearing this Eve does what he says and after a few moments, her hands start to glow with holy light as the small cut starts to close as a speed visible to the naked eye, and when Eve saw this she got excited.

"YES!! I'm not useless anymore!! I'm an Awakened like you!!"

Hearing this he smiled and gave her a hug while saying.

"Hey you were never useless so don't say that okay? We are gonna need to go to the HRF so we can't get you a rank ID and you might want to tell your family as well but please don't tell ANYONE that you drank that bottle okay?"

Hearing this Eve was confused and said.

"Why would it matter if people know?"

Armin put on a serious face and said.

"Because I'm the one who actually made it and if others know everyone will be up my ass wanting them and don't get started on the HRF they would probably kidnap me and force me to make more or some other organization..."

Eve gave Armin a serious nod especially when she might lose Armin and may never see him again. Suddenly Eve asked Armin a question.

"Hey umm, I remember you talking about not liking your apartment and I was wondering if you perhaps wanted to live here with me? I mean there's way more space than I could ever need here and there's the spare room you could stay in... For now..."

Armin was surprised and for once since he has gotten the system put his intelligence stats to work as he focused on the 'For now' part. He smiled and said.

"If you don't mind me staying here then I'd be grateful. How much would you like for rent?"

Eve put her hands up while shaking her head with a 'no' jester then said.

"I won't charge you for living with me dummy, all I ask for is to help keep the place clean and such."

Armin smiled and gave Eve a kiss and a hug while saying thank you as they made plans for picking up Armin's stuff at his now old apartment.

Armin woke up in his 'new' bed and remembered yesterday when both he and Eve made their way towards the HRF to get Eve's ranking ID.

'So she's currently a High F rank cleric... I'm glad for her and her family is also happy for her... But I need to get stronger for, by my sake and hers, the dungeons may be kept under control but how long until they can't keep them contained? What happens when an SSS Rank dungeon appears? The system said they were dead worlds so what happens when a living world comes and they want are's? I need to find another dungeon...'

checking the time on his phone he noticed it said it was 4:30 AM he decided to write a note letting Eve know he would be back soon in case she woke up before he returned and if he came back before she woke up he would just throw the note away. Taking a quick shower and putting on simple clothes he packed a pair of clothes for any type of environment and made his way out.

After searching for any type of dungeon he finally found a mid E rank dungeon and checked his stats.

[Name: Armin foll

Title: Undead Emperor-Blessing Of The Heavens- Fury Of The Heavens, Not A Care In The World, ???????? (0.0001% complete)

Lvl: 50

HP: 6550/6550 MP: 6850/6850

Gold: 924,930

SP: 0

Strength: 480 (+175)(655)

Vitality: 480 (+175)(655)

Endurance: 490 (+175)(665)

Dexterity: 465 (+175)(640)

Intelligence: 510 (+175)(685)

Faith: 460 (+175)(635) ]

Armin was confused because he didn't remember receiving any notification about a title and when he asked the system he was left with even more questions.

[The title will remain as '?' Until your are eligible which will be once it's finished. If you wish for the percentage to increase you must become stronger until you earned the title. Once earned then... you'll understand once you unlocked it. ]

Armin just remained confused and just decided to enter the dungeons but once he entered he regretted it as he started to shiver. He immediately opened his inventory and grabbed a coat because he has never felt so cold in his life as he stared at endless snow and ice.

'For fuck sake man... first a desert now I'm in a frozen world? I swear if I find an annoying talking snowman I'm going to kill it...'

So I went back to my old chapters and edited them due to having many errors due to my grammar mistakes.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and once Armin unlocks the unknown title this will be super interesting haha

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Bye everyone and thank you for reading my novel!!

Harbengercreators' thoughts