
(COMPLETE) System Rebirth: The Godly Hunter

There have been people all over the world that would say “The end is near!” But most people didn’t really believe them. Most people thought they might just be crazy and just doing it for attention but never would they thought the end would really be here. But would it be the end of humanity? No it was not us that has ended it was are way of life. Ten years ago something in the sky open and monster started to fall from it. Most died on impact but there where some that survived and they started to kill everyone on sight. When the military arrived they managed to clear the monster’s known as Orcs but for every Orc we killed they could kill ten of us. After that day the world started to change, people started to awaken powers and people called them heroes of humanity but the government came in and declared them as awakened. Back then kids wanted to be astronaut’s or something but now they just want to be an Awoken and get rich fast but only 95% of humanity has gain some type of power as for me? I’m a nobody, I didn’t gain any power but I didn’t let that stop me. Would that kill me one day? Yes it would and I would know... because that day is today or should I say was? I gained something that day that would break the balance of life and death. Even in death I shall prevail.

Harbenger · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Forbidden Magic

Armin just stood in excitement as he tapped on the forbidden gatcha ticket and when a notification popped up asking if he wished to spin he immediately pressed yes. But when he pressed yes suddenly the entire world froze yet he could move fine. The moment Armin realizes that he could move completely fine a System notification popped up.

[Moving the User to isolated Space due to universal time distortion. ]

Armin's vision turned white as he couldn't see or feel anything for a brief moment as he suddenly found himself in a completely white world. This caused Armin to speak out.

"What the hell is going on?"

Luckily for Armin, the System was kind enough to explain his situation.

[Due to the user winning a forbidden item from a random Gatcha ticket that has been sealed across the universe the System has frozen everything until the user safely seals the item within the system. Please hurry

Time remaining till ?????? Knows: 6:00 ]

Suddenly a gray Gatcha wheel appeared. The wheel looked old with multiple cracks and all the words on the wheel were in an unknown language.

The wheel started to turn while slowly gaining speed until the wheel suddenly stopped on one of the unknown words.

[Congratulations on winning 'Spatial Annihilation'.

Spatial Annihilation -Forbidden- : A magic Spell that can destroy all laws within any given space. Upon the destruction of law the entity wielding said law within the range of the spell will cease to exist.

All records regarding the creator of Spatial Annihilation have been destroyed by ?????? Due to the threat, it can cause towards the gods. Due to this, the exact effect of the spell is unknown.

Usage remaining: 1/1 ]

After Armin finished reading the description an orb of gray light flew into Armin's chest and suddenly Armin knew how to chant the spell in his own language but he knew to not just say it because it's a one time use.

Suddenly Armin was moved back towards his last location and noticed nobody was worried about what just happened and caused Armin to think.

'So you're telling me that there is an entity out there with the power to freeze everything without anyone noticing? Who was the system referring to? What the hell is going on... All I know is that if I don't get stronger I'm going to regret it one way or another...'

Armin just walked up towards the raid group and acted as nothing happened and chatted with them. The group then headed towards an Employee of HRF and explained that they may have discovered a new undead variant and Armin was surprised Harley brought out a crystal and showed the battle with the undead and Orcs.

After everything was settled and the group receives extra pay due to the discovery Armin was walking down the street when he received an online notification from his bank showing that thirty thousand USD has been deposited Into his account.

Armin receives $5,000 from the raid while the discovery earned him $25,000 making it a total of $30,000. Armin started to think about how he would handle the money.

'I should be able to live off the raid earning while I'll put the twenty-five thousand towards Jasmine's treatment fund.'

After Armin made up his mind he put the money into the treatment fund causing the total amount to add up to $231,000. Looking at the amount in the savings he had a sad look on his face.

'The treatment going to cost $3,000,000... How long will it take to earn that much... But with the help of the system I'll get stronger and I can enter higher rank dungeons and earn more money so just wait for, Jasmin, I'll get the money soon I promise.' While walking home Armin suddenly remember that he would call Eve once he got finished.

Eve has just been sitting in her car staring at her phone while repeatedly thinking.

'Call me, call me, call me, call me, please call me Armin I already miss you... should I just show up? No no, I should just wait...'

Suddenly her phone started to ring and when she noticed who was calling her eyes instantly brightened up and immediately pressed accept.

"Hi, Armin!!!"

"Wow hey, Eve you picked up real quick haha anyway I just got out and if you're still wanting to go out we can go out and do something when your ready."

"Okay!! I'll pick you up, where are you?"

"I'll send you the address then just text me when your here."

"Alright, I see you soon Armin!"

After they hung up she soon received a text from Armin showing his location and she started her car and got on her way.

While driving she got another phone call and she noticed it was her father.


"Hey, Eve your mother wanted you to come to have dinner with us so I'm just calling to let you know."

"Uhh, I can't..."

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I actually going to pick up Armin right now..."

"Oh, the guy I met at the hospital? Well just bring him with you, since I told your mother about him she has been waiting to meet him."

Before she could say anything else he hung up and this caused Eve to curse. After a while, she soon arrived at the location and found Armin waiting on a bench. Once Armin notices her he got up and made his way towards her car.

"Hey Eve sorry for having you pick me up."

"What? No, it's fine I'm glad I could pick you up haha anyway so my dad called..."

Armin got the wrong idea and said.

"Oh, do you have to go then? We can just reschedule tomorrow or whenever your free."

"No, he wants you to come over for dinner and meet the family..."

While Saying this she blushed because she didn't know how Armin world takes it plus it was embarrassing for her to say.

"Oh meet your family? Sure I don't see why not, but I'll need to take a shower since I just finished a portal raid."

Eve understood and after a while, they arrived at Armin apartment. But without realizing she also walked into his apartment with him but as soon as she noticed she was worried but Armin said.

"Oh, it's fine just make your self at home while I take my shower. There some food and drinks in the fridge if you're hungry."

Eve just sat on Armin's couch as she could hear the shower running in the background.

'Wait since he is in the shower that means he's...'

She immediately blushed while wishing she could be there.

'But if we get together then it would be perfectly fine taking a shower together... then we would see each other...'

While she was daydreaming about it she didn't notice how long has passed and she was spooked when she heard Armin's voice.

"Hey, your really red are you feeling okay?"

"Yea!?! I wasn't thinking about you or anything?!?"

Eve noticed that Armin was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans which made him look even better but she just said.

"Soooooo let's go and meet my parents! I'm sure they love you and then we can get togeth- hang out more!!"

Armin just smiled and said.

"Yea I'm actually kinda nervous to meet them haha."

The duo then made their way towards Eve's car then made their way towards Eve's parent's home.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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So looks like Armin will be meeting Eve’s parents wonder how it will turn out ?

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