
( ROCKS ) Revenge of college students

Its_Diya2008 · Teen
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26 Chs

Chapter 15 : Lets collect proof

Jenny was mad as she saw the men . She took them at a side . She was furious at them , she was yelling at them . The moment was quite enjoyable for me . Then she started walking . The others were whispering themselves . I started walking towards my college when i saw Jenny giving an envelope of money and to my horror a family picture of mine . I was shattered into pieces but still took the golden chance of clicking pictures of this thing . But , it wasn't enough prove to show so I decided to keep an eye on her bunking my college . I called my class teacher and told her that " I had a problem . So , that 's why I can't come college today . " She agreed and cut the call . While I was talking in the phone i missed Jenny . I realized it when i cut the call . It was too late for it . I looked everywhere for her . After running here and there for minutes which was feeling like hours . I found Jenny near a water fountain clicking photos of her . After a while she went to her home . Because I was tired a lot , I went back to my home . My mom stared at me for a while and then asked me that why i came so earlier . I made an excuse of sickness and walked to my room like an old women . My mom was confused for a while looking at me for my weird behavior . I was embarrassed a lit bit of but still knock it off .