
( Haitus )The Uncrowned Dragon King

This world is ruled by the strong. A dog eat dog world where the only thing that matters is strength and who has the bigger fist dictates the rules, where the strong lead and the weak follow. Follow Damian as he tries to overcome his past in this new found world as he tries to gain the power he need so he no longer has to bow down to adversity and maybe stand at the top. will he crumple for the pressure or will he rise from the ashes and rule the world

Master_Livythan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

SAVED? - Chapter 2

"It's cold" " I can't feel anything"[as he floats in the void]

"is this death?"[mutters damian]


Boy!! [calls a voice in the distance]

"Hmm?"[Damian asks startled] Boooyyy!![the voice is getting closer]

"Am i going crazy?, must be the shock from dying"


"Huh?" "Is that you God....no wait there's no way I actually went to heaven...must be in hell, is that you Lucifer?"[says Damian]

"Oh? I wonder why you said you would go to this hell you speak of boy?"[asked the voice with a hint of surprise]

"well...there's the murder, I mean most of them deserve to die but i've also killed multiple innocents in the process....[Damian replies without thinking]

"then there was that time.....heeehee with those twins [ mutters Damian with a lewd smile while making groping motions in the air]

"AHEM!!"[says the voice in a colder tone]

"hehehe they were huge--" [says Damian with a dangerous smile on his face]

"AHHEEEEMMM" [says the voice practically growling]

"I swore I thought there were 18.....[Damian freezes as he slowly turns around]

Where he meets and enormous shadowy fiigure towering above him

"He..lll... ooo siir" [stutters damian] "I've never been called sir before boy" [ says the voice sounding more feminine and soothing as the figure brings its massive head closer]

"Ahem" [says Damian after calming himself] "nice meeting you here, can i welcome you to some tea "[asks Damian while acting like a servant]

"Done reminiscing boy?" [says the female voice in a teasing tone]

"Reminiscing? oh hahaha I just remembered a funny story from my childhood that just brought back some good times, hehehe good times" [says Damian with an awkward smile]

"Is that so? so why are you still groping the air?" [says the voice as an ominous pressure assaults Damian]


"....."[the voice]

"Am....where are we?"[asks Damian trying to change the subject]

"...this is a space I created after saving your soul"[says the voice in a monotone voice]

"you saved my soul?" [asks Damian in pure shock and awe]

"fufu something like that is simple for someone as powerful as me" [says the voice clearly enjoying the awe on Damian's face]

"thank you....but what's the catch" [says Damian after regaining his cool]

Surprising the voice slightly at how fast he recovered

"what makes you believe I did it with a cause in mind and didn't just save you cause you're a pitiable soul?"[asked the voice with pure intrigue]

"there's no free lunch in the world and I'd be more surprised if you didn't ask for something in return" [says Damian with a calm smile]

There's no reply for a while as if the voice is considering something.

"fufu you're right I did save you with a purpose in mind and you might die if you're not careful or powerful enough , but are you gonna accept my request?" [asked the figure in a serious voice]

"Ofcourse" [Damian replies with no hesitation ]

The figure stares deeply into his eyes as if trying to see if he's lying

"why?" [asked the voice in a softer tone]

"because I don't want to owe anyone anything and ofcourse it's even better since it's a beautiful woman asking"[ replies Damian with a smirk]

"fufufufu"[ the figure laughs as the shadow recedes and he finally sees the entire being"

A massive silver dragon with red wings and claws at least 300 meters long and 70 meters tall. The dragon starts too shrink and a robed woman appears.

The lady has silver hair that falls all the way to her ass, with ruby eyes that seem to be able to steal your soul away, with supple lips curved into a gentle yet seductive smile and a delicious fiigure that her robes does nothing to hide.

Damian is in shock as the lady sways her hips as she walks closer and he does nothing to hide his gaze as he admires her body.

"like what what you see boy? [asked the lady in a teasing smile which breaks Damian out of his reverie but a bit of disgust in her eyes]

Damian calls back his lecherous gaze and looks her in her eyes and gives a calm smiile as replies " you're very beautiful, now may I know your name miss?"

His actions cause the woman to give a secret nod of approval

"you're not qualified to know my name boy fufu" [the lady chuckles as she crosses her hands under her bosom]

Damian accepts her answer with a nod "then may I know what you need from me Miss? "

"i need you to save someone and then help them to grow, you need to protect them even if it cost you your life" [says the woman in a serious voice]

"with how powerful you are, can't you save them yourself? "[Damian asked in a confused voice]

"....I would love nothing more than to save them but I can't, not right now.....so I neeed you too get strong enough to protect them until i come" [replied the voice in a sad tone with eyes that show nothing but pain and grief]

Damian stares at her for a few breaths then sighs, "what do I need to do?" [asked Damian in the softest tone he could]

Maybe because of his tone or because of another reason but the woman trembled slightly then recovers quickly without Damian noticing

"fufufufu you're courageous boy, not bad. Right now I'll recreate your body but with a slight alteration"[says the lady]

"a slight alteration?" [ask Damian] "slight as in you're no longer gonna be human fufufu" [the figure laughs]

"then what would I be then" [asked Damian with gritted teeth ]

"you'll become a dragon ofcourse, a black frost dragon" [says the figure in a melancholic tone]

"a dragon? you mean like you? hahaha interesting?"[says Damian with a childish smile]

"fufu yes, your bloodline will have the memories of the previous generation of black frost dragons and more will unlock as you get stronger which will be of help to you"[said the lady with a smile]

"where exactly am I going to be going after you recreate my body?"[ask Damian]

"you're going to a lower realm, and the person person you're supposed to save is trapped in Dream Valley on the Azure Plane, after you get your body you need to build your strength as quickly as you can, because without strength you can go no where boy"[says the lady]

Before Damian could reply he's surrounded by a white light and disappeared.

The figure is seen standing staring into the void with tears running down her face "you must hurry boy..."

any thoughts guys? I'd appreciate it if you gave me your honest opinion

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts