
( Haitus )The Uncrowned Dragon King

This world is ruled by the strong. A dog eat dog world where the only thing that matters is strength and who has the bigger fist dictates the rules, where the strong lead and the weak follow. Follow Damian as he tries to overcome his past in this new found world as he tries to gain the power he need so he no longer has to bow down to adversity and maybe stand at the top. will he crumple for the pressure or will he rise from the ashes and rule the world

Master_Livythan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Fiend Part 2 Chapter 20


A thunderous roar heralded the start of the fight as the fiend charged toward to the trio before punched towards Kie-er, it's fist struck nothing but her after images as they had already disappeared from the spot.


The punch connected with the floor causing spider like cracks to spread out with the fist as the centre, before the floor sunk in from the force causing Damian and the others to have to retreat even further to regain their footing. Before they could catch their bearings a giant shadow appeared behind Kie-er suprising her, she was barely able to unsheath her sword to block before she was back handed cauing her to fly out before she stook her sword and jabbed it in the floor to slow her speed before she came to a stop. Wiping the blood from her face as she glared at the fiend showing her a mocking smirk as their eyes met, before both of them disappeared and charge at eachother.

"dammit i can bearly keep up with their speed" exclaimed an astonished Dara as was being knocked back by the shock waves of the fight, she could only see the after images that were being left from the fight

(hope how strong is that thing)asked Damian as his eyes moved as he followed the fight looking for a time to jump in and assist Kie-er

(with Ding Chen's current strength he should be a peak 3rd rank spirit core cultivator bordering stage 4, if he still retained his intelligence and could use his martial techniques, my only advice for you would be to run and as far as you could) replied Hope

As the the fight between to the duo continued, Kie-er was slowly being put in a passsive position where she could do nothing but defend. Every one of her counter attacks was either easily fended off or was dodge, Dara attacks were completely disregarded and every time Damian attacked the fiend would dodge and knock either Dara or Kie-er into his move causing him to have to change it's trajectory so he wouldn't injure them

Blood started flying as Kie-er started accumulating injuries, at this point the fiend was just toying with her and it was proven because the fiend kicked her away before licking the blood on its claws. Under the dumbstruck eyes of the trio, the fiend started to grow taller and bulkier and it's claws grew longer

(Damian!!! you need to hurry and find a way to kill it, it's starting to get accustomed to it's power and if you let it, you guys will have less of a chance claim victory

"shit, Kie-er, Dara now" shouted Damian as the trio simultaneously started to release the qi in their bodies. An icy blue colour started surounding Kie-er causing the the surrounding temperature to plummet after she swallowed a healing pill and stopped the bleeding of her wounds, a vibrant red colour appeared around Dara causing the air around her to rise and sizzle while an imperial blue appeared around Damian, suprisingly not affecting the surrounding temperature. But if they went closer they'd find they'd start to feel a chill on their very soul.

Putting up his halberd and replacing it with a sword, Damian and the others started walking towards the fiend stopping only a few metres away from it, one in front and 2 to each side. The fiend stood a silently watched the trio surround it with a look of utter disdain on his hideous face as it watched to see what the ants would try.

The trio stood silently as their qi started to spread outwards as thier dragon tattos started to glow vibrantly and thier qi started to connect before it started melding together. A feeling of unease grew in the fiend and caution appeared on it's face as it watched what was happening before, it suddenly snorted and disdain once again appeared on it's face because it didn't believe that anything they did could injure it, just as this thought it's instincts cried out that something that could kill appeared.

It looked around the room to see what was giving it this feeling where it's eyes met with Damian's and saw the mocking smile on his lips. It roared in anger and charged at Damian leaving a deep foot print with a step easily crossing the distance between them before thrusting it's claws at his head.


A sound of metal clashing with metal was heard as Dara intercepted it's claws with one of her swords not even budging from her spot, suprising the fiend because how easily a shot with 80% of it's power was blocked. Roaring in shame and anger as it started increasing strength cauing it arm to bulge and the veins on it's to wriggle around as it tried to push her back, but Dara was like a unmovable moutain as she stood tall

"finished?"asked Dara as she looked at the fiend"then it's my turn"then she slowly started to raise her second sword before she started to softly sing

"the sun rises from the east, bringing with it the light" sang Dara as blood flowed from the side of her mouth as she brought down her raised sword towards the fiend, causing the fiends eyes to narrow as it stared at the sword slowly coming towards it giving it a sense of dread before it noticed there was something locking it in place. It started to roared and struggle trying to move out of the way as the sword move towards it head, before it's free arm started to swell to an unatural extent as a look of madness appeared on its face before it's arm suddenly moved to intercept the sword.



A roar of pain was heard as the fiend shot out while holding it's arm as blood flew all over the place before it crashed into the ground being buried by dirt. Climbing out the hole while gritting its teeth as it stared at it's arm that started to wriggle then regrow before it blew away in the wind, this proccess repeated itself several times before Kie-er appeared before it, it didn't get to react before it felt a blow to it's stomach causing it to vomit blood before it flew up in the air

"standing at the peak of the world, judging everything that the light touches" sang Kie-er as she appeared above it before drawing her sword, the resheathing it. Before wiping the blood from her mouth


Blood Flew as the Fiend's legs were cut off and it fell to the ground like a broken kite. Before it hit the ground it titled it's head as Damian appeared at it's side

"judge"sang Damian as he cut off it's remaining arm

"jury"as he cut off it's head

"executioner" sang Damian as he thrust out his sword towards the place where it's core would be

CLANG!!!!Damian's bloodshot eyes stared at the shadowy figure that blocked his sword with it's dagger. Their eyes met as she stared at it's blood red eyes before it reached out it's hand a grabbed Damian's face and slammed him into the ground