

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Part 2 - Arrow Of The Orion - The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten Walmart edition


Don't you know I'm still standing after all this time?

Just a small chapter so that I create a momentum on how will the events go later on the story so don't expect much.

Anyway, sorry for disappearing for 3 months. I know, I'm a piece of shit for that.

A lot of things happened to me to in the past three months.

The OG's know in one of my deleted announcements, there is my thought saying "Life Is Unexpected. You will never know when yours will be taken. So if I didn't post a year or so, then feel free to take my work and continue it on your own way. I might be already dead at that time."

And after that, it's either death chasing me or me chasing death. A lot of close calls that almost ended me happens. But here I am. Still alive.

There is more in that 3 months. But I rather keep it to myself as it was my problems. Those said problems also have me rethinking about my life.

Also, unfortunately, I'm removing Yae. I found out that she's rather hard to describe as a character and my way of writing her is pretty hard on it's own. So unfortunately from now on, you guys will no longer see Yae.

On the brighter side, atleast for me, it will become much more easier to focus on Ais and other characters now as it was one less character.




> Time Skip <


• Chant •


AN = Author's note

ASC = Author's side comment


It was currently morning in the land of Orario.

As the sun rises more in the sky, voices of people around the town become more heard. The sound of the footsteps of the people and the chattering of neighbors accompanied by the fresh wind, the refreshing breeze and the chirping of the birds.

It was yet another normal and peaceful day for Orario.

Well, putting that aside. Let's go to a certain Manor of the trickster goddess and proceed to one of it's room.

Yuuya can be seen looking out the window as if watching the town. In truth he was waiting for someone.

It's been a month since he wakes up from a deep coma. In that given time, not much has happened other than a lot of check up and examine done to him by Amid.

He was also doing some physical therapy to help him recover. He was also recommend to eat more to further encourage his body as well as mind to regain it's healthy or normal state back. Last but not the least, as a common rule of thumb after recovering from a battle, rest a lot.

His wounds have all healed thanks to his regeneration skill. Though he has yet to recover his lost arm, he was all good.

Another thing that is also happening for the past month, well in short term, he was being spoiled rotten by a blonde or as we all know, Ais.

For the past month, Ais is taking care of Yuuya everyday. Starting from morning to night. Sometimes she even sleep beside Yuuya if she is not embarrassed about it. Ais also brings Yuuya his food as well as giving him company for the entire day.

And if she accumulate enough courage, she even help Yuuya in bathing. With of course a strict watch from Riveria to make sure nothing lewd happens much to the disappointment of Ais and satisfaction of Riveria for having a chance to see her future husband bod- nothing.

Overall, you can say that Yuuya is being spoiled rotten to the core by Ais. Not that Yuuya says anything about it. After all, he is tired himself. On the bright side, he is being reminded some of his good memories from his previous life because of the action Ais does.

"Hm. She will be here anytime now."

Then the sound of a door opening was heard as Yuuya smelled the aroma of a freshly cooked breakfast.

'called it.'

Yuuya averted his gaze to Ais who was walking towards him with a smile on her face as if she's enjoying the situation, and she does.

"Good morning Bell."

"Good morning."

"How's your sleep?" said Ais as she sat at the chair beside Yuuya's bed.

"Like the usual, good." reply Yuuya.

Ais face got red as she picked up the spoon and a portion of the food then brings it close to Yuuya.

"Say ah" said Ais teasingly.

Yuuya sighed in response.

"Can you please stop treating me like a child every time you feed me? You've been doing this for a whole month." Protest Yuuya.


Yuuya just sighed in defeat as he eats the food he was offered.

> Ais treating Yuuya like a child later <

Yuuya just finished getting spoon fed and was now drinking wotah as Ais put the empty plates aside.

"Bell looks so cute when embarrassed hehehe"

'This girl. I'll show you.'

"Hey Ais, come here for a second."


When Ais comes close enough to Yuuya, he suddenly pulled Ais to the bed as he bring himself above her and blocking her vision on the left with his arm. Making sure Ais only looks at Yuuya.

It took her quite some time to realize the situation she was currently in. But when she realizes it... Well you know what will happen.

_She goes into a literal definition of a blush mess as visible confusion and embarrassment is shown in her face_

"Be-be-Bell!? Wha what are you doing?!"

"Nothing. Just a payback. Soooo say. What does it feel like to be embarrassed hm?"

_Ais then tried to look away from the humiliation Yuuya is giving to her_

"Oh? My my. Where did the teasing of a princess a moment ago now?"


"B- b"

"Hm? Are saying something?"

Ais mind: System Overload it is.

"B- Bell no baka!!!!!!"

Shout Ais as she unconsciously punches Yuuya in the stomach.

"Agh!" grunts Yuuya in response as he falls in the side of the bed clutching his stomach while in a fetal position.

Ais then got up, her face still cherry red as she picked up the plates and hurriedly exit the room not thinking about anything as her mind tries to reboot itself.

"Well that hurts." Said Yuuya as he get up and sits on the bed again.

Yuuya then looks at his stats. His attributes still has "halved" meaning he is still in a weaken state and his recovery meter is on 50% meaning he needs to rest more.

Satisfied on his progress, Yuuya closed his system as he look at the town peacefully.

"I guess... Resting once in a while isn't too bad..." Said Yuuya

ASC: of course resting is nice since you just have a close call on death and the novel almost ending at 30 chapter. FAM YOU ALMOST DIED OF COURSE YOU NEED TO FUCKIN REST YOU DAMN- oh fudge I forgor that I'm responsible for his suffering lol


Anyways that's it for now, yah I'm alive

Start to overthink if I didn't post a chapter for 6 months

Anyways, May is close and my 3rd quarter final exam are near, which you guys know, a very damn important exam so this might be one of the last chapter for the month.

But once May 1 hit, I have a neat surprise for you guys.

Btw, a little trivia or a fun fact


In the end of the novel, Yuuya will end up with 20 wives. Sounds like a lot right? Ye I know and some more will be added later depending on how will the story go. Though, can you guess all of them?

My future plan no.1:

There will be a another sequel where it futures Yuuya's life in the other world. Basically a side story. It will show his interaction with his friend, and more importantly, his wife in the previous world

Side comment: tbh, I felt really stupid for just thinking now about a side story. I should've make the side story first then this one lmao

Future plan no.2:

And since I've said that, there is also another novel I plan to make. It's more of a slice of life and school type of novel. With of course, a little twist. The Male lead has one of the "fragments". What fragments? Not telling hehehe. But that said plot was still undecided.

For the release date of the two novel, I'm not sure yet but it might be released around the middle of July.

And for a final remark, I might or might not discontinue my work here and instead transfer to Wattpad since I've liked the writing style there more.

Another reason why I want to transfer there is that, somewhere a while ago, I've read in a website that the story I published here is not owned by me but instead owned by Webnovel.

That quite scared me. Not that I'm saying I owned this novel completely since this story is basically a fanfiction but hey, I want the credits atleast lol.

But hey who knows, I might throw the idea to the trash can. Though I'll definitely publish my work on Wattpad later.

But when I make a original novel, I'll probably do research first.

Aight that's it for now. Thanks for your patience.