

This novel is about a young man who died because of an accident When he thought it was all over he got reincarnated However the world he got reincarnated into was not your normal world He got reincarnated into the world of DanMachi where the self proclaimed goddesses came down from heaven to help the mortals who got pushed back by the monsters that came from the deepest dept of hell With the new life he had and the system he got, he has a goal... A goal no one could imagine His goal was not to conquer the world or the heaven nor to have all of the beautiful woman in the world His goal was to go back to his home planet and reunite to someone important to him With this new goal in mind he will not let any obstacle to stop him from moving forward and he was ready to crush everything in his path just to achieve his goal He will not gave mercy to this who try to take his life, he will be ruthless to anyone who dare to stop him from achieving his goal. This... This is the story of selfless sacrifice and courage. ∆∆∆∆

_Krid_ · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 28: A Strange Fox


"So... Hestia arrived... Great...' thought Yuuya

[Well last night was certainly interesting]

"Ah what a surprise, the system has decided to talk atleast once' said Yuuya



"...I'm sorry' said Yuuya

"...Well last night is certainly quite eventful, Hestia arriving here in this despite the rules saying no and...' Yuuya suddenly stops

"...and Hermes also coming along... That bastard' said Yuuya

[Well didn't you already know all of this was about to happen?]

"Truth to be told yes... But the past few weeks was quite eventful that I forgot the event that was about to happen' said Yuuya

"Right now I troubles was about to happen...' said Yuuya remembering the event that was about to happen

He could already feel a massive headache coming...

Right now Yuuya was doing his daily exercise such as jogging, push ups, and decimating the absolute of the forest

and he was about to return to his camp when he saw someone in the forge area

"Ais?' said Yuuya

"...Bell?' said Ais as he turned around to face Yuuya

"What are you doing here this early?' said Yuuya

"...You broke my sword last night remember? I was requesting Tsubaki to make a temporary replacement for my broken sword' said Ais

"Yo' said Tsubaki in the background

"Well sorry about breaking your sword last night's said Yuuya

"No it's fine... I guess' said Ais hesitantly

"...I already feel guilty last night, don't make me feel even more guiltier than I already am' said Yuuya he started patting Ais who's visibly smaller than him by atleast 20cm

Yuuya felt Ais shivers a bit when he started patting her as she started blushing really hard

Yuuya said nothing and continues to pat Ais, after a second Ais started breathing erotically

Yuuya being Yuuya didn't notice this immediately, and only Tsubaki notices it as she tries to hide her embarrassed face from the two

"... Please take another place to do that...' said Tsubaki

Suddenly Yuuya immediately realises what he is doing and stops patting Ais

Ais feeling that her patting session stops immediately looks at Yuuya then at Tsubaki

She then pouts at Tsubaki while making a "Why did you do that?" face

Yuuya not being dense once in a while find this act kinda cute

"Say Ais what is your favorite food?' said Yuuya

"...Jagamarukun?' said Ais

"Ah- why did I forgot that' thought Yuuya

"Hm... I'll make one for you as a apology your sword' said Yuuya

Hearing this Ais suddenly got surrounded by a cheery aura with her sparkling

"Really?' said Ais

"Yes really, I'll make as much as you want' said Yuuya

And just like that a cooking spree for a jagamarukun happens...

(damn, I've never expected Ais to be a glutton


"Hey Bell are we not there yet?' said Hestia

"It's just a little bit further, goddess' said Yuuya

"... Fine' said Hestia

"Though is still don't understand why my private date with you...'

"Became a big group outing' said Hestia

"Bell-sama look at this!' said Lili

Yuuya just did what Lili said

Upon seeing the view Yuuya suddenly froze from his place

The others noticing he is silent for a long time became concerned..?

"Bell?' said Hestia


"Oi Bell are you okay?' said Welf

They then look at his face and the only thing they can said was... He was mesmerized


Yuuya then suddenly talks cathing everyone's attention

"Since when the last time I see this kind of view...?' said Yuuya with a hint of sadness in his voice as he was reminded by his previous home before coming to this world

Everyone just stood there In silence thinking what to said

Hestia then broke the silence

"...Heh what a rare occurrence from you Bell' said Hestia making everyone kinda curious

"What do you mean Hestia-sama?' said Lili

"Well to put it simply you'll need a lot of effort to make him look like that' said Hestia referring to Yuuya's current situation

"So... Impressing him like that would be the greatest achievement you can make' said Hestia

"Seriously? Oi Bell since the last time you got impressed by something?' said Welf kinda afraid on his response

Yuuya just glance back to Welf then looks back at the view once again

"... Honestly... I don't even know' said Yuuya

Welf's fear indeed became true

"Well... That is bad' That's all Welf can respond

"Well I've lost count of the time already, I'm not even aware anymore at this point, I feel like I'm contaminating myself even further into the dungeon lately...' said Yuuya

"Why?' said Hermes surprising the others

"Yeah Bell why?' said Hestia

"...Well it's because I want to be more stronger so that...'

"So that...?' said Ais

"So that I fulfill my promise and reunite with her again' said Yuuya as he glanced into them with a smile in his face

"And may I ask who is that person you are referring to?' said Hermes

Yuuya's smile grows a bit on the question

"That... Is of course a secret I must kept... For now that is...' said Yuuya making the others quite disappointed

"...That person must be important to you' said Ais knowing the feeling and earning a nod from Yuuya

Suddenly Yuuya shivered and this didn't go unnoticed

"Are you okay?' said Ais


"...Goddess I'll be going, I'll explain later' said Yuuya

"What do you mean-"


Suddenly Yuuya dashed at the view where he previously mesmerized

He dashed so fast that a crater and a boom was created where he previously stand

The boom that Yuuya made was so loud it's heard all around the Under Resort

For the source of the boom that occur it was the cause of Yuuya breaking the sound barrier in that one second. Basically a sonic boom

"Should we chase him?' said Ais to Hestia

"...No, whatever attracted him must be something important and if ever a danger come he can escape from it immediately. As you can see he was so fast plus we weren't even gonna know where exactly he went because of how fast he is' said Hestia


In Yuuya's perspective and the reason why he leave them like that is because of a sudden powerful pulse of mana that got released that only him can feel

He can admit that the powerful pulse of mana that got released kinda scared him a little bit since he never seen such thing before

Traveling at half of the speed of sound he immediately arrives at the place where he felt the pulse mana came from

There Yuuya saw around 5 minotaurs surrounding a Injured little fox... A pink one on top of that

(Press Here for reference)

Then he saw a minotaur crystals laying around, if one where to count it there was atleast 20 minotaur crystals

Looking at the situation the little fox seems like it was fighting for it's life against the minotaur

Out of instincts Yuuya unsheathed his sword and dash at the minotaurs to help the little fox

"Firebolt Breathing, Fire Mode, First Form! Engulfing Fire!' said Yuuya as his sword got engulf by fire

With his sword engulf in fire Yuuya slashes the minotaur's into many pieces not even giving the minotaurs time to react

Yuuya then glances at the little fox who has collapses it's injury


Author's Note: Aight that's it for now

I haven't publish any chapter last week and I'm very sorry about that. It was just my laziness punching me at it's finest form

And yes I've decided to give Yuuya a companion... It's Yae Miko on top of that because fuck logic and the 4th wall I don't care about'em

Btw join my discord pls I'm begging you

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