
'You look lonely' - Nat

The tower is in full party mode, and everyone is mingling. Just one person is not. You always notice Natasha when you're in the same room. How could you not? Tonight, however, she looks extra hot. Her red hair always makes you legs wobbly. What is even more noticeable, though, is the fact that she is sitting all by herself. On a bar stool, staring into her drink. You saw Cap trying to talk to her earlier, but he quickly gave up.

You manage to keep up small talk with other guests for some time. Eventually, you cannot stand it anymore and walk over to her.

Your eyes wander over her back that is covered by a black, silk blouse as you lean against the bar. She acknowledges you by just slightly turning her head towards you, not taking her eyes off her drink. You drag your gaze over the side of her neck and down to her cleavage. The view of her partially exposed boobs makes you nervous. You knock back your own drink and put the empty glass down. Natasha sees it but still doesn't say anything.

So, you do: "You look lonely." After a pause you add, murmuring: "I can fix that."

Finally, her head shoots up and she looks you in the eyes. Your knees almost buckle, and you have to hold on to the countertop of the bar a little tighter.

"What did you just say?" She asks you with a rough voice.

A smile tugs on the corners of your mouth: "I think you heard me just fine."

Natasha fully turns towards you, and you can hear your own pulse in your ears. Fuck, she is intimidating. But that's such a goddamn turn on for you.

Suddenly, she snakes her leg around yours and presses her heel into the back of you knee. You topple over, right into her arms.

She catches you, one hand on your shoulder, one hand on the side of your face. Wide-eyed, you find yourself right in front of her face. You can smell her perfume and the shampoo she always uses. You feel her palm on your cheek and lean into it.

Her eyes dart to you lips and back to your eyes. You give her the smallest nod and she finally kisses you. Your hands fly up to rest on her back, arms around her. You feel the smooth fabric of her blouse brush against your fingertips.

Her lips are plush and warm and taste of liquor. You sigh in relieve and step even closer, until her chest is pressed against yours.

You tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Then you gently bite her bottom lip. It makes Natasha break the kiss and playfully slap your cheek. Your mouth falls open.

"That's what naughty girl get." She quietly tells you with a voice so teasing, it is about to make you lose your mind. Before you can reply anything, though, she gets up from her chair and corners you between her and the counter.

She puts one hand on your waist, causing you to get even wetter. After pressing another heated kiss to your lips, she whispers into your ear: "You're lucky we're in public. Otherwise, I already had you beg for mercy."

You gulp and lean back to look at her face. Then you look around the room. Tony is observing you, a bright grin on his face.

"Maybe we should go somewhere a bit more private then?" You propose.

Natasha takes your hand and replies: "I know a place."

"Is it your bed?" You chuckle.

She simply winks at you before basically dragging you out of the room.