

BabyBean1221 · Fantasy
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(schooling system different to other school systems sorry if doesn't make sense but there are just more years)

Classes are boring, they were useless anyways if your as weak as me because no company wants a weak worker and no worker wanted a weak Co worker. The main reason people don't like people like me is because the government told them that we are bad and are thirsty for power and would attack anyone to have their ability. But that's not true and in my mind the more stronger people are thirsty for power as they'd do anything to have more money. Out of all the classes I felt that only one of them were useful to me and being one of the lower years there's less classes that are somewhat fun. survival class was the most useful to me, it taught you what types of things you can find in the wild to eat, what you can't, basically you learnt about how to survive in the wild , this would be useful to me as if I were to run away from the orphanage I need to have the knowledge of survival. Classes lasted an hour each and there were six a day with a fifteen minute breaks between, the first to second years learnt 'normal' subjects like maths and English, then the third to fifth years learnt the same but with more lessons like survival class lesson where you learn about the different types of abilities. The six and seventh years learnt more deeper versions off those lesson and start to think and practice for where they are going to work. I was in the fifth year and soon I'd be going up to the six years, and then I would work out a way for me to be able to take control of the government but would be difficult being as weak as me.