
'The Novel'

I have come across the idea of not giving the MC a name.

kenotorino · Fantasy
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1 Chs

'The First Chapter'

The Beginning Of his Story

      It was a dark and quiet night the moon wasn't up and the people were quiet. The only thing that the residents could hear were the howls of the wolves, in a dark alley a boy with black hair was cold and hungry. The boy was wearing the cheapest clothes money could buy and be skinny because of malnutrition. The boy lived on the streets stealing anything he could and pickpocketed anyone that he happens to come across. It was almost winter, the worst time for someone like him, he had just been caught stealing and the guards are still looking for him, he felt fear, pain, regret, and resentment, he was afraid of the guards and the cold, he felt pain from the hunger that he was experiencing, he regretted trying to steal the gold necklace from the merchant and was resentful of the life that he had been given. He had just run around the city and felt tired beyond belief but he forced himself to endure this nightmare because he believed that all hardships will end in something good.

*Heavy breathing* "I regret *tired breathing* everything that I did today" *He looks up at the night sky with a face of determination* "Now I just need to sell this necklace*"

The necklace had a big heart-shaped ruby in the middle and many small sapphire crystals around the heart 

*A few Hours Later*

     It was early morning, the city folk were waking up and getting ready, the city was becoming lively again. The boy had left the alleyway and traveled to the eastern part of the city to sell the necklace, a half an hour walk later and he found the shady merchant that always bought whatever he stole. The boy walked to the shady merchant….

"Hmm It's a lovely day isn't it boy," The shady merchant said lively

"Yes it is, but I happen to come across a pretty necklace the other day And I wanted to sell it to you," The boy said with confidence

"Boy, let me see this necklace of yours," The merchant said with curiosity

The boy shows him the necklace "Here, this is the necklace that I wanted to sell to you"

The moment that the merchant saw the necklace his eyes were consumed by fear, he grabbed the boy's shoulders "Boy!, where did you get this? Do you not know the owner of the necklace?"

The boy was confused as he didn't know what the merchant was talking about "What do you mean? I got it from a merchant, did I do something wrong?"

The merchant acted more fearful and looked at the area around them "yes, you did something wrong! That's the necklace of the princess you idiot!" The merchant didn't know what to do he currently didn't want anything to do with the boy in front of him, he didn't want to get executed

The boy dropped the necklace and took three steps back "what do you mean? Why would a merchant have the necklace of princes?" The said fearfully

The merchant sighed "there is noth- wait maybe if you return it, hmm do it fast, hurry and maybe we don't die for the-" before the merchant could finish his sentence he was hit with an arrow in the back and a loud voice

"So what is a filthy boy like you doing with the necklace is the princes" the mysterious female voice said emotionlessly

The boy froze in place, he was afraid but he noticed that the merchant was still alive, barely but alive "wh- wh- who's there!?"

The boy then heard fingers snapping "Guards! Arrest this thief"

A dozen guards clad in plate armor suddenly appear out of nowhere with swords, spears, and shields, the guards were quiet they didn't say anything, they were like mindless puppets

The boy was afraid, he was dozen in fear but he knew he needed to run so he looked around for anything he could use

"Hmm, guards take him down and bring him to me"

The guards didn't say anything and in uniform slowly walked towards the boy

"Uhh can we talk this out?"

The woman didn't say anything and the guards just kept coming closer, as the guards got closer the boy saw a rope but it was about 15ft above him, a cart was next to him but wheels were gone and the wood seemed to be rotting, he had a dagger but he didn't know if it would be useful, there was a piece of broken glass next to him and again he didn't know if it could be of use, the guards were moving slowly and didn't give him any chance of escape but even if he did manage to escape the encirclement there could be others waiting, he had no escape plan, then he suddenly remembered the necklace, he couldn't think of a way that it could be useful, he noticed that some parts of the wall could be used as handholds.

"Nothing wrong kid just give us back the necklace and you'll get 1 to 2 years in prison for all the crimes you've committed," the woman said kindly

The boy held the necklace and looked at it and screamed "you want it? Then catch it!" The boy threw the necklace at where he thought the woman was and jumped to the wall and started climbing until he got to the rope. The guards tried to catch the necklace but the boy threw it high, the woman acted calmly and watched the boy as the guards tried to get the necklace. The woman had a clear shot as the boy was busy climbing the rope she knew that if she didn't fire now the boy would get away but she just watched

"A dumb gamble but it worked we don't need him anyway, Guards!, get the necklace! And bring it to me"

A few minutes later of searching for the necklace one of the guards gave it to the woman and the woman finally left the darkness which hid her figure, she had silky red hair, she was wearing loose leather armor, Baby blue eyes and had a slender figure.

The woman closed her eyes and saw an outline of the fleeing boy, the woman smiled and said "hmm He might become useful when he grows up" She took the necklace went to the palace to look the princess

One of the guards spoke, "Maam should we chase the boy?"

"No, well not yet at least and there's no point in chasing him, besides I marked him, he isn't going anywhere"

A few hours later

The boy was in a small abandoned house that he called home, the floor of the house was made up of old wood that was starting to deteriorate, the windows didn't have glass because the glass had shattered long ago, the small poorly made bed at the side of the wall, and the small feeling of despair that surrounded the place, it was nowhere near perfect but he considered it home.

"Finally back, god that was close" the boy then sat 

On his bed and looked at his right arm which had a small cut on it "Weird, I didn't even notice that I got cut…" The boy then decided to sleep for the night. It was getting dark and he didn't want to get nightmares again.

**A few hours later**

The boy was running, running from something that he didn't know it was like hell, running from an unknown enemy you never know when they'll appear they just do and you only know their behind you when it's too late but this time he didn't know when the nightmares would end, normally he knew when it would end but this time it was like something was merely watching… watching like a hunter stalking its prey but this all ended when he heard a scream, a scream that pierced his soul.

**At an unknown time**

The boy made a weak scream, went up with tears falling from his cheeks… "Why… just…. Why…" the boy curled up into a ball and tried to sleep again

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