
'Don't Be Sorry' Stray Kids X Male Reader

pJyang_en · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Possible Mistake Part. 1


Woollim Ent.... Fail 

Fantagio.... FAIL 

Source Music.... FAIL 


Produce 101.... ELIMINATED 

End of Flashback

<Junseo's POV>

"Is there something wrong with me, every company I've been to 4 different companies, 1 failed debut, and an elimination on a survival show. Now I'm here at JYP Entertainment, I feel like this isn't gonna take me anywhere, should I give up on this dream? Everything has not been working for me. Is there even hope for me to debut here? I might take this as a last chance to debut." I thought to myself before going back to practice. 

I wasn't really much as a dance but I know that in order to at least getting close to debut is for me to be able to dance as well as I can sing. I didn't realize on how long I was in the dance room, it was already 7 in the morning, I've been here since 9 a.m. yesterday. As I rested for a bit, Jinyoung sunbaenim came in. 

"Oh, hi hyung! What brings you in here?" I said a bit tiredly.

"Well I've been watching you dance and you've improved a lot since you first entered the company!" Jinyoung hyung said. 

"Do you think that... there's a chance that I will ever make my debut?" I said a bit down. 

"Of course you will, don't think about the past. I know that you've tried very hard to make your debut and if you keep trying your best you will definitely make your debut and be just as successful." Jinyoung hyung responded. 

"You really think so?" I asked.

Jinyoung hyung came and sat down next to me. 

"Of course, your debut will come sooner than you think." Jinyoung hyung said with a smile. 

"Thanks hyung." I said looking back at him. 

Jinyoung hyung had to leave right after because he had a meeting with JYP-nim. I continued to practice a bit before going back to the dorms. It was already 11 a.m. and I decided to get some things from the grocery store to cook at my dorm. I finally got back to my dorm, it was so nice and peaceful in there. Until my stomach started to growl again. I started to cook some food to eat and I don't know how but I was able to cook without burning down the dorm. After eating I decided to rest from all the dancing. After a few hours I got a call JYP-nim and it sounded important so I quickly made my way back to the company. Knowing me this is probably when I might start to leave the company, but who knows on what might happen. After a few minutes I got to the company. I was nervous, what was gonna happen when I enter his office? 

"Okay, you got this!" I tried telling myself with confidence. 

I didn't expect to see the things as I entered to office. Got7 and Twice sunbaenim was in the office as well as JYP-nim. I didn't know what was happening and all my nerves came back to me. I greeted them all then sat down in the chair in front of the desk with everybody's eyes on me. 

"Um, so why did you call me in?" I said as I gulped. 

"So Jinyoung, told me that you have progressing very nicely throughout the year you've been here. I know that you've had a rough past with trying to make your debut. But today I've asked you here to tell you that it might not happen in the future." JYP-nim said then paused. 

When I heard those words I felt like everything that I've done up to now was a huge waste I felt like crying until JYP-nim started to speak up again. 

"Junseo, I know that you really wanted to make your debut in the future but I here to tell you... I've made some arrangements and decided with your skills that you've progressed through the past year, you will be... entered as the 10th new member of Stray Kids!" JYP-nim said in excitement. 

"Wait, is this really happening? I'm making my debut, but Stray Kids sunbaenim already debuted already didn't they?" I said in excitement and confusion. 

"We know, but we've considered that your skills would fit in right with the group!" JYP-nim said. 

I was in amazed that I was gonna finally make my debut after all of the things I've been through, this was finally happening. While all these thoughts were in my head my Got7 hyungs and Twice noonas came up to me and congratulated me.

"See didn't I tell you that you would make your debut soon Junnie!" Jinyoung hyung said. 

"Thank you and thank you everybody... wait but do the Stray Kids hyungs know about this." I said after a bit of thinking why they weren't here. 

"Ah, so about that we haven't informed them about this but I'm sure they would be happy! As soon as you get back to your dorm start packing because you're moving to their dorms tomorrow!" JYP-nim said to me. 

After all of this happened I left the company with a smile on my face, finally knowing that I would make my debut, but the thing was that I've never really had any interactions with any of Stray Kids hyungs. I decided to put that all aside and went back to my dorm and started packing. 

"I can't wait for tomorrow to come!" I said as I got back to my dorm. 


"Wait, what? Why is this happening!!"....

<To Be Continued>