
'Broken Image'

A hero and a villain in the same town, they battle, one protecting, one destroying. The town means to break them apart, but they grow closer. Trauma, and a hate-love relationship can only last so long. So long until it becomes something that can be called love.

Fangkun · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

- outrunning problems -

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~

The sobs of the hero echoed within the small bathroom. They felt like needles digging into the villain's ears, hitting and stabbing at his heart. The man didn't say anything, he stood outside of the bathroom with his head against the wall. The man sobbed from inside, throwing up his insides with violent gagging.

It hurt for some reason. It hurt to listen to the sound, to not be able to do anything to stop it. If anything, he encouraged and helped it. But he was the villain, that is what he does.

So why does he feel bad about it?

He shouldn't, and he knows that. The man turned around, setting his back to the door, he closed his eyes and listened. All he did was listen to the man. He took in the sobs, no matter how much it hurt his heart, he listened silently.

He didn't know how long he stood there. He just stayed in the same position silently, waiting for the painful sounds to end. He said nothing, it has almost been 10 minutes since Oxzy had run into the bathroom.

Pierce sighed, he knew the man was waiting for him to leave. It would feel awkward for him to come out with the villain waiting for him. With a hesitant look, the villain walked away from the door. He looked around his room, grabbing a few things before heading down stairs.

A few seconds later he came back up, wiping up the mess they had made. He finished cleaning, looking back to the bathroom. He had his high senses up, so he tried to listen to what Oxzy was doing. The man was panting with tired breaths, at least he wasn't crying anymore. Pierce went back down stairs, keeping his senses high in case the hero left the bathroom.

Still he didn't, the villain stayed outside of his room. His pathetic excuse of a family had left, that had it easy for him in the living room. His father had cleaned up like he ordered, so the villain felt boredom run through him. He did nothing but wait, with high senses.

He was hoping to hear the hero leave the bathroom, but instead he heard something outside of his house. Normally it wouldn't be an issue, but it was directly outside his home. It was a small group of men, their voices were hushed whispers as they came closer to the door. The villain, feeling slightly annoyed because of Oxzy, decided to confront them.

It was easy enough, he stayed in front of his door, leaning on it to listen for anything that they say. They got to the door, whispering words, they hushed each other, one saying something that caught the villains attention.

"-Felix said to just do it-"

The villain heard the sound of the nob being turned, he smirked. With a silent move, Pierce pulled the door open, the man that had his hand on the knob fell flat. He yelped out in shock, falling on his hands, he looked around.

He didn't notice that Pierce was standing behind him by the door. What he did notice was the shadow of a figure blocking the light from outside. He looked around in shock, finding the villain looking down at him with the other man's collar in his hand. He had them both in his grasp, grabbing the man that tried to flee with a stronghold on his shirt, the other man was below him. He couldn't go anywhere.

"Felix said what? Hm?" The villain glared at the man below him.

He began to shake, putting his hands up in defense. "I- I- sor-sorry!"

Pierce rolled his eyes, pleading and putting their hands up isn't gonna make them safe. He leaned down slightly, bringing the man in his hands with him. The man cried in pain, falling onto the floor with the villain's effortless pull. "I'll ask you again nicely." He kept his expression neutral, tilting his head while making the man flinch. "What did Felix say for you to do?"

The man sobbed, closing his eyes. "He- He told us to check! Jus-Just to check on y-you..!"

"Hm.." The villain hummed, eyeing the man, he wasn't believing it.

"It-s true!" The man in his hold cried out, trying harder to pry away.

Pierce held harder, growing small flames to burn his flesh. He cried, trying to push it away. The villain just made the flames bigger. He was burning his flesh slowly, the man gave up on fighting. When Pierce felt the man stop moving, he let the flames disappear, looking down at the other man.

The other man looked up in shock, he was fearful that Pierce had just killed the other man that wasn't moving. He didn't want that to happen to him. With a shaky gulp, he faced the evil man.

"Your b-brother.. Was told that the h-ero was here..!" He whimpered out. The villain's eyes grew darker, scaring the man even more. "For your sake! He was just worried?"

"I don't need a rat like him to worry…" The villain leaned down, eyeing the man. He shrank back, trying to run away. Pierce shook his head, "well I see that you have nothing else to give.."

The man flinched when Pierce grabbed his collar. He now had both of the men in his grasp, without breaking a sweat. The man began to wither wildly in fear, he fought back, fearing for his life. When Pierce gave no mind, he turned to the open door, dragging both of them out. He began to plead, pleading to be let go.

It went past Pierce's ears, he stopped when on his pouch. Without a word, Pierce threw the unconscious man onto the streets, he hit the ground with a crack. The other man shrieked, grabbing at Pierce with desperation. He missed every grab, instead was also lifted into the air.

A scream echoed within the streets, it hit the houses before a loud smash filled the streets with silence. The man was now bloody and silent in Pierce's hand, he sighed in relief.

"Finally, you shut up." He smiled to himself, dragging the man off his pouch before dropping him in the streets. He didn't bother to check if either of the men were still alive, he made his way back to his door.

He entered before closing the door, immediately, he heard a few sounds up stairs. It was faint, but enough for him to speed walk up there. It sounded like Oxzy was out of the bathroom, and he was.

Pierce came into his room to find the hero holding onto the black undershirt he was found in. The villain had washed it, it was left in the dryer that was next to the bathroom, it seemed like the hero had grabbed it and put it back on. He had taken off the sweater Pierce had given him, looking at the surprised villain who entered the room.

Pierce was trying to piece everything together as Oxzy shuffled around. He looked to the ground, trying to think of something to say. Instead of the hero speaking, it was the villain who spoke first.

"Leaving looking like that?"

The hero flinched, looking down at himself he felt his face heat up. He was only wearing the wrinkly black undershirt, and a large pair of red sport shorts that were the villains. Even so, what else is he supposed to wear?

He doesn't have anything else, anything to his name.

Only the black shirt he was assaulted in.

Pierce chuckled at the hero's silence. With a shake of his head he stepped forward, "where are you gonna go? Do you have some safe house I don't know about or something?"

The hero felt his face heat in embarrassment, he tried to shake it off, holding the shirt close to his chest.

Instead of saying something like Pierce had hoped, Oxzy stood in silence. His face was a brash red, eyes and body shifting uncomfortably. The villain couldn't help but feel like all of this was funny.

"You have nowhere to go, Ox, you have no home. No family."

The hero gritted his teeth. "Shut up.." He whispered out, he was shifting uncomfortably, eyes casted to the ground so he didn't have to look at Pierce.

Still, the villain moved in closer. "You know it's true, the hero has nothing left. He even has no powers to defend himself."

Oxzy felt his eyes water, he wanted to say something. To say anything and defend himself, but he felt so weak. He had to be taken care of by the villain, that wasn't just the worst of it. Not only that, but everything Pierce was saying is true.

Pierce watched Oxzy's every move. His every reaction, he soaked it in. He wanted to be heard more, he wanted the hero to look at him. He was telling the truth, everything was true. Even if it was harsh, the things Pierce was telling the man were true. He had nowhere to go.

"You lost everything. You have no one left, no home, no pets." The villain felt his blood rise, walking forward with his hands up, a crazed look in his eyes.

The hero was still silent, the words hurt. They hit and sank right into his skin, his body tensed up with tears clouding his vision.

The villain was almost touching the hero at this point, with no reaction at all. Why won't he say anything? It pissed Pierce off more, he wanted Oxzy to know that it was true. That he had nowhere to go, that he was stuck here.

That he was stuck here with Pierce.

"Everything is gone, you will be weak out there. You have nothing left, not even your own mother."

Those words made the hero react. The man swung his hand with lightning speed, hitting the villain right in the face. It was silent after the loud smack. Leaving both of them in the room with an echoing silence.

The villain felt a hot flash in his cheek as it stung into his skin. He looked back, eyes falling onto the man whose hand was shaking from the slap. His eyes were red, tears falling down from his eyes that glared at him with hatred. The villain looked into Oxzy's eyes in shock, he didn't really comprehend what had just happened.

"I know..! I know that!" The hero yelled out, tears falling off his face in a fit. "I don't need a fucking sadistic asshole to tell me such things.. I know I have nothing, but I'd rather live out with nothing than stay another second with you..!"

The villain looked at him, his eyes open wide at the shouts of hatred. The look of hatred in the man's eyes was intoxicating. It felt different, it wasn't the everyday hate the hero looked at him with. It was a new one. A new type of hate, it was the bad type of intoxication. It swarmed around inside Pierce's body, it made his mind and eyes wander.

He didn't feel like himself. He was overcome with anger, with rage. The man smiled, looking back at Oxzy who had put his arm away. He laughed lightly, shaking his head as he looked away.

The motion made the hero flinch, he turned slightly. He was fearful of the outburst he was seeing about to explode. The villain's reactions scared him, his body language was rigid, it looked like he was being played by strings.

"Your acting REAL stupid hero.." He shook his head, his hand in his messy hair, he shot a look at Oxzy. "Really.. Really..."

He walked forward, each step echoing in the hero's ears. The man walked back on reflex, trying to hold in the tears as the man before him stalked forward. He didn't have enough time to react when Pierce grabbed his face harshly.

"Real fucking stupid aren't you?" He smiled madly, looking down at the hero who was in his hand. He squeezed his face, watching as Oxzy looked up in fear, tears running through his fingers. "You have nothing!"

Oxzy closed his eyes tightly, crying silently while Pierce shook his head violently. His fingers dug into his flesh, leaving red marks that sank into his skin and to the bone. It hurt, the hero tried to shove away, but he was too scared. He couldn't do anything, he tried to use energy, to push and fight him off. But nothing came, he was completely defenseless. Nothing to save him from the mad villain holding onto him with a death grip.

"You should just stay here. Stay with me.." His voice dimmed, his hold on Oxzy's face slowly relaxed.

"Mgh..!" The hero gritted his teeth in pain, pulling away with the little energy he had. Still, Pierce held on, he shook and pulled, earning nothing but a confused stare from the villain.

"Ha.." Pierce laughed out, shaking his head, he watched tears fall from his hands. It hit the ground in silence, leaving the man motionless.

Soon only the sound of Oxzy's sobs were in the room. The villain couldn't tear his eyes away. He looked deep into the hero's eyes, it was very evidently fear looking back at him.

It shocked him.

Real fear was coming from Oxzy. Looking back at him in a silent plea. It was everything Pierce had wanted. It was what he craved to look at, to see and fight out of the stone cold man who would throw him to the ground.

Now it was here. Looking back at him, but now, Pierce didn't like seeing it.

After spending the time he did with the hero who was weak and in need of safety. It changed the look. The feeling.

Pierce didn't know what it was, but he didn't like it. He hated it.

He wanted to stop it.

"Mh.." The hero whimpered in his grasp, pulling Pierce out of his thoughts. He looked at him, pulling him away, leaving a trail of red stains and tears falling.

The hero was shaking, pulling himself away as much as he could from the man. Pierce felt the hand he held onto Oxzy shiver, a cold feeling ran up his spine, leaving his body shaking.

His hand felt heavy, sore and painful. The red marks on Oxzy's face hit him right in the heart. The tears that fell past it, running down the marks.

The marks he made. The marks he said he wanted to make.

But not marks that would leave the hero in tears. He didn't want that.

He didn't want this.

The hero found some energy left, with a shot of courage, he ran past the motionless villain. The man didn't react in time, feeling the wind fly past him as Oxzy ran away. He dashed down the stairs, escaping from the home.

Pierce was gonna run after him, he tried to grab at him, but the man was already gone. Only the open door from his home was a leftover trace from his escape.

The villain looked on, a whole opening in his chest.

~The Grubs, the streets~

The hero ran and ran. His intention was to go near the end of the grubs, the streets were brightly light, some people watched as he ran past them. Oxzy didn't even think about his condition, he just wanted to get out of there.

The haunting evil of the grubs were running after him, the exit of the grubs and into Hallway side seemed so far away. His bare feet hit the ground over and over, it was stinging into his flesh. His face hurt, the burning marks of Pierce fingers on his cheek were a glowing red.

"Hey! HEY!" Shouts came from behind him.

Oxzy held the shirt close to his chest, his vision burning with the stray tears that sank into his eyes. Still, he ran. He didn't look behind him, the sound of pounding footsteps mirroring his own from behind made him run faster.

"The hero! The hero-" The voices came closer.

The closer Oxzy got to the exit, the louder their voices got. One was right behind him, the hero felt a surge of energy run into his hands. He was dashing along the streets, men who wanted him dead following, the man was running. Running as fast as he could with the adrenaline running through his bones.

Why was he the one running?

The hero growled in anger, a hand grabbing at his shoulder. Oxzy shot his hand behind him, striking a man with a light spike. It was a bright flash, energy was pent up inside the hero, giving his skin a bright glow.

The man grunted, falling onto his back with steam falling off his burnt hand. He looked up in shock, eyes falling onto the hero.

"Don't fucking touch me." The hero growled out. The energy in his body was healing everything broken inside him, he breathed with ease, a lively stance with hostile intent directed at everyone around him.

The people stopped, they realized he was using his powers. Slowly stepping back, one person dashed off.

The man that was on the ground, yelled, jumping up from the ground with his hand outstretched. Without a second thought, Oxzy swung his hand up, body bent as a large root shot from the ground. The cement broke when it was freed from the ground, hitting the man in the chest. He flew, hitting watchers as they sprawled onto the ground.

The hero didn't feel afraid anymore, he had energy run up his arm and to his hand. The root fell back to the ground, Oxzy turning around before exiting the grubs.

~Formay, police station~

"Sir! Sir!" An officer ran to the office, opening the door without warning. The sheriff stood up, he was about to shout at him when the officer spoke first. "We have a sighting of the hero!"

Milo shot up from his seat, tossing papers around as he walked forward. "Where?"

Without a second of hesitation, Milo took off in the police car. The men had found the hero in Daylight near a ruined old construction site. It was bizarre, the hero must have gone back to his old home. But there was nothing there. Only a large ground of piled up dirt and tree stumps. It was all hidden in a dense small forest that no one goes to.

Even so, the sheriff went straight to him, he had a few other men trail behind him just in case. Jamisen had tried to go after him, but Milo ignored his fellow officer. He was only thinking about Oxzy.

How sorry he was.

~Daylight, ruined old home~

Oxzy didn't know where else to go. He traveled where he could, hiding in the shadows to pass people. His feet felt sore, the burst of adrenaline soon died, that and his energy. He wanted to rest, but no place was safe.

He went to the only place he believed to be safe. His old home where Genna and now Crillia are buried.

His knees dug into the dirt, his body dripping sweat. He felt exhausted after using his abilities. He hasn't eaten since Pierce fed him, it has been a while since he ran away. He ran and hid all the way to Daylight, a part of him wanted to book a hotel, or anything for the night. But it was too dangerous.

He will have to gain some energy while here. At that time, he hoped that no one would see him. That he will be alone there.

He tried to shake off the thoughts, his head hurt with all the anxiety. His hand went to the ground, ruffling up the soft dirt, he looked into the gravestone in front of him.

He was the only one at his mothers funeral. People of the two knew about it, but it was obvious that no one would come, he didn't want anyone to. It still hurts that his father who left when he was young didn't show. Oxzy was told that he was told about it, about everything. But still, living in a different place, he didn't bother to show.

It was better that way. Just him and his mother was enough.

Even with Oxzy's powers, the dangerous life, they lived peacefully. She was the best mother in the world, she would make the best soup when he was sick. When it was a lonely stormy night, she would pick him up and fly the boy into the sky.

Of course Oxzy was much, much younger back then. He was also afraid of a lot of things, the loud sounds of the storm, the dark that swallowed the outside. But Genna was always there, her soothing voice, deep smile that made his whole body relax. She swung him around in her arms all night, singing songs she listened to as a teenager.

All the while, Oxzy fell asleep into the stormy night. He didn't hear the thunder, all he heard was the sound of her voice. The warmth of her chest, the heartbeat echoing within his ears.

The hero hung his head low, tears falling from his sore, red eyes.

They were good memories. It was something that he could never feel again. She was gone. Her and his beloved Crillia May were gone.

He only had the small open space of them left. The space that is in the town that destroyed them, his life.

All of it gone, because of them…

Oxzy gritted his teeth, seething with his wet eyes closed tightly. He could do nothing but cry and cry. To feel pity for himself. What was he gonna do?

He can't take revenge like he wants. He can't kill anyone.

He stayed there for an hour, letting the silence absorb him. It was cut away by a distant sound, Oxzy had his senses high up. Still though, it was weak, caught onto a faint wincing of sounds. It was coming from a small stepping place that led to this closed off area.

When the hero managed to turn his head and body to the sound, the person was already there. To his shock, it was Milo.

"Oxzy…" The sheriff breathed out, he took in the state of the man right away. The hero was wearing only a long black under shirt, he had red shorts on but no shoes. The hero's legs were littered with dirt, faint purple bruises can be seen from his sight.

The sheriff rushed forward, coming closer as he realized the hero began to stir. He stood up, stepping away from the oncoming sheriff. Milo stopped, breathing out quickly. "Oxzy… I-"

He didn't know what to say. He was closer to the hero now, he saw purple ugly marks on his neck. There were a few faint bite marks that he could tell, his face looked tired and red.

The marks made his body stiffen.

Who would do that? When did this happen? The questions kept coming in, he shouldn't let his mind wander, he had other things to think about, to worry about.

The hero slowly sped away, casting his head down so his black curls hung onto his neck. Still, the sheriff saw it all, Oxzy knew that but he couldn't help but try and have some dignity.

Milo still didn't say anything, Oxzy took that as a sign to flee. He didn't want to of course, this was his place. His last remembrance of his family. It was Milo who should leave. Oxzy wanted to make him go away, he had his powers, yet a little weak though they could still help him.

The blonde sheriff gave a hesitant step, watching Oxzy's ever move. The hero was on guard, he was eyeing a possible exit. Almost ready to run like a cat, the sheriff stopped himself from stepping closer.

"I'm sorry Oxzy.." He held his hand out, making the hero look back at him. "I won't do anything to you I promise. But you shouldn't stay here. You could catch a cold…"

Milo took a pointed look at the clothes Oxzy was wearing. The hero looked away. Suddenly, something was draped over his shoulders, he shot his head up, facing Milo who was putting his coat over the hero.

Oxzy was trying to pull it off, Milo stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "I promise not to do anything Oxzy. Please, just let me do this for you…" His voice was low, eyes almost pleading.


"You don't have anywhere to go right? I know about your home…" Milo interrupted him, looking at the ground sheepishly. "It's getting dark, please. Let me take you to the station. Or somewhere…"

Oxzy shook his head, taking a step back. Milo followed, letting him fall, he gave his outstretched hand to the hero. "Anywhere. Just let me bring you somewhere safe."

The hero looked at the hand, eyes growing hot and heavy. What else can he do?

He has been making stupid decisions for how long? What will this change for him?

"Alright.." The hero shortly replied, turning his head away from the hand.

Milo pulled his hand away with a tight smile on his face. Still, he led Oxzy to the car, making sure the silent man followed with every step.