
1. Start

Normal World.

Normal Day.

Normal Routine.

Normal Work 9-9(12 hrs).

Average Salary.

Ok maybe less then Average Salary.. but it's Normal right.?.

but Today..

Something NOT Normal happen...

I Died...


Well it's a mystery...


I was tired, heading home as usual, just like every other day.

And as always, I found myself at the crossing, making my way home after work.

I loosened my tie a little due to the warm weather and used my handkerchief to wipe away some sweat.

After that, I checked the crossing signal. It was still showing Red light.

The light was flickering as usual, indicating that it hadn't been repaired.

Since it was a remote area, there weren't many people around.

It was almost nightfall, so the surroundings had gotten slightly darker. Furthermore, there was no moon visible tonight.

Being in a remote area, which was filled with alleyways, made the surroundings a bit dangerous.

Thieves and stabbers lurk around in this area, and some of them are willing to kill for even a small amount of cash.

Therefore, I was in a bit of a hurry to get home.

Glancing at my phone, I saw that it was already 10:14 PM. It was a bit late because of some last-minute work that came up..

Soon, the signal turned green, and I began walking on the road.

When I was halfway across the road,

I was startled when suddenly a hand landed on my shoulder.

Turning around, I found myself face to face with a man in an overcoat.

He had a rough appearance, a small smile, and piercing eyes that seemed to penetrate my soul.

Wisps of smoke curled from the cigarette he held between his fingers.

I didn't know this person.

"Who are you?" I tried to ask, but my voice failed me, rendering me silent...


I tried again.. but no voice came out.

It's like my mouth refuses to move and became unresponsive.

Panic set in as I struggled to comprehend what was happening.

"What is happening to me?" I wanted to move, but my body refused to obey.

I was frozen in the middle of the road.. desperately trying to cross it.

"Shit!" I panicked, frantically searching for a signal and checking the timer out of the corner of my eye.

It shows [20] seconds remaining.

As I glanced ahead once more, I was taken aback to find the man still there... his smile intact. "What the HELL!?" I thought, my mind racing. "Did he drug me or something!??"

"Is he a thief?"

"Did he want money!?"

"Why didn't he just took the bag and run instead of drugging me!?"


"Why is nobody looking in my direction?" I noticed as people passed by my side without even glancing, simply sidestepping a little.

I stood in the middle of the Crossing, my body slightly tilted, and yet no one paid the slightest attention. It felt surreal, like I had become...


Suspicion clouded my thoughts, and my gaze narrowed at the man.

Who is he?

Why is he doing this?

He just touched my shoulder and now I can't move.

Is it that simple..and easy..?

Can some drugs even act that fast?

With his hand tucked into the pocket of his overcoat, he continued to stare at me, smoke billowing from his mouth.

Then suddenly, he blew the smoke directly onto my face.

Anger surged within me. "What the Fuck?" I seethed. "Some unnatural shit is happening, and certainly it's this bastard's fault!"

I glared at him, desperately searching for answers.

The timer now shows [14] seconds, and desperation washed over me.

"What should I do? What can I do?" I muttered to myself, realizing I couldn't move an inch.

Once again, I met his eyes. He repeated his eerie routine—smiling, smoking, and blowing the smoke at my face.

"Does he want me dead?" a horrifying thought crossed my mind. "But why..? What will he gain from killing me..? I'm just an ordinary person with nothing of value."

I am not a rich person.

I don't own anything precious.

I live in a rent apartment with roommate for god's sake.

So Why..?

Why did he wants to kill me?


"Maybe.. he simply enjoys killing..? Is he a lunatic!?" i became horrified.

Fury and fear coalesced, and I stared defiantly into his eyes. "Please! Let me go!" I pleaded.

I know he understood my plea by the smirk that appeared on his face.

Rage consumed me.


I unleashed my anger in my mind, pouring every ounce of hatred toward him.

Glancing at the timer once more, I saw there was only [2] seconds remaining.

My gaze turned hollow..

I am going to die..


Why is this happening?

I haven't accomplished anything in my life yet..


I wanted to live..



I turned my gaze towards him again, watching his smirk grows as he snapped his fingers.

In the last fleeting moment, I regained my ability to move, but it was too late.

I knew my end was near...


Because.. A truck had been hurtling toward me for the past five seconds, its relentless speed unabated on the empty road.

I didn't have any energy left to stand either. I felt myself falling.

This bastard really Drugged me huh..

No one can see me , and No can help me.

I am Alone.

As the traffic light turned green, the truck didn't need to stop, simply flowing with the current of the road. And I was directly in its path.

In the final moments, I caught a glimpse of the man extending his hands forward and showing middle finger towards me.

"I will kill him," I vowed, before being obliterated by the truck.

Which by the way was hurtling at 200 kilometers per hour.

Every part of my body was destroyed, and my head split open, turning everything into a grotesque mush.

Consciousness remained for a brief moment, and I felt every ounce of pain.


It simple..

I Died.