

TheFriendlyRobot · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Sure enough, we moved into a gated community in the middle of Thunum. The nearest shop was miles away and there were no kids playing in the street. There were no young men on the street corner grinding weed in their hands to smoke, no houses blasting loud music. The community seemed quiet, still, and very much dead.

Dad pulled up into our new driveway. Well, I think it was a driveway. It was decorated with fountains and flowers. He parked the Porche (yes the Porsche, the man went from driving a Toyota Swift to driving in luxury in a week) and handed the keys to a slim young fellow in a black suit and tie. I sat still amazed at how fancy the whole experience was, and we hadn't even been inside the house yet. I guess the organization has a lot of money to splurge. I just hope they splurge in my college fund too.

We entered the house... well, mansion would be the proper term. Inside sparkled as the gems and ceramic tiles bounced the light back to my eyes. I squeezed and rubbed them all while trying to keep up with my father who was enthusiastically giving us a tour of the abode.

He showed us the two kitchens, the living room, the several bathrooms and bedrooms, and his personal favourite, in his words not mine, the indoor gym/swimming pool area. The rest of the family was beaming grinning from ear to ear. But I couldn't help but feel uneasy. Like don't get me wrong, you wouldn't think this 'cause there's a stereotype that black people can't swim but I really enjoy swimming. So having a swimming pool in my yard is a luxury I know I will enjoy, but I still can't get over the money aspect. Where are they getting this money from?

My dad works at an independent detective agency that takes on cases that the police or soldiers for some reason or another need help with. They generate decent income yes but not enough to buy a luxury car and a whole mansion. The fact that no one but me is questioning this is kinda shady to me.

I made my way to my new room. It didn't really stand out, to be honest. It was considerably larger than the space back home but it was void of memories.

Wait, that kinda slapped. Void of memories... I should write it down.

I plopped myself on the bed and decided to scroll through my messages. The group chat was in a state of uproar.

"Girl, how's the Thunum air?"

"Can't sponsor me a Thunum man like Naomi's"

"Don't forget us 'cause you're rich now"

I laughed turning over on my belly to respond to them when all of a sudden I heard my name being hollered down the stairs. Annoyed, I stomped down the stairs, taking care to lighten my steps as I reached the bottom so my mother wouldn't notice. She had a mean swing.

The moment I got to the bottom of the stairs, I fully expected my mother to tell me to do some menial chore, such as passing her the remote or throwing out some water, but instead, I saw a tall, strong muscular back blocking the end of the stairs.

"Oh, sorry,"

He moved out of the way and allowed me to pass. And when I tell you nothing could prepare me for his face. His loose curly hair and glasses blocked his beautiful deep brown eyes. He towered over me and his melanated skin looked smooth and warm.

God. He took his time with this one.

The mysterious boy leaned back on the wall and buried his face in a book. 'Physics II'.

And he's a nerd too?

I am about to start my white-girl-in-a-new-neighbourhood-falls-for-the-boy-next-door arch, and I was going to start it today.

I was so enamored I didn't even realize my parents were having a deep conversation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cheong as they were called. Apparently, they came to welcome their new neighbours as the head of the Thunum Community Assembly. The couple weirdly complimented each other, like a token mixed family from a movie. The wife was the smart, quirky firecracker while the man was the soft-spoken family-oriented Asian dad. Their vibe was a bit off, though. And when my spirit can't take you something is always wrong.

I soon learned their fine son's name, Di-Jean Cheong. Even his name sounded exquisite. Now, you may be wondering. Oh Micah, why are you falling for this guy so quickly? I'm not falling; who says I am falling? I am simply just attracted to this hunk of a man.

'Cause that's no teenage boy that's a man.

I listened to the adults talk. They made plans for dinner, golfing, betting on racehorses, basically planning like they knew each other from diaper days. Once in a while, I would subtly lift my eyes to look at the Cheong's son.

"Well, we should be going now," Mrs. Robinson announced.

"Nice meeting you"

The family bid their goodbyes and headed out the door.

I returned to my room and decided to skim through the books I had gotten for school tomorrow. Underneath, the pile of books was a small hardcover book. St. Jacob's Academy was printed in gold with smiling children at the front. They were adorned in their uniforms. The girls wore pleated green skirts that fell above their knees. This was scandalous compared to my previous school whose skirts seemed to sweep the ground wherever we went. The boys were wearing standard Khaki pants with green shirts. Their crest read the school's name along with its motto.

'The best is the only option'.

Most school mottos are inspiring and uplifting. That motto is a little too... much, don't you think? But hey, I could be overthinking it.

I did a bit of studying and then drifted off to bed.

The next morning, mom woke me up on the dot at 5. She rushed me to get ready even though school didn't start until 7:45 and we lived less than 10 minutes away. That's if it was that long. My parents rushed me out of the house. I barely had time to eat. Outside The Cheongs' were just about to pass our house when they stopped to say hello.

"You neat up for school though" Mr. Cheng remaked.

I tugged at my short skirt and fixed my collar.


"Just saying howdy to your parents. Want me to drop you to school, we are heading that way anyway."

"Mr. Cheong it's --"

"That would be lovely" my mom interjected. She gave me a stern look. 'Be quiet child'

I quickly composed my facial expressions after realizing I had given her the side-eye. My parents were very strict about me so letting me go with someone they just met is really out of character. I heard that money changes people but I never expected my parents to be kiss-ups.

I swung my school bag over my shoulder and folded my skirt onto my lap as I entered their car. Inside smelt of fabric softener with a hint of fruit. It tickled my nose but I managed to hold back my sneeze.

I looked over to my left. Mr. Tall Dark and Fine was sitting quietly reading. I figured that must be what he spends most of his time doing.

"So... Micah, your parents told me you topped your grade at your previous school. That's really impressive."

"It's all possible with the Lord and hard work ma'am"

They laughed. I could tell they liked me. Parents always liked me.

I heard a low scoff beside me and turned to Di-Jean, however, he was still deeply enthralled in his book, maybe I heard wrong.

"Well, I guess our son has some competition this year. You see he has been on top at school since seventh grade so he doesn't take school that seriously anymore. Try and humble him for us, will you?"

I smiled politely.

"Of course, I'll try my best."

They smiled and began to talk about something else.

We arrived at school well before its bell rang. I got out of the car and scanned my surroundings. I have never seen the school before. It was often hidden by tall walls that seemed to climb to the sky. I thanked the Cheongs and after they drove off I turned to their son. I have never actually talked to him and since I only knew one other person in this school I decided why not make acquaintances with him.

"So... any advice for the new girl?"

He slowly looked up from his book and looked me dead in the eyes. After adjusting his glasses he said.

"Here's some advice. I'm not your friend so leave me alone."

I was speechless. Like you are not talking to me. You can't be talking to me.

I opened my mouth about to properly cuss him out but then, I remembered that it's probably not a clever idea to be in an argument with someone on the first day. So I'm willing to let him off this time. Hope he steps on a thumbtack.

He walked away like he didn't just insult me for no reason. It had to be something. It should have been obvious from the moment I saw him that this chocolate man definitely had a problem. He couldn't be perfect. No one is.

I made my way into the school very much pissed. I tried to calm down, faking a smile. I had to. I knew for sure that whatever I was feeling was definitely going to show up on my face. I made my way to the office and was directed to my form class.

"Good Morning everyone." I stood beside our form teacher.

She was a bit shorter than I was, dressed really fashionably and smelt like fruit. I don't think she is anything over 35. She held her register to her chest as she addressed the class.

"So, we have a new student today. Please introduce yourself."

"I'm Micah. Nice to meet you all."

"Give her a clap."

Unenthusiastically, they clapped as if it was a hassle to even raise their hands.

"Nelia, would you please help her get adjusted?"

"Ok Miss," she responded.

I soon learnt that this girl was the class monitor.

"James and his posse are not here yet, I suppose."

The class answered in a monotonous 'no miss' that blended together like a single voice.


She checked her phone. A smile slowly crept. She tried to mask it, sinking in her cheeks and sticking her lips out slightly.

"Class, I'll be right back. Please sit quietly for form time."

She left almost tripping over her heels.

I sat in the only available seat left. The one that was directly at the front.

"Hey. Welcome to St. Jacobs."

I turned to see Nelia stretching her hands to greet me.


"So what made you move here?"

I didn't know how to answer that question. The truth is that I didn't really know. My old school wasn't too far from Thunum. I could easily commute back and forth.

"I guess your parents thought it was best."

I nodded. Her answer sounded a lot more plausible.

"That's what they always think. Here's some advice hun. For those 8 hours you are in here, be on your guard. This place can be your personal hell if you aren't careful. So here's a list of people to avoid."

From behind her, she took out a book. It was marked "Dos and Don'ts of St. Jacobs Academy'

"Do you just carry that around with you or--"

"No, it was made specifically by the student council body to help out new students."


She flipped open the book.

"I'll give you this copy to read on your own time but for now-"

She skipped a few pages. It seemed she had memorized the whole book.

"Avoid them at all cost"

She pointed to the pictures in the book.

"Number 1. Tie Mannotts. Son of the now minister of security."

The boy had a bright smile. He didn't look like anyone to avoid.

"Looks innocent right? Wrong. This year only he had twelve parents placed in jail or fined just because their children pissed him off."


"Number 2. Aiden Wright."

Noami's boyfriend? He was so sweet the other day.

"He's the tamest one by far but, his parents don't play about him. His mother is a parish councilor and his dad is one of the biggest lawyers in the country. He has sued people for even breathing next to their son."

"That's kinda... weird..."

"Focus. This is critical information."

She seemed very excited to be doing this.

"Number 3. Xavier James."

I looked carefully at the picture to make sure what I was seeing was indeed correct. That guy from the bowling alley was right there on the page.

Damn it.

Okay, wait. Maybe he won't recognize me.

"He's in our class."


"And he's the son of... well there's a lot of rumors floating around that his father is this major Don so if there is anyone you want to avoid the most, it's this guy."

Well. I'm dead. My parents might find me on the roadside somewhere.

"Lastly, we have Di-Jean Choeng."

Oh.. he's on it.

"You don't have to worry about ignoring him. He ignores everybody."

And he's very rude too.

"He's the son of the Choeng family."


She said it was my duty to know who they were. I know they are my neighbours but that's about it.

"You don't know them. They are the most powerful family in Jamaica."


She shook her head.

"I might have to take you under my wing. I fear you might get yourself killed just walking around campus ignorant."

She smiled. She's a weird girl.

Suddenly there was a noise from outside the class.

"What you doing here?"

"Easy, just, mind your business."

The voice walked into reveal Aiden. We locked eyes and he walked straight to me.

"Micah I need--"

"A really girl you come inside 'ere a look bredda. All a them girl 'ere a mine fam"

Xavier came in. His shirt was out of his pants and his tie sat loosely around his neck. I could smell the weed coming off him.

"Just cool, easy yourself man."

Aiden grabbed my hand and marched with me to the class door.

"Bro. You can't just come disturb the flow. That's not how it works."

Xavier grasped my hand. His gaze then met mine, and that's when my body ran cold.

"You are that girl from the bowling alley, aren't you?"

My heart stopped and fell to my butt. I could definitely see the headlines. 'A gorgeous young girl tragically killed after interaction with vicious thugs'. My parents would be devastated.

His eyes shifted to Aiden and they started hurling insults at each other.

While they were distracted by their apparent hatred for one another, I managed to wring my arms out of their grasp and ran out the door. I collided with someone and coffee flew in the air.

"MY CHEST!" a person screamed.

And just my terrible, terrible luck, it turns out to be Tie. At this point, my life is messing with me.