
The Worst Stage

He was having severe headache which was not normal like he was unconscious of the surrounding what's going on and hardly move himself . it was mid night when he started saying mom, mom , mom gain and again that night was too hard , at ASAP I called a auto from nearest Auto stand and too him to Nearest Military Care which was GREF centre in Vistantwadi... I think this part is harder to explain for me too should tell you all in short , He was admitted In ICU and I was the only one who was there with him at that time I walked long distances from here to there in Hospital campus or Command Hospital . for blood test , and many more tests and tht time nobody has time to inform dad , He was in J& K and somehow our neighbor informed dad and dad just left all work and reached Pune by Flight within 4 hrs form Srinagar . And entering the ICU was was so hard for him tears in his eyes .. I can't explain that painfull moment for a Dad to see his Son in ICU ..

and Doctor said he is in DI list means a very critical on the edge .. but by the time day passed and after , 10- 15 days he recovered and was discharged from there and My mom was as you all know was of agressive mood ,. dint allowed dad to enter the home the whole night my dad slept outside with his bag ;_; , many hard time you know, our family had very hard time in Life .... I can't explain them all

All the festivals were just dry for us , Diwali the festival of lights where everyone else was enjoying with there family and we dint able to ... My eyes Still had faith in God that everything will be fine again ..

And then after a Long time It was my Day to move to NDA and was Packing my bag , with all my clothes and basic amenities , was also thinking That now I have to leave my Student Life and my childhood there , although my parents and all were so happy for me , My mom made many things like Chaklis and Chiwda my dad brought many things from ARMY canteen (CSD) I told them that these many things are not important that much cz I will get everything but they are my parents :) I packed my bag fully loaded with Love from my parents and Was about To start my Life .. All the Good lucks and there love is with me always .. I was also so much tensed that what will happen to my family without me but someone has to do for future . My dad was one of the Support on my shoulder and Let me Move on to my dreams ...

With a heavy heart i was leaving my home and don't knew when will I get a chance to come back But somewhere I was also mature minded that I have to do it . My Dad helped my brother and written a Letter to his college administration that he was serious and because of that he was not able to attend any of the examination and request them to take his exams , collages decided to take his examination on the next semester exams together and everything went Fine then .. Everyone has Problems in life but looking at problems with Positivity is the only Solution ..

All my friends were so happy that one of them was going to server the nation and make them proud ,. And yes the course which I was doing in college ( BCS ) I have to left that and Step forward to My target of being a worrier and Do something great for all of us and my country , I was finally persuing my Dad passion Of being In military .