

After the We were passed out 8 then 9 then we're finally in our last year of that school time in 10th class where we all have to study hard for the 10th Boards that will be deciding our future .

And then we had persue 10 the and our Results were out I got 8.4 CGPA means 78-80% in 10th So as we all know there are many family expectations Somebody wants us to become Engineer Then go for science , Science has Scope lol , some says you are average So take Commerce Field , and some says take arts you can get Government Job easily and itz all therotical part ..... I was Good at technical things from my childhood I use to make Best out of waste and was very kind hearted and intelligent boys I was not of that one who shows there intelligent but to use it to discover new stuffs information or things, So I took Science as a Career kickstart and as you all know Science means Elephant on a ant XD , cz we were so much addicted to leaning and vomitting on answer sheets we dint knew the meaning of understandings logics behind anything tonight to us in 11 th class and my performance was not so good cz I was new to Science Field by the way ,. then in 12 Class I joined coaching classes "nuclear academy " near my college and as my dad is serving in military he suggested me to give NDA exam ( NATIONAL DEFENCE ACADEMY ) to join Indian Army and I also Started preparing for it though it was hard .

Then That's the first time I went to Mumbai for NDA exam ,. I don't knew what will be the result but I always wanted to visit Mumbai and never seen a sealife in my life ..

So I met my 10 fiends there who were topper in 10th and had come to give examination ..like "Dhiryasheel " one of my friend .... and that was the first time I went somewhere with my mom ... cz we were group of friends who were going to Mumbai to give NDA exam together but my mom forced to come with me so in that whole group of boys I was with my mom so it was bit different experience and my mom too never visited Mumbai before that , nd we both were new to the MUMBAI City , Travelling in Locals to Churchgate my all friends standing far and me with mom ... Itz was to rush in the city it was hard to travel through locals in that but we dint knew that cz we never visited B'town .And my heart was crying when my mom was waiting on the streets outside the building of my examination centre for 6 hrs you won't believe ...I don't know how she spent that time in unknown city , noone there , but She is my mom and For mom I am everything ,.

She even dint had breakfast and lunch during that wait time then I wrote my exams and somewhere I was feeling secure that my mom was waiting outside And she is just 10th passed and was grown in her village , So She didn't use Smartphone too even she don't know how to use simple phones too like we new generation play PUBG, Temple run , Subway surfers for timepass., I feel sad how have she passed those 6hrs ...

When I returned from exam after submitting my Sheet and ran downstairs to my mom and asked her first what she did , and had she had breakfast , no she replied ,. I took her to the hotels but you know it's B'town and what are the Rates of food , rates are such that it looks like turnover of that hotels XD . then there was one idli sambhar shop then we had lunch and then I moved towards girgoan chopati with my mom and it we spent time on the beach and as the day was going dawn my friends dicided to travel in metro .... and metro was from ghatcoper to Andheri and to ghatcoper we have to go by local from. CSTM and I was with my mom in so much restless crowd , and my friends were moving so far that my mom couldn't match there footsteps so they use to go far and call me come fast and I always move with my mom holding her hands ....

we get the passes for metro 40₹ I think for one person we booked a return one too and metro was fully AC and was a new experience for all of us ... and we returned from anderi to ghatcoper and we purchased ticket to CSTM from ghatcoper for local ... and you know local stops for 1 minute and moves fast so my friends always shouting at me move fast move fast and I use to move with my mom speed .. taking her with me .. we missed 3-4 locals cz we dint made it till platform from foot over bridge , someone says go to 1 someone says 2 .. and finally we entered the coatch of the local and guess what it was ladies compartment XD I was with my mom and all the ladies looking at me as if m a alien .

Then we returned to Pune back to our home and everything was relaxed we had experienced the rush life in B'town .