
Chapter Seven: Happy Ending

NaturalSfmStudios turns around to see the building collapses "You bastard" Natural Punches FireStyle until he bleeds, he then sees Zero and Neely catching Silver and sees the building collapse "UNKNOWN" Neely cries as Zero pulls him back, as Natural runs to Neely and Zero "What Happened is she okay" Zero heals her "she'll be fine" she's wakes up and looks around "Neely you're okay, where's Unknown" Silver looks around slowly to see all her friends is still there except Unknown and Netro, Neely Looks at Silver "They didn't make it out" Silver eyes widened "No No No no no, UNKNOWN CAN YOU HEAR MEE" Silver gets up and tries to find a way in as she picks up a rock and throws it one by one "UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN UNKNOWN" she yells until her voice went raw, she cries as Neely pulls her back. And Natural gives her a hug "I'm sorry if we were too late" Natural titled his head down. It was pich black as Unknown opens his eyes and hears Netro "Unknown wake up are you okay, Unknown can you hear me" Unknown looks at him and frowns "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM" Unknown gets up and punches Netro in the face as Netro jumps back and blocks trying to warn him "Ouch Ouch, that hurt I didn't pull you back on purpose I calculated the time when you and Silver we're running out you wouldn't have made it both of you would've been crushed if it wasn't for me you would be here" Netro crosses his arms as Unknown looks at him awkward "oh...sorry I guess" Unknown scratches his head "anyways how are we going to get out of here" Netro naps his fingers "I have an idea well just blast our way out" Unknown looks at him in a bord face "is that all you can think about" Netro nods head "yes, alright let's do this" Unknown pulls out his Dragon fang sword but to figure out that it's not on his back "dammit I lost my sword when I was fighting FireStyle, I guess it means it's just you" Netro looks at Unknown with his eyes twitching and uses his Charge blast to break the rocks but it was no use, Unknown teases him "And they call you Mind hacker you can't even hack us out of here" Unknown looks at Netro in a funny cautious face "I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU DO ANY BETTER" Netro yells as Unknown laughs. "Guess this means I have to do then" Natural walks up to the collapse entrance and put his hand up and blasts the building making the piece flew as Netro heard that as he makes a big force field around him and Unknown "hang on" everything flew except him and Unknown, they saw NaturalSfmStudios with hand standing there as Unknown and Netro runs to Natural "NaturalSfmStudios were fine thanks to Netro" As Neely and Silver runs to Unknown as Roxy closed her eyes "I knew that he was up to something" Scortris walks to them "this is a good fight besides this time I wanna stay with the group no more splitting up" As Silver and Neely hugged Unknown "What's with them-" Unknown falls down while they hug him "I told you I'll be fine, thanks to Netro for saving me or something like that" as zero shows a big smile "I'm glad your safe Unknown" Natural walks up too FireStyle "You don't deserve this power" Natural removed FireStyles powers and gives the power back to Neely and Silver "I believe those powers are yours I guess" and Unknown gets up "let's all go home and together" and Unknown looks around to find his sword, he looks carefully and finds it "I sorry sword for leaving you alone for now on I'll train harder to be the best sword Striker" he puts the sword behind his back. A month later they all moved to NaturalSfmStudios house instead so they wouldn't feel apart from themselves "So Calabaza are you mad that you didn't come with us" Calabaza looks at him angry "nope not at all I'm glad I got to be apart of the trip when we defeated Static Void Walker, but then you guys left me at the small village which I fotgot what it was called but I'm fine being the original me" Calabaza smiles at Natural "Oh yeah I totally forgot about that, eh it's been two years after all and I'm still trying to forget" He said softly, Scortris walks through the door and sits on the couch, as Natural looks him "Why don't you wear clothes, it's weird seeing you naked" Calabaza covers his mouth trying not to laugh as Scortris looks at him confused "because im a demon, if I were to wear clothes it would be come bad for my health and I would die. every demon has there own situations and besides you can't see anything" Scortris looks away "Oh I see now, that's why sorry for judging so quickly" Scortris looks at him "it's cool, it's like me saying why are you the creator, it's weird seeing a creator so young and boring to talk too sometimes" Natural frowns quicky "Hey take that back I'm not boring" Natural cases him around the house as Unknown looked to see Natural casing Scortris "Take that back" Unknown face palms "really Natural well it is-" Silver jump behind Unknown, as he falls down "ouch my back" Unknown laughs and gets up to go sit on the couch with Calabaza "So how's your day been" Calabaza looks at Unknown smiling "Good it's been awhile but I'm doing fine" Silver Looks at Natural as he's trying to take down Scortris "take that back" Natural struggles as Scortris picks up NaturalSfmStudios and he hits the sealing "Ouch Scortris not so high" Silver laughs As Natural softly smacks Scortris playfully "You'll never take me-" Scortris looks at him confused "What im just trying to play around and get to know better" Scortris puts him down "SILVER NATURAL HIT ME" Naturals eyes widened and Starts laughing "really I'm not your parent Scortris" Silver said and start laughing playfully as she smiles, Scortris turns around and hugs Natural and picks him up "hey I'm not a kid let me go" Natural Struggles to break free as Scortris throws Natural on the couch as he land on Unknown and Calabaza "Are you serious" Unknown tries to hold in the pain as Scortris closed his mouth "Unknown I didn't know you where right here" Natural gets off "im okay" Unknown gets up and walks up the stairs to his room "I'm not sure if what I see is happy but one day I'll find me"