

Author: 烽火戏诸侯
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What is 陈二狗的妖孽人生

Read ‘陈二狗的妖孽人生’ Online for Free, written by the author 烽火戏诸侯, This book is a 都市 Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:     衣衫褴褛的老人蹲坐在破败房子前的白桦木墩子上,喝一口自制的烧酒,抽一口极烈的青蛤蟆旱烟,眯起眼睛,望着即将落入长白山脉的夕阳,朝身旁一个约莫六七岁、正陪着一黑一白两头土狗玩耍的小孩子说道:“浮生,最让东北虎忌惮的畜生,不是皮糙肉厚的...


     衣衫褴褛的老人蹲坐在破败房子前的白桦木墩子上,喝一口自制的烧酒,抽一口极烈的青蛤蟆旱烟,眯起眼睛,望着即将落入长白山脉的夕阳,朝身旁一个约莫六七岁、正陪着一黑一白两头土狗玩耍的小孩子说道:“浮生,最让东北虎忌惮的畜生,不是皮糙肉厚的黑瞎子,也不是600斤的野猪王,而是上了山的守山犬。”   许多年后,老人躺进了一座不起眼的坟包,那个没被大雪天刮烟炮冻死、没被张家寨村民戳脊梁骨白眼死的孩子终于走出大山,来到城市,像一条进了山的疯狗,咬过跪过低头过,所以荣耀。   其爷如老龟,死于无名。其兄如饥鹰,搏击北方。其父如瘦虎,东临碣石。   那绰号陈二狗的他,能否打拼出一世荣华?   ---------------   

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The Souls of Ascension

Humanity once believed they held the power of the world, the highest of all creatures, and the wisest. They spread across the planet and travelled distant lands, crossed vicious oceans, climbed even the highest of peaks, and flew across the skies. They believed that for them to reach higher realms, they had to Ascend, although they had no knowledge of the process. This only aroused their greed and curiosity. Humans began experimenting using various inhumane methods but all ended drastically. Little did they know, while conducting their experiments on Ascension, the world started to reject humans. Great floods has sunk major cities, strong earthquakes destroyed many lands, and humans quickly lost a vast majority of people. They called this event as "The Great Purge". Even though the world rejects humans, it has given them mercy and let the remaining humans live. Thousands of years has passed and humans still continued their research on Ascension, although they made sure to make the progress as small as possible so as to not endure another wrath of the world. At long last, humans had discovered the secrets of Ascension. However, the world had once again been angered and the second Purge had occured. The world still gave mercy on a small amount of people and peace had returned. Days, months, decades, millennia. Time had greatly passed. We accompany Franz on his journey to Ascension. Will the world once again reject humanity? Or will it let fate take hold of humanity's future? -------------------------------------------- This is my first novel so if ever I have any problems in my writing, please let me know.

Azur3_1ce · Fantasy
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Warning, May Contains hardcore Scenarios... First Fifty Chapters Is A Prologue To The Main Story. Love isn't easy to unravel in this cruel world which is carved with lies, deceit, untrustworthy and unfaithful , all sort of fowl acts that makes the term love... a joke. After a warfare in her previous life against sensual demons. Erica Daniels gets reincarnated with a new purpose, to dominate, become rich and famous but defies what love have to offer for her. Turning guys down repeatedly without second thoughts. Her stepsister— Diana Wilson; who returns from overseas tries to settle down with her new relationship, but she is heartbroken when she catches her man cheating on her with her best friend. Ending the relationship, she finds sparks fly between her and Erica. Although she began to compete with Erica in all angles but it only leads to a forbidden love arc that begins to take it course as Diana develops feeling towards her. She sets out to melt Erica's heart in other to make her hers... But has an hidden agenda of her own as she isn't human! † † "Men are liers, don't bother instigating me on any stupid dates.", Erica responded heading to her wardrobe to take out her nightgown. Diana followed from behind gently. "What if that not what I meant, yeah... men are liers but not us..." "What do you mean us?", Erica raised a brow while grabbing her pink nightgown. Diana's hand wrapped Erica's waist gently, pressing her back against her bosoms apples that were situated on her chest. She could feel her nipple harden on doing such act. "Sis! what are you doing?", Erica uttered in utmost shock. Her voice nearly whispers. "Shhh...", Diana lightly caressed Erica with her warmth soft lips. "Just relax...", her faint voice came and her hands worked their way up to Erica's apples and massaged them without hesitation. "Di... an.. Di...an , stop!.", Erica broke free, nearly moaning, she turned to face Diana with her stone cold face. "Don't... and I mean it ... don't play that kind of Joke with me again." She strictly said and walked out on her. Diana bits her lips facing Erica's back, studying her smooth ass as they bounced and watched her descend on their bed after donning her nightgown, Diana had stolen quick glances of her nudity; and she could tell Erica was aroused on spotting her hardened nipples. ‘’ Keep resisting. . . I will see how long you can resist me. ” ___

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25 Chs
Table of Contents
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Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :第一卷 穷山恶水出刁民
Volume 2 :第二卷 陈家有人叫浮生
Volume 3 :VIP卷


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