

Author: 老羊爱吃鱼
Ongoing · 177.5K Views
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What is 重生九零辣妻追夫


【空间+爽文+双强+强宠+一对一】 重生回到十一年前,叶青青只想有仇报仇,有恩报恩,最大的恩人自然得此生相守,再替他医好废了的双腿,重争荣光!

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Nothing AGAIN

Born as th princess of Xadaria kingdom in North, Astrid Caelestius was raised to serve as the queen of the future king of Preonamond and bear his offspring. Her father, Lord Julianus Artorius Caelestius was an admiration for all. All the inhabitants of Xadaria eulogized about him. Her faith was shattered when her father instructed the decapitation of her mother on the account of treachery. From that day onwards, she loathed him. Her brother, Sirius, the future king of Xadaria aspired to trade Astrid's life for the throne. Her unsparing skills at warfare and sharp intellect were a threat to him. All the more, people of Xadaria applauded her valor and fortitude. Even her father was threatened by the accomplishments of his daughter, whereas his son couldn't accurately fight his own battle. Xadaria viewed Sirius as incompetent for the throne. The escalating resentment in both father and son drove them to an agreement. They agreed on homicide. Entrapped in the hatred of her father and brother, she was thursted into a castle which was later set on fire. Then, an anonymous man helped her in escaping and acted as an ally. She emerged our of the prevailing predicaments through her resolve. As a conqueror she invaded the kingdom with the greatest army that Xadaria had ever seen, dethroned and executed her brother and father. Thereafter, she gradually conquered the other four kingdoms, and brought over the worse tyranny. Dazed and startled by the actions of Astrid, the man that adored her became concerned for the common men. She had became merciless and brutal, her name was enough to make the enemy rush back for his life. Threatened by her ambitiousness, the great council of the five kingdoms planned her execution. The task for accomplishing the deed was given to the man. The man that she admired, adored and trusted. He poisoned her, and her last words brought the man to tears. She died with thousand regrets, and wished for one more chance at her life. Her wishes were granted when her nymph pitied her helplessness, and granted her to incarnate. Would she seize revenge for the betrayal, or squander away her life again? Chapter length :- 1500-2000 Release rate :- 6 chapters per week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUTHOR'S NOTE It is my humbel request that if you guys liked this work, then, vote with power stones and leave reviews.

Nea98 · Fantasy
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Merasa Asing di Keluarga Sendiri

Aku dibesarkan oleh orang tua dari ibuku,sehingga aku kehilangan masa-masa dimana seorang anak merasakan kedekatan kepada kedua orang tuanya.Kadang aku merasa tempatku bukan ditengah-tengah keluargaku.Aku merasa orang tuaku adalah nenek dan kakekku.Ada suatu hari diacara sekolah temanku ada yang menyanyikan lagu tentang ibu,dan banyak temanku yang mendengarkan ikut merasa hanyut dengan lirik lagu tersebut hingga ada yang menangis,tapi tidak dengan aku.Aku merasa lagu itu biasa saja,karena tidak ada satupun dari lirik lagu tersebut yang biasa aku bayangkan.Dan sampai suatu hari aku harus pindah tinggal dengan keluargaku.Hatiku menolak,tapi aku tak bisa berbuat apa-apa.Setelah banyak keluarga yang membujukku untuk ikut tinggal dengan kedua orang tua kandungku semua aku tolak,tapi bujukan dari kakekku tidak bisa aku tolak.Dia mengatakan kalau dia sudah tidak mampu untuk membiayai sekolahku lagi,dan dia sangat ingin melihat aku terus sekolah.Akhirnya aku mengalah dan ikut pindah kekota tempat aku dilahirkan dan orang tuaku tinggal bersama saudaraku yang lain.Aku berusaha sekuat yang aku mampu untuk berkumpul dengan mereka,walaupun pikiran dan hatiku tetap bersama keluarga yang membesarkanku.Ditengah usahaku untuk bisa bersama dengan keluarga kandungku,disitu juga semua cerita tentang masa kecilku mereka ceritakan.Yang mana cerita itu aneh bagiku.Aku tidak tau apakah ini pembelaan karena mereka sudah menitipkanku diusia 3bulan kepada nenekku dengan alasan tidak ada pengasuh yang sanggup menjagaku karena aku sering menangis dan jarak umurku dan kakakku hanya 11 bulan.Banyak cerita yang aku dengar tapi aku merasa itu tidak sama dengan yang aku jalani.Tapi aku tidak membantah sama sekali.Aku jalani hari-hariku sebaik mungkin,walau terkadang aku merasa dibedakan.Aku merasa lebih nyaman berada diluar rumah.Aku merasa asing dan tidak nyaman bila sedang berkumpul bersama.Sampai pada akhirnya aku berfikir menikah dan keluar dari rumah adalah jalan terbaik.Dan akhirnya aku memilih untuk menikah diusia 21tahun.Ternyata menikah bukanlah jalan penyelesaian,aku tetap merasa semakin asing ketika harus ikut bercanda bersama keluargaku.Kadang aku berfikir kenapa dulu aku tidak menolak permintaan kakekku,yang setelah dewasa baru aku sadar,kalau alasannya tidak mampu menyekolahkanku itu semua bohong,dia hanya mau aku hidup bersama kluarga kandungku seperti teman-temanku tanpa dia tau kalau itu bukan kemauanku.Ada rasa menyesal dengan keputusanku untuk ikut tinggal bersama orang tuaku,karena aku tidak bisa merawat kakek dan nenekku dihari tuanya hingga mereka menutup mata.Tapi aku tetap bersyukur karena dapat mewujudkan permintaan kakekku untuk mendapatkan suami yang kampung halamannya sama dengan tempat tinggal kakekku.Walau sampai saat ini setiap hendak berkunjung kerumah orang tua aku harus berperang dengan hatiku sendiri.Bayang-bayang ketidak nyamanan itu selalu terlintas.

Azzura_Batrisha23 · Teen
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I Married a Surgeon in a Flash

Zhou Xia was going to register her marriage when she found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. But to make matters worse, Shen Lin, her ex-boyfriend, saw her beating up her boyfriend! The situation was sufficient to murder anyone's chance at a social life, but being a lady with a stout heart, Zhou Xia lifted her foot away from her unconscious boyfriend. “What are you looking at? I will marry you if you keep looking,” she declared to her ex. That somehow ended up making things worse... because Shen Lin agreed to marry her! Staring at the fresh and new marriage certificate, Zhou Xia was left dumbstruck. Somehow, she had a different husband than planned! Later, she went to the hospital to laugh at the now ex-boyfriend who cheated on her, and realized that the man's attending physician was Shen Lin! Seeing that Shen Lin was glowering, she snuggled up to him and said, “Shen Lin... I mean, darling, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken his leg.” Shen Lin gave her a look. “Yes, you shouldn't have broken just one leg. You should have broken both his legs.” “Oh, how about his nuts as well?” Zhou Xia quipped. Shen Lin: ... Later, someone asked Zhou Xia, “Of all the good men in the world, why would you choose a gloomy face like Shen Lin?” Zhou Xia replied, “There are many good men... but they all belong to someone else, whereas Shen Lin is mine.” Meanwhile, someone asked Shen Lin, “Of all the fine women in the world, why would you choose someone as clingy as Zhou Xia?” Shen Lin said, “She's my only ex, and I have no intention of falling for anyone else.”

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Detective Satan

A 5 year old boy wakes up after having a weird dream. Remembering that he was going to meet someone, he heads out to the streets of New York. He arrives at an old cafe, which had glass doors and windows. He stood outside the cafe, waiting for the person he was supposed to meet. After waiting for a few minutes, he saw a girl wave towards him while running towards him. He was standing close to the cafe and as the girl got closer to the cafe, the doors and windows of the cafe exploded, sending a shockwave and heat wave. It was enough to send both their tiny bodies flying. The boy, who was supposed to start crying like any other kid, looked around to find his friend. He dragged himself towards her, ignoring the pain from the bruises and the cuts from the glass shards. As he crawled through the cafe, he felt his pain slowly decrease and his body started gaining strength. By the time he got closer to the girl, he could already stand. He looked down at his wounds, that healed at a visible rate. Although he had many questions in his head, he dismissed all those thoughts as he had an unconscious girl before him. So, he looked around, to find someone to ask for help, among the panicked crowd that was running from the cafe. That's when he saw them for the first time, dressed in black suit, a black coat, a black hat and black glasses. They looked like men, with a very skinny body. (If you still don't feel interested to read it, go ahead and read 2-3 chapters to give it a try.) Note:- 1. There are different worlds he will travel to, but the ones I have in my mind are MHA, One Piece and Naruto. He is currently in the world of Detective Conan. 2. I wanted to write about a multiverse traveller that doesn't know the future through manga or shows. They became very boring. I don't know if anyone has tried this before, but I think it might be great. 3. MC has powers, which he will slowly discover and harvest. My MC looks like Shallott from DBL. I needed a character with black hair and decided to go with him. 4. This will be a harem and it cannot be avoided with his powers. Those who don't like it, can leave before. 5. I will be writing the whole story in the MC's POV.

komega · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3 :第三卷
Volume 4 :第四卷
Volume 5


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Good....good....good ....not bad for the story.... ..hope I can finish for reading the book very..very...very...soon.... 🥰🥰🥰 加油!加油! 加油!😘😘😘 努力!努力!再努力!😝😝😝😝


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