

In the 21st century, a change occurred in the world. Countless amount of demons rushed in from the dark portal, embracing the entirety of the world and beginning the era of devastation. The demons had immense power, while some of them even had supernatural abilities that could destroy the whole city with one blow. Humankind was slowly but surely dying out but at the moment when it was thought to be the end of humanity, THEY appeared. People, with abilities that could rival those of the demons, stepped forth, - On the other hand, while those supernatural things have proceeded to occur for another 300 years, Kevin, a soldier of the U.S Army, has been killed and reincarnated into the future. In the new world, Kevin has thought that it would be impossible to live in peace, yet at the moment when he was about to fall into despair: [Activation of Necromancer System] . . . [Accept/Reject] ***** Chapter length - 1400+ Release - 7chaps/week unless I am sick or busy....school Note: No harem and very concise romance. ***** The cover isn't mine but didn't manage to find the owner. If it's yours and you want it away, contact me Zerga3#4004.

Zerga3 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Old man

'This place is strange' thought Kevin looking at the interior around.

It was a spacious area, with a small stage in the middle. It actually seemed to be quite old, which made many students curious.

"Don't be afraid," Sophia spoke with a smile, "I will protect you."

'Why does she act like this? Was I really that much of a kid before?'

Kevin thought before smiling back at her.

"Now that everyone is here, let's begin," the headmaster spoke, closing his eyes. Kevin suddenly sensed tremendous danger coming from the old man, as if his soul was seen through.

He felt Sophia's hand tighten as she released more and more power. It was painful, but Kevin decided to uphold, knowing that she also felt the crisis emanating from the old man.

"Interesting," Oda spoke, finally opening his eyes, "Sophia, Dereck, you come up first."

They both strode forward with sweat still noticeable on their foreheads. They didn't gush any nonsense and climbed up onto the stage.

'Derek,' Kevin thought, glancing towards the medium-sized boy with long brown hair and a sweet look.

Despite his average appearance, he was the third strongest in the class in terms of raw power. A thoroughly respectable achievement.

Sophia and Derek glanced at each other before finally making a move. Both of them lunged at each other punching forward. Their hands clasped together as a shockwave spread through the room.

Derek ducked down, kicking Sophia's leg, in hope of making her stumble and losing the balance.

But the plan failed, she leaped high into the air, stretching her leg forward in mid-air.

Derek, unable to react in time, could only defend himself by deflecting the kick head-on.

Mana poured out of Sophia's leg as the air circulated around it. Derek's face changed as visible horror appeared on his expression.

He clearly knew the danger of this attack, it would at least break his hands.

Startled, he involuntarily activated his god's power.

Derek's skin immediately discolored as it hardened.

His god power was able to change the surface of his skin into steel increasing the defense accordingly.

Sophia, though slightly surprised, did not stop the attack.

Both of their strokes struck as small cracks began to form beneath Derek.

Fidgeting, he braced his own body with a knee, finally stopping Sophia's advance.

She jumped away once again beginning to charge forward, but a firm voice stopped her from continuing.

"Derek, you're disqualified from this competition for using your powers."

"What? But it was just self-defense," Derek wanted to protest, thinking it was unreasonable.

"My rules are my rules," Oda replied with a look of disinterest on his face.

"I a-am sorry," he replied unwillingly before walking off the stage.


"Sophia, your performance was impressive, but it's still not enough if you want to get into a top university."

"Yes!" she exclaimed, climbing off the stage.

"Congratulations," Kevin spoke with a smile, reffering to Sophia.

"Thank you," she replied with a big grin.

To be honest, Kevin had really expected more of a battle between a fifth-rank and a third-rank. Although their raw power is tremendous, the way they apply it is terrible.

Why would these two go at each other like some beasts? Why would Sophia jump into the air leaving her wide open? Kevin had many questions regarding their fight, as it looked like a simple battle between kids with terrible fresh power.

"Next Carl vs....Kevin,'' Oda spoke, taking a glance towards the crowd.

'Me? So early?' Kevin thought, making his way to the stage. Sophia supported him with a bump.

As soon as he climbed onto the stage, he mentally prepared himself. Kevin can't lie, he was pretty excited, after all, it was his first fight in this world.

Carl was a rather skinny teenager with clean-cut red hair, he was dressed in a white robe which matched his black shoes.

Carl was a second-level Human, which is considered normal talent, not too good, not too bad.

"Hey, maybe you should give up, I don't want to hurt you," Carl spoke in a low voice. From memories, Kevin knew he was extremely shy, a fellow introvert.

"Thanks, but I decline"

Kevin's answer made the class chaotic, even the teacher was confused. Kevin never liked fighting and at the first possible chance of surrendering, he instantly accepted.

As for Sophia, she was smiling, finally confirming that Kevin has truly evolved.

"Well then, I'm going to attack."

Carl spoke already charging towards Kevin at full speed, despite his shyness, he too was interested in claiming a soul crystal, so he decided to give it his all.

Kevin stood on the spot, waiting for the attack.

His classmates believed Kevin was just scared to death, but a second later they shifted their thoughts.

Kevin dodged to the side while spreading his leg towards Carl.

Carl, surprised, tripped over the leg falling forward. Kevin didn't miss such a moment and kicked him in the face, doing a 180-degree turn.

Carl felt his nose broken as blood poured from it, he gritted his teeth in pain and tried getting up from the ground.

But suddenly a punch landed right in his face, forcing him to ground once again.




Countless strokes landed on Carl's face as he began to lose consciousness. Eventually, not able to hold on anymore, he passed out, only remembering deadly eyes staring at him as the last memory of this battle.



The punches didn't stop for a second as Kevin forgot that he was in front of the whole class, he just kept hitting, retaining in his memories.

But just as Kevin was about to land another blow on Carl's already bloody face, a hand appeared, blocking the way.

"He has already passed out," the person spoke in a robotic voice.

Only now did Kevin stir from his thoughts and looked around. Carl lay lifeless on the floor while his classmates were looking at Kevin in horror. They didn't know he had a side like that, it seemed like a beast had just awoken from the chamber.

Sophia also appeared shaken, she knew Kevin had changed but she didn't want him to become a monster that didn't even care about the lives of his classmates.

'It seems I still can't control myself' Kevin thought as he remembered his past again. He has always lived by the motto: kill or be killed. It's no wonder he couldn't control himself.

"You are also disqualified," the Director spoke up.

"With all due respect, I can't agree with your decision, headmaster" Kevin replied coldly.

He had to get the crystal no matter what, who knows when such an event would happen again.

"Oh....you don't agree" the principal frowned as a strange aura formed around him, "Leave the stage"

The ground began to tremble, gravity enchanted as Kevin found himself not able to breathe.

Sweat formed on his forehead, feeling incredible danger coming from the headmaster, but he didn't back away.

Kevin bit his tongue trying to come back to his senses.

He would never back down against a challenge, especially in this era.

Finally, after what seemed were a few minutes, the headmaster calmed the aura around him. Kevin stood in place with a pinched expression on his face as both of his eyes were slowly closing.

"Oh, you managed to hold on"

With this sentence, Kevin dropped to the ground with a wave of visible anger on his face.

'I'm too weak' Kevin thought before fainting in the middle of the stage.


"Ahhh..." Kevin yawned rising from the ground with his eyes still closed.

Reflexively, he did some stretching, and finally, sensing something wrong in the surroundings, he opened his eyes.

He was in a large, round room with many windows and portraits allotted around. The people in the portraits were all somehow similar, all had comparable facial features and a small nose.

"These are the former principals of Horishima's school," a loud voice echoed through the room.

Kevin looked up, only to see Oda standing there with an unconcerned expression while supporting himself up against the wall.

Kevin quickly grasped the current situation and adjusted his stance.


"No need to be so formal, just call me Uncle," Oda interrupted Kevin with a smile.

"Uncle," Kevin replied with a laugh, "Could you tell me what happened after I passed out?"

"Well, after you demolished that guy and passed out, your princess rushed into the stage, healing both of you"

"Oh, well....then, why am I here?"

"Hahaha, to tell you the truth, I just liked you, so I brought you to my office," Oda replied, scratching the back of his head.

Kevin clearly knew he had hidden intentions, but decided to play on.

"Since you are already here, I will grant you a gift" the headmaster spoke, pulling something out of his back pocket.

Oda tossed something to Kevin as he caught it with his hands.

It was a rather thin, bronze card with Kevin's name on it. It resembled an identity card, the only difference being that above his name there was written "Hunter" in large letters.

"Uncle, what..." Kevin was about to ask what is the use of this card, but suddenly the environment changed, and just after a few seconds, Kevin was back at school.

'Was I just....teleported?


"Why did you give this kid the hunter status?" asked a person with black hair, a masculine body, and a deep scar near his eye that appeared to be from some kind of beast.

"What do you think we need most to fight the demons?"






"You really are too young," Oda spoke with a slight disappointment, "What we need most during this era are....monsters, and Kevin....is definitely one of them."

"But he has no ability!"

"I also didn't have any ability back in my days".

This reply silenced the scar-faced man as he muttered, "Do you really think he'll stay alive if he goes there?"

"That depends on him."

"You are heartless as always....pops"

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