
Nila's Nightmare [Part 3]

Walking down the dark narrow corridor, the only light source they have is the flames produced by Sebas in the palm of his hands. Her hands started shaking, as she recalled the time when she was in the cave, the only difference was that this time she wasn't alone.

Sebas saw this and made the flame go above her head, then created another one, this time much brighter.

After a few minutes of walking, they stumbled upon a dead end. Sebas touched the wall in front of him and applied mana to his arms.

Rumble, rumble

A loud rumbling sound could be heard as the walls started shaking, opening up two more tunnels. One came from the left side of the wall, a few meters behind them while the other was in front of them.

Sebas then look at Nila on his right, and he made a gesture to follow him.

"Whatever you do, don't get separated from me, understand?" with a serious face he said.

Nila nodded her head, she thought about it and decided to hold his hands. She was aware of how grave the situation currently is, and change her mindset about Sebas.

Sebas was surprised by Nila's sudden shift in behavior. Her anxious demeanor changed somehow, and her eyes seem much clearer now, regaining a bit of clarity. Without saying anything more he guided her inside the labyrinth.

Along the way, Nila saw many more tunnels, which left her confused about why there were so many, but she didn't dare to ask and just followed Sebas without saying anything.

Half an hour later, she saw a luxurious house with an elaborate design and a beautiful garden blooming in the dark. What's more, is that there is an underground lake lighting up the surrounding with its sparkling blue radiance.

Nila was mesmerized staring at it. Sebas smiled looking at Nila's fascinated look.

"Let's go in, young lady"

Sebas brings her back to her senses, plucks a pink lotus near him, and settles it behind her ear.

Nila was jolted out of her thoughts. She then saw Sebas picking a flower and placing it behind her ear this made her calm down. She tilted her head confused as to why would Sebas place a flower on her head.

"Oh this, it's nothing you just look so worn out, I can't help but place this on your head, plus this flower perfectly suits you well. Let's make haste now young lady your parents are still in danger" he said.

This left her more confused but when Nila heard about her parents, her eyes started to get teary but still, she tried to hold it in grabbing tightly to the hem of her skirt.

Sebas took out a key from the locket he was wearing on his neck and then open the door of the house. Nila was familiar with the locket Sebas was wearing it look identical to the one her mother gave her.

After going inside, the first thing she notice was that the halls look awfully long, she saw five doors that said "Bathroom", "Weapons Room", "Training Room", "Meeting Room", "Treasure Room", and "Storage".

"Young lady, please go upstairs you can pick whichever room you like, I'm sure you're hungry and tired traveling this far, please let me handle the rest. I'm sorry I won't be able to attend to your needs as the situation is quite dire there's some food on the cabinets there" he said instantly disappearing from Nila's sight.

Nila heard what Sebas said and an uncomfortable feeling swept over her, a feeling so suffocating her breathing became irregular. She grabs the door she came in earlier pulling with all her might she tries to open it, but the door didn't even budge an inch.

Nila grabs her chest, she started to feel her heart beating madly as if it was about to burst out of her chest. Her vision got blurry till suddenly her balance got shaken off and collapse on the ground. Her forehead bled opening a small wound although it was just a scratch Nila recalled the bloodshed she experience in the village.

Her body started shaking wildly, all the emotions she tried to hold back began to pour out. She stayed on the ground, tears falling bursting out as if a dam has been released.

"M-..ama...Dad" she muttered.


Nila recalled the experience she tried to bury with all her heart, but once again she was feeling the same pain she felt that day.

'Why am I even trying so hard when all of them are gone? The same thing always happens, why?? Just why me!?? I..can't..anymore...I'd rather just....die'

At that moment her hand twitches although, barely she can feel her body now, for some reason though she still can't move her body. She tried to move her hand slightly to the right, but her hand didn't move instead one of her fingers lean slightly to the right. She tried to move her body more but every time, different parts of her body started to move instead of the ones she wants to move.

Nila didn't know how much time has passed but eventually, she got used to it and was slowly adapting. After getting used to her body Nila tried to open and close her hands trying to see something if something happens, but she was still blinded by the cover of darkness. She can feel her eyes but at the same time, it's useless as all she could see was the emptiness of the world.

"Huh?" she noticed something strange, her body started moving on its own. She didn't feel like she was possessed like last time instead it look like her body was being drawn to something.

Then suddenly light assaulted her eyes, instinctively she covered her eyes with her hands. A cool refreshing moist substance touches her skin and also a salty taste went into her mouth.

"Water? It's raining!?" she said as the water started to pour down on her.

Nila took her hands out of her eyes, she saw large strange-looking trees in her surrounding. What's peculiar about the tree's are its color, a mixture of purple and pink glistening under the moonlight.

"Am I in a forest?" she threw a rock at a nearby tree trying to make sure it won't suddenly try to eat her.


A person jumps on top of the tree causing the purple leaves to fall down with him, he grabs the rock Nila threw and stared at her.

His sharp radiant amethyst eyes emit danger for those who saw it, a chill went down Nila's spine from his stare. With his purple short hair and black coat, he looks like a reaper who came from hell.

"So it's you" Nila glared at him.

He stared at her with his emotionless eyes and crush the stone he was holding into dust.

"I'm gonna kill you," Nila said gathering magic power from her hand.

Before she could even use her magic the person raise his arm pointing at her in a gun-like position. A black dot emerges from his finger, and in an instant, it arrived before Nila could even react.


Blood splattered the surrounding trees as Nila's lifeless body fell to the ground a whole can be seen on her forehead

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