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MercuryDrone · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 13: Nila Rosefield 2


Nila POV

When I was born, my parents are constantly on the run trying to hide away from bounty hunters and knights as we we're being hunted down by a Marquis.

We managed to settle and hide in a small village on the outskirts of the Clause territory, our neighboring territory.

We lived there for 5 years till that tragedy happen.

Houses we're on fire, people are dying every second by a raid. It wasn't a normal bandit attacking a village as this one was so organize and has already surrounded the entire village hellbent on killing every villager they laid upon.

The scream for help that will never come, bodies that are beyond recognition and the will of man that will do anything to survive sacrificing his loved ones just to escape this madness.

I could still vividly recall the horrific experience back then constantly haunting me in my nightmare. Ever since then I couldn't even sleep if wanted to, whenever I did I'll just scream shortly after waking me up looking around for my surroundings checking if someone beside me wanting to stab me.

The only reason I managed to survive was because of my father holding back most of the forces, while my mom and I fled for our lives using an underground tunnel my parents build in preparation for something like this to happen.

In his peak he was a Master Mage he can handle large amount of enemies by himself but that was if he was in its peak, now he can't even summon half of his power due to the injury that was dealt to him by the Marquis who was targeting them, soon it wil just be a matter of time till he fall and succumb to his wounds.

Alas things didn't always work out as plan, as the knights found out about our tunnel, my mom who I knew to be the most nicest and caring people in the world, while escaping was helping others on the way leading them to the secret tunnel.

The knights notice the commotion and quickly followed them, there the slaughtering begin villagers died one after the other their heads falling, blood spurting everywhere. Judging by their speed the knights would soon catch us at this rate.

I saw my mom's desperate expression and she said to me, " Nila run straight that way, whatever you do don't look back I promise that mom and dad will be back to you, remember the forest we went last time?"

I nod, as that forest was my favorite place in the world.

" Good dear, your as smart as ever, after you get out of here go to that forest and find this person mama will stop anything that comes your way, now go " My mom stop carrying me and put me down she then reach out in her pocket, and took out picture and a locket and gave it to me .

" Kill her" The knights finally arrived and saw the two.

[Fireball] [Ice Spear] [Earth Bullet][Wind Slash]

Four spells was straightaway cast by the knights clearly showing no mercy to the two. They smiled looking for a show and thinking that they're already dead.

My mom who was the target was unfazed a wand appeared by her hand, then green lights gathered around her. Large amount of mana was gathered in her wand ready to cast whatever she was constructing.

[Rose Shield]

A red rose appeared on her front blocking all spells that was aim at her.

" A Tier 5 spell, no way she's an Adept Mage. Knights Formation! Aura users go front minimize the area of her magic, casters keep her busy drag this fight out till more reinforcements arrive" The leader immediately shouted his order as he isn't strong enough to take on an Adept Mage by himself.

" NILA WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE, I TOLD YOU TO RUNNNNN!!!!," seeing that Nila was still there bewildered she shouted.

That was the first time mom have ever shouted to me before, my legs started running on its own.

I run without looking back thinking that I might get caught too, I run knowing that my mom and and dad won't ever come back anymore, I run because they want me to survive and live.

I can hear the battle going on even without looking back I know that my mom was clearly losing as knights we're quickly arriving the scenes.

But still I persist thinking that this is what they want me to do.

' I'll live' With this thought I run without looking back more determined than ever before.

Even if I was tired I kept at it, and even if it looks like my feet is about to give up I still run.

I don't know how much time has passed after I started running, I was about to slow myself down as I can't continue any longer.

But then I saw a light the end of the tunnel is near, I fasten my pace but stumbled my feet could no longer run anymore.

But still I didn't give up, even if I crawl my way up I will.

With that I use my hands to drag my body away ignoring the pain I was feeling each pull.

Along the way I got wounds all over my body as there was lot of sharp rocks in the tunnel.

I gritted my teeth recalling what happen on the village to ease my pain with greater pain.

A while later I finally got out of the tunnel and hide in a nearby brush to rest.

After 5 minutes I can now walk and started to head straight to the forest, I was still tired and recovering I decided to just walk there and leave this place as soon as possible.

Not long after my walk I heard heavy footsteps searching the area behind me.

With all my energy I run with all the strength I can muster even if I haven't recovered yet as my life is on the line.

As I was running I saw a cave covered by mosses and trees the only reason I saw it was cause I slip beside a tree and managed to get a good look at it.

I decided to hide here for a while waiting for them to go away.

Every second feels like an eternity all I could hear is the sound of leaves rustling and drops of water inside the cave.

" Found anyone?"

" No sir"

" Search the area over there then, I'll look east"

I suddenly heard voices outside the cave, I panic when I saw the man pointing near my direction.

' What if they found me!' With this thought in my head I decided to go deeper into the cave.