

Overcome with an incurable illness stemming from the curse of a “Hero”, Demon Lord Baal commences the “Demon Lord Ascension”: a legendary event in which the next Demon Lord will be crowned. It is a competition between the relatives of the Demon Lord, where even death is permitted. Receiving news of this, exiled prince and son of ill Demon Lord, Merlin, relishes the opportunity, bringing his human companions with him to his homeland to enter the Demon Lord Ascension. Though he is hardly welcome, as he is seen as the “black sheep”--an outcast–among his family. Against all odds, with spite fueling him, Merlin seeks to take the Demon Lord crown for himself with his Dreaming Grimoire System to aid him–but first, he must go through his family.

DelzGB · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The One Who Was Exiled


As soon as the word prompting the battle to set loose left the lips of the announcer, the Ripper Prince broke off in a burst of speed that left the sound barrier shattered behind his step.

Eligos' tongue flopped from his lips as he licked his lips, coating his curved blades in a crimson essence as he prepared to slash his target.

But, the snowy-haired half-human stood smiling, not moving a single step yet.

What's he thinking…? Heh, this fool can't keep track of my speed, can he?! Eligos thought.

Utilizing his nimbleness, Eligos bounced from wall-to-wall, utilizing the barrier around the area that protected the crowd as he picked up his speed even further, encircling his opponent rapidly.

You're mine! Eligos thought.

At last, the Ripper Prince made his move, manifesting a large, scarlet aura of flames around his unnatural weapons that stretched out into a loose, wriggling shape.


To the surprise of the Ripper Prince, and to the spectators, the initial assault was completely countered as just as the nimble, sleazy prince had gotten within his range, the halfling slammed his knuckles against the bony chin of his distant brother.

"Sorry, bro–I'm not playing nice today," he smiled, pushing forward as he knocked his fist completely against his opponent's chin.

The strength behind the blow, coming from the pale, horned adolescent of relatively small stature, with only light muscles stacked onto his body, presented itself in an explosive surgence.

The grains of sand in the arena vibrated from the force generated, unleashing a howling shock wave that slammed against the barrier that enveloped the battlefield, resulting in the Ripper Prince being flung back at rapid speeds, crashing against the barrier harshly.


The crowd was silent at the unexpected turn of the round's initial clash, only breaking off once the announcer finally made his comment:


Just then, the overwhelming amount of boos previously had turned to equal parts cheers and boos now as the white-haired, amethyst-eyed prince smirked, holding his fist up.

"Hell yeah, Merlin!" Marlow cheered him on.

"That's my friend–!" Klaus shouted.

Unburying himself from the sand, the platinum-haired, long-tongued prince jumped to his feet in anger, scowling and picking up his blades as he stomped forward.

"A fluke! A fluke! A fluke!--A little piggy like you is nothing compared to me! All of my blood is of the demons, the superior race! You hear me?!" Prince Eligos spit out saliva as he ranted.

Though he still spoke so fervently of his own superiority, Prince Eligos' chin had been split open by the sharp blow, dripping crimson from the wound.

He smirked, tilting his head playfully, "I hear you."

"Tch…Don't get cocky!" Prince Eligos yelled.

This time, when Prince Eligos rushed towards him, a different approach was taken; the bloodthirsty prince manifested the crimson strands from his weapons, whipping them towards him with a far-stretching range.

Not only was the range long and coming at a rapid speed, but the wriggly nature of the flaming whip made it a difficult attack to read.

Still, he utilizes his own agility to maneuver from the reach of the sharp, malicious whips of crimson flames, avoiding them with minimal movement as he moved his amethyst eyes rapidly to keep track of their direction.

"Kekeke…Try and keep up, little piggy! Crimson Massacre!"

The demonic magecraft unleashed by Prince Eligos spurred the crimson bands to multiply, unleashing like unruly tendrils that all lashed out towards the halfling with utmost aggression.

"How's this fair…?! Merlin can't counter it with any of his magecraft!" Marlow complained.

"I know…Why would they limit him like that? What's the big idea?" Klaus asked.

With the dozen, colossal tendrils that moved at speeds surpassing sound, the air began to heat up from the rapid movement and natural flames they spewed, all while Prince Eligos cackled from a distance, wielding the lethal bands with a grin.

"I'll make you regret stepping foot back into Grandzania, little piggy!" Prince Eligos continued to taunt him.


Though he was on the defensive, he was calm and composed, staying silent as he danced around the reach of the whips before–


One had finally reached him–slapping against his raised guard as he was flung to the side, tumbling over the sand.

The impact of the crimson, flame-born tendril resulted in an explosion of crimson flames that howled out, enveloping the snowy-haired outcast in its destruction.

"Merlin–!!!" Marlow yelled out.

"Oh, no…!" Klaus held his own head, "--I don't wanna watch this!"

Watching from the tunnel that led to the arena, Belial sipped from his mug with an unmoving expression before mumbling to himself:

"You really like messing around, don't you, my dear nephew? Heh…I can't blame you. This lot is pretty sour, after all."

Those words weren't extended towards the cackling, platinum-haired prince who wielded the lengthy, flame whips, but the one who laid on the sand, surrounded by a cloud of smoke that lingered from the explosion.

"As I said: just a fluke! Kekeke!" Prince Eligos laughed, dispersing his whips as he began to walk towards his laid out opponent.

The two human companions of the half-human prince struggled to watch such events unfold, with Marlow gripping the railing in desperation.

"Get up, Merlin…!" Marlow clenched his teeth.

Klaus was silent, forcing himself to watch, praying that his friend would rise.

"...So fragile. Are you sure you're not fully human? Kekeke…Your mother was quite a weak one, wasn't she? That's why she couldn't handle a simple cold," Prince Eligos taunted him quietly, sharing words only the two competitors could hear, "...Humans are so delicate; that's why I like ripping them apart."

Just then, an overwhelming aura exuded from the snowy-haired prince who should've been out cold, prompted a cold sweat to leave from the gray-skinned prince's pores.

Huh…? What is this? He's out, right? Prince Eligos thought.

Before Prince Eligos could back away, a sharp glare was aimed at him–unseen from the stands and privy only to the sleazy prince.


Those words took Prince Eligos' hubris hostage as he glanced back, gritting his teeth as he felt his pride tested, raising his circular weapons again as they became shrouded in demonic, potent flames.

"--I'm the victor here! Me! Me! Me–!!!" Prince Eligos screamed out.

Just as the abhorrent royalty swung his blade, unleashing a wheel of flames that rolled towards his half-sibling who laid on the sand–that very target disappeared before his eyes.

"Huh?" Prince Eligos let out.

A hand befell the red-armored prince's shoulder, causing him to jump in fright as he spun around to be met face-to-face with his amethyst-eyed half-brother.

"...What's this? What trick is this–?!" Prince Eligos asked frantically.

"Trick?" He responded, "...I'm just better than you–that's all there is to it."

Prince Eligos grinded his teeth together in rage before lashing out, or rather, attempting to do so as he lunged towards his younger sibling before being countered with a swift uppercut to his already split chin.

It was launched with a step forward that moved the horned halfling several meters instantaneously, leaving the sand around rippling before the cannon-like counter sounded off like a riveting explosion.


Prince Eligos spit out blood as he was lifted high into the air by the force of the shock wave-inducing blow, being left concussed as his brain bounced around the interior of his skull.

What was that? Why is he so strong? So fast…? Prince Eligos thought with a slurred brain.