

Overcome with an incurable illness stemming from the curse of a “Hero”, Demon Lord Baal commences the “Demon Lord Ascension”: a legendary event in which the next Demon Lord will be crowned. It is a competition between the relatives of the Demon Lord, where even death is permitted. Receiving news of this, exiled prince and son of ill Demon Lord, Merlin, relishes the opportunity, bringing his human companions with him to his homeland to enter the Demon Lord Ascension. Though he is hardly welcome, as he is seen as the “black sheep”--an outcast–among his family. Against all odds, with spite fueling him, Merlin seeks to take the Demon Lord crown for himself with his Dreaming Grimoire System to aid him–but first, he must go through his family.

DelzGB · Fantasy
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11 Chs

General Zagan

It was only when releasing an even further level of hellish energy from within himself, turning his complexion to scarlet as veins bulged against his skin, Allocer managed to free his wrist from General Zagan's grip, leaping back to create space.


Allocer regained his breath, looking down at his right wrist that was now heavily bruised just from being squeezed so fervently by his niece.

Strong. Very strong, Allocer thought.

Though the brutal ex-general was forced to look up as the heavy and slow, but methodical footsteps belonging to General Zagan began to approach from the otherside of the royal arena.

"You're nothing but a maniac who enjoys fighting. That unchecked fetish of yours is what led you to crippling our army against the Hero," General Zagan coldly reprimanded him with her words, "If you had continued leading, our army would've been reduced to ash beneath the Hero's boot."

"Why you…" Allocer growled.

General Zagan gripped her imposing lance as the talon-like spear began to subtly shine with a silver glow around the abyssal edge, "I should thank the Hero for taking you out of the war at the time. He saved our kingdom by allowing me to take lead."

"You…! How dare you–!!!" Allocer roared out.

The enraged former general fully unleashed himself into his own Hell Release, causing his body hair to shroud his form in a layer of fur as his horns extended and his teeth grew to fangs.

"He looks like a totally different person now…!" Klaus said in surprise.

"Person?...More like a beast!" Marlow commented.

Watching from the waiting room, Merlin knew what he was looking at, as did Belial, who watched beside him.

"The second stage of "Hell Release"; it seems Allocer has yet to master it, it seems," Belial said, seemingly sober now, "He is unable to overcome that beastial rage."

"...Second stage, huh. "Second Layer of Hell"; I haven't seen that in a long time," he muttered.

In the arena, Allocer abandoned all elegance, rushing towards the Demon General in a maddened sprint as he leapt high into the air, gathering a dense swirl of crimson around his ax as he roared out with a thundering malice.

From below, General Zagan simply watched, preparing to counter as she remained sound of mind and calm.

Salivating through his newly-grown fangs, Allocer growled out his incantation, "--Blood Moon: Gravity Collapse!"

With a swing of his red ax from above, an unseen force crashed down in a large span around the Demon General, causing the sand around her to cave in as a heavy force rained down.

"--" General Zagan remained silent as her armor rattled from the intense forces pressing down from above.

As Allocer landed back on the ground, he wasted no time rushing forward again while the Demon General was held by the forces of gravity raining down heavily from all around.

"I'll teach you to disrespect your elders–!!!" Allocer roared out.

Lumbering forward, Allocer spun his ax around as it gathered a circular spin of crimson energy before rearing it back, putting all of his strength in the build-up to the attack:

"Blood Moon: Angel Bisector!"

A massive slash of crimson was unleashed, intertwined many times over to create a potent force that spanned half the width of the arena, reaching even higher as it launched towards the gravity-locked Demon General.

I've got you now! Allocer claimed.

–But, General Zagan looked up, seemingly unmoved by the heavy weight that rained down above her as she took a single step forward.

"What–?" Allocer let out in quiet disbelief.

The Demon General had yet to partake in her own Hell Release, yet she easily shrugged off the gravitational field, stepping outside of it with a swift step.

Before the massive slash of burning crimson could reach her, General Zagan stomped down with her black-steel boot, causing a shock wave to lift a wall of sand up.

The towering slash of red slammed against the barrier, releasing a volatile impact, though it was clear it didn't seem to reach the Demon General.

"Hmm…" Merlin squinted, watching closely.

Allocer, lost by the second stage of Hell Release could only growl and snarl, shifting his crimson gaze around as the rain of beige sand veiled his opponent.

By the time Allocer looked forward again, a flash of black swept across his vision with a terrifying speed before–


Right through the abdomen of the burly, demonic royalty, the massive, stygian lance pierced through Allocer with an impact that swept the surrounding grains.

The burly, beastial-shifted man coughed up blood as it dripped from his lips, left stunned by the large spear that had gorged him through his organs.


That should've hit her…! But how?! He questioned.

The Demon General held no words through her dragon-faced helm, silently withdrawing her lance from the stomach of Allocer as the man stayed on his feet, huffing as a gaping hole was left in his abdomen.


General Zagan stood still, swiping her dragon-winged lance to cleanse the blood from its black steel.

"Concede, Uncle. I do not wish to bring unnecessary loss among our bloodline," General Zagan spoke coldly.


Allocer took to a knee, sweating profusely as blood poured from the large hole in his gut, breathing heavily and unevenly.

She's strong, Merlin thought from the sidelines, She effortlessly went against his second stage Hell Release without even using her own.

Suddenly, just before the announcer could speak again–Allocer exploded onto his feet, wielding his ax once more as blood seeped form the corners of his mouth, but he continued.

General Zagan sighed quietly to herself, "Fool."

Utilizing immense speed that caused ripples in the air around the arena, Allocer sprinted around the Demon General before bursting forward towards her, preparing a massive swing of his ax that gathered a sea of crimson flames behind it.

"You stand no chance against my 'Spatial Tyrant System'," General Zagan said quietly.

But, just as swiftly as those flames were born, they were snuffed out.

It was heard by nobody else; the existence of the "System" that the decorated general possessed, only privy to a few, high-up ears.

In a flash, the Demon General moved subtly without a trace of any intent; blurring from one spot to another.

Directly through the heart of the beastly former general, the lance wielded by the current general stabbed straight through it with little hesitation.


It wasn't a flashy move or tremendous display of physical prowess; General Zagan simply timed the rise of her lance perfectly to pierce the heart of Allocer.

But, even that wasn't quite right; to the eyes of somebody as observant as Merlin, he saw something else:

She…warped? Hmmm…He thought.

This time, the beastly man was stopped as he dropped his ax, falling limb as his Hell Release faded; his complexion lightening and his muscles deflating. For a moment, the crow didn't seem to know how to react.