

How will the person, who was once known as the strongest under the heavens, fare with the Naruto world. Watch as he goes from the strongest to the weakest but back to the strongest.. But a bit differently this time.. - Story will loosely follow canon Slight AU

Spabsta · Anime & Comics
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What to do now..




Atlas was absolutely defeated. Like completely utterly defeated. Just when was the last time he felt like there was no path to a victory? None! But now, one might ask just what defeated him?

"Nii-San let's play~"

This, this is what defeated him. His little sisters cuteness. He simply can't say no to that smile that is so full of innocence and love for a brother and those big black eyes. The first time Kiyomi gave him the puppy eyes he almost had a heart attack.

"Okay~. I am coming."

You guys may be wondering what happened to my dignity?

*spit* well, There is nothing shameful about playing with a little kid. While I may not have had any children in my last life, I still very rarely played with a few of them whenever I had the time or was bored. Ahh~ they were so cute.

I have been noticing something weird these days.

There is another kid in here with us, his name seems to be Naruto and from what i got it seems he isn't well liked by his fellow villagers or even anybody for that fact.

Reason being? Well it would seem he is the "reincarnation" of a demon fox, although from the way I see it he's simply the host of the fox and not the reincarnation.

But anyways, all the children seem to be avoiding him while the adults grow more and more hostile as the day goes on. I wouldn't be surprised if little man got assassinated.

It seems to be somebody is cooking up a dark scheme, knowing human nature they probably filled everyone with lies and when this child realizes he isn't well received by his peers, the mastermind will swoop in and promise him power and people who will care for him.

Bahh I've seen this many times.

I should try and find out whatever I can, I'll try and read the mind of one of the people lurking around. Hmph don't think I'm dumb enough to not know there's secretly people stalking us. What a foolish man.

Besides for a cultivator like me or a former one now, I still have the sense of one so it's quite easy to tell especially when the ones stalking are puppets without emotions.

But unfortunately there is really nothing I can do. I'm only 2 years old. I can certainly circulate my chakra by now, but that really doesn't help the current situation. For now, i can only wait. I won't break no matter what the other side plans to do and as long as I am by my sisters side she won't either. And perhaps I'll befriend Naruto since i fee life will be interesting.

I can feel a bit of fate on him, it would seem he is this worlds "fated" one. Been a while since I've seen someone like him.

That just makes it all the more reason for me to befriend him.


Being stuck as a child is so boring.. if only I could get my hands on the Henge no Jutsu I could do a lot of things. Unfortunately the memories I got from random people and my mothers only gave me the name and nothing else. If I could have transformed into an adult I would have been out of this trash months ago.

Now we just wait..

"Nii-san why does it feel like something's.. wrong?"

After hearing Kiyomis troubled voice Atlas immediately put his whole attention on her. After constantly growing his soul and reaching the age of 10 with it, it has become easy for him to have multiple thoughts going in parallel. When there is something troubling Kiyomi, however, he usually fully concentrates on her, I guess you could call him a simp for his sister.

"Oh? What do you mean Kiyomi?"

"Ano, I'm not sure. It just seems like whenever people pass by they looks at little brother over there weirdly."

"I don't know Kiyomi perhaps he played a prank on them and now they are angry?"

To atlas's suprise, that is exactly what happened because in the next second Naruto tripped somebody and blamed it on someone else, making the person scream.

Woah seriously?

This kid already so young but playing pranks, perhaps he already knows he is hated so he reported to pranking people to get attention.

Truly a sad soul. But why should I pity him? If it was so easy to make me pity people then many would be saved.

Once he is older he should just grow more powerful and not care about such mortal things. Strength is all that matters.

"How sad"

After hearing his little sister say that atlas was confused.

"What's sad Kiyomi?"

"The little brother, being looked at with hatred all the time. Isnt that sad?"

She looked like she would cry when she said that.

Mm this isnt good. I need to make sure her mentality changes and she won't end up putting everyone.


"Can he be friends with him nii-san?"

Kiyomi asked with puppy eyes. Seeing such a expression how could Atlas bear it? Of course he has to listen to her.

"Sure, sure we can all be friends don't worry."

"Yay! I love you nii-san!"

Kiyomi came up and gave me a peck on the cheek.

Atlas has died. Soul floating out of his body.

Ahh~ heaven I can see it.

Cough cough.

Kiyomi started running towards the depressed Naruto or more like waddling.

As soon as we made our way and right infrint of Naruto he looked up and looked at us with a sad face and said "do you also hate me?"

"Why would I?"

"Everyone calls me a monster or demon fox and looks at me with weird faces."

"Don't worry Naruto from now on we're your friends!" Stated kiyomi.


"Of course! Me and nii-san will make sure nobody bullies you again in the future."

"Yay friends!" Naruto screamed.

It was at this moment that the fate of the world had started to change… but in a good way.. or maybe a bad way.




A/N:- Enjoy

Venmo me a dollar ples