

Author: 皮卡休
Ongoing · 13K Views
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What is 快穿妖女有点甜


【1v1,苏爽,爆笑】末世猫妖为了重获自由,绑定魅惑系统,渣攻各个世界大佬。 偏执总裁:她想要小鱼干?派人把青城的鱼全包下。 傲娇歌手:她要公布恋情?打电话给豌豆台,我就勉强带她参加恋爱综艺。 风流太子:她去了花酒楼?传吾之令,她去那家拆那家。 铁憨魔尊:她夸狐狸妖皮肤白?叫个小妖把他涂黑。等等,把本尊的美白丸拿来。 系统之王:她是渣女?哪个系统说的?把她废了。 各个世界大佬脸是同一张堪称“脸蛋天才”的脸,但性格不一。嗯,对,你们没有猜错男主就是同一个人。 ps:此文文风轻快偏沙雕,逻辑党不要和作者讲逻辑,因为作者讲不过泥萌~

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NOT EVERY LOVE STORY MEANT TO BE COMPLETED, NOT ALL LOVE STORY MEANT TO GET A HAPPY ENDING- SOME ARE FULL OF REVENGE, VIOLENCE, AND JEALOUSY!! WILL A PSYCHOPATH GIRL BE ABLE TO GET A HAPPY ENDING??? WILL SHE ABLE TO GET WHAT SHE WANTED??? _____________ "I was sold by my dad in exchange of few money when I was Kid...I got raped brutally many times. I never get the love from my dad which I was craving for!!" "So, I gave him punishment like he use to give me when I was kid. I KILLED HIM...I KILLED MY OWN DAD" _________________________________ Marleen's Dad:- Please!! Marleen don't...I...I'm sorry ...your dad is sorry for the sin he did to you... Marleeeeeeeennnnnnnn Marleen:- Sorry dad, But it's too late! Marleen's Dad:- NOOOOOO!!! __________________________________ "I punished all who never treated me well...Never gave me love which I needed...And now I'M THE MOST POWERFUL PERSON" "DAVID JACKSON NOW IT'S UR TURN" __________________________________ [Ash's POV] She was never like this back then, I know she must have felt betrayed by all....and that make her like this...the Marleen I knew was never like this...She was the purest...And now can't believe she just killed her own dad.......I think only David can make him normal but......Where own the earth are you DAVID JACKSON. ____________________________________ A story of revenge, of a girl who never get anything she wanted. Will she be able to get normal again?? Let's read and find out(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ STORY CONTAINS SOME VIOLENCE SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!! This is a work of fiction. Name, character, business, events, incidents are product of author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual person, living or dead, or actual event is purely coincidental.!! HAPPY READING~

Martina_Richa · Teen
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23 Chs
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