

Author: 农家一锅出
Ongoing · 54.9K Views
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What is 带着系统来大唐

Read ‘带着系统来大唐’ Online for Free, written by the author 农家一锅出, This book is a 历史 Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: 大唐开元年,这是一个本应该带领华夏开始冲向巅峰的时期,可结局却是安史之乱。 皇帝李隆基,大唐第四次玄武门之变的主角,开元年间,他带领大唐抵御住吐蕃、突厥、契丹所有外邦。 可最后又因他而让大唐一蹶不振,是武惠妃的原...


大唐开元年,这是一个本应该带领华夏开始冲向巅峰的时期,可结局却是安史之乱。 皇帝李隆基,大唐第四次玄武门之变的主角,开元年间,他带领大唐抵御住吐蕃、突厥、契丹所有外邦。 可最后又因他而让大唐一蹶不振,是武惠妃的原因,还是杨贵妃的原因?不,有一个女人的生死才是关键。 知道历史的李易来到了开元二年,他想看到一个繁荣的大唐,那么改变,就从灞水畔的一个庄子开始。 开元盛世几流传,铁血边关将不还。 沙场刀光心未灭,城池箭雨血难寒。 男儿一怒天为暗,弱女千愁地有晗。 流水潺潺说壮志,青山历历誓成峦。

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The Male Lead's P.O.V

Feng Chao Xiang came back to life. 'What is this? Such small and weak limbs! Where is my real body gone?!" The previous sword master was stupefied. But recalling the scene before his death in his previous life he was a lot more surprised then getting reborn at the time of birth. It was he, Feng Chao Xiang was the 'male lead?' of a novel named, 'Warrior Of The Sun Kissed Phoenix' and it was a strange one at that, male-male intercourse?? How is that even possible?? Also, it was mentioned that he was the one at the receiving end. How can that be possible? He wasn't a woman..... Moreover the 'protagonist?' what was that even, was Chen Tao Shi of the Sheng Li Sect of the Chen clan, ' ah my mistake, it should be Wuming Tao Shi at this point of time. Wuming Tao Shi was the direct disciple of the clan head and the shidi of his dear friend, Chen Chih Cheng. Chen Chih Cheng died an unjust death in the previous life. That's what Feng Chao Xiang believed, 'It had to! How can his righteous friend succumb to demonic cultivation! Even if others did, it cannot be Cheng'er at all. All are hearsays.' Feng Chao Xiang swore to protect Chen Chih Chang lest that past takes place again in this new life. But Feng Chao Xiang didn't expect his dear friend to turn out to be a 'gong?' What is that..., "Xiang'er where are you off to?" Strange, Chen Chih Cheng never spoke in this way, in both lives, he had always been called by his name, no endearment at all. He was the one who initiated the conversation. " I...am, my presence is being requested by Shifu, forgive me for not being able to accompany you at this moment." Chen Chih Cheng had a look of slight confusion but that disappeared quickly as soon as it came. He smiled a little. "Then you should go ahead." When Feng Chao Xiang returned he saw the beauty inside his chambers. The window behind him letting the soft moonlight inside and enveloping the beauty in its light, making the beauty seem almost ethereal. Chen Chih Cheng smiled at the person before him and Feng Chao Xiang broke from his daze. "Chen Chih Cheng...ah apologies Shixiong, what are you doing here at this late hour." "Meet or part, live or die. We've made oath, you and I. Give me your hand I'll hold and live with me till old." "?" "What do you think about this?" "My thoughts? On what exactly." Chen Chih Cheng hid the mischievous smile, "Hmm on my thoughts these days. I rather say that I realized that I admired a person for quite a long time." Chen Chih Cheng sighed softly not knowing his words left an uncomfortable itch on Feng Chao Xiang's heart.

Rika_kinda_fishy · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Jual Obat Perangsang Di Banjarmasin 082134789456 Blue Wizard

Jual Blue Wizard Di Banjarmasin Wa 082134789456 | Agen Blue Wizard Cair Asli Di Banjarmasin | Obat Perangsang Blue Wizard Di Kota Banjarmasin | Perangsang Wanita Ampuh Kualitas Produk Import Terbaik No 1 Pesan HUB : WA ‍ Jual Blue Wizard Di Banjarmasin | Blue Wizard Cair Asli Apakah Anda merasa kurang bersemangat atau tak bergairah untuk berhubungan seks akhir-akhir ini? Atau suami Anda mulai mengeluhkan ketidakpuasannya saat berhubungan badan dengan Anda? Banyaknya aktivitas dan kesibukan menyebabkan beberapa wanita tidak sempat melakukan konsultasi atau terapi, dan mirisnya kasus seperti ini tidak hanya terjadi pada satu atau dua wanita saja, tapi hampir sebagian besar wanita. Manfaat Obat Perangsang Blue Wizard Jual Blue Wizard Di Banjarmasin, Ini memiliki berbagai manfaat yang dapat langsung dirasakan oleh penggunanya Harga Terjangkau Produk ini bisa dikategorikan memiliki harga yang terjangkau dan ramah di kantong bila dibandingkan dengan kualitas dan manfaat luar biasa yang akan Anda peroleh setelah menggunakannya. Cara Kerja Blue Wizard Fase Pertama 15 sampai 30 menit pertama setelah mengkonsumsi obat ini Anda akan mengalami beberapa tanda seperti keringat dingin yang mengucur deras, meningkatnya peredaran darah yang ditandai dengan memerahnya daerah wajah, serta perubahan tingkah laku atau mulai gelisah. Beberapa tanda tersebut timbul akibat dari meningkatnya hormon seksual wanita yang akan mengakibatkan penambahan libido. Aturan Pakai Obat Perangsang Blue Wizard Obat perangsang ampuh ini merupakan obat yang berbentuk cair dan cepat larut dalam air, tidak berasa dan tidak berwarna. Satu botolnya bisa untuk dipakai berkali-kali. Keterangan Produk Obat Perangsang Blue Wizard Kami Jual Blue Wizard Di Banjarmasin Made in Germany Netto : 15 ml Harga : Rp 250.000,- Info Produk Lebih Lengkap Kunjungi Website Kami : https://missqueenherbal69.webflow.io/

Masjoko_Suwung · Teen
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Accelerating Hearts

Prologue: In the heart of Metropolis X, a city that thrived on speed and adrenaline, lived Alex – a skilled and fearless racer with a lineage steeped in the legacy of illegal racing. With vibrant hair that mirrored the neon lights of the city and a determination that matched the roar of engines on the tracks, she was a force to be reckoned with. Alex's passion for racing was unmatched, but her single-minded dedication raised concerns among her friends. They worried that her life revolved entirely around the racetracks, leaving little room for love and companionship. Although Alex brushed off their concerns with a confident smile, deep down, she wondered if there was more to life than the thrill of the race. One evening, while working on a coding project at her home computer, Alex was annoyed by a series of irritating pop-ups that flooded her screen. As a top-notch hacker, it was unusual for her to encounter such nuisances. Curiosity got the better of her, and she investigated the source of these pesky interruptions. Among the relentless pop-ups, one stood out – an ad for a mysterious app called "The Love Algorithm." With each click, the app persisted, asking if she was ready for love. Initially dismissing it as a scam, Alex repeatedly declined the offer. Yet, the persistent pop-ups continued, each time with a more intriguing question about her desire for love. Finally, with a hint of a smirk, Alex decided to entertain the app's request. After all, she was confident in her hacking abilities and didn't believe any online platform could outsmart her. She completed her personal profile on the Love Algorithm app, treating it as a fun diversion rather than a genuine pursuit of love. As she clicked the final button, an unexpected message flashed across her screen: "Congratulations, Alex. You have a match!" To her surprise, she was connected with a mysterious individual named Max. Intrigued by the mystery and eager to know more, Alex decided to reach out to Max. Their initial conversations were light-hearted, filled with playful banter and shared interests in speed and adventure. As they chatted, an inexplicable connection seemed to grow between them, drawing them closer despite their initial skepticism. As days passed, the connection between Alex and Max deepened. They found themselves sharing more intimate thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. Each conversation seemed to spark a hidden longing within Alex, making her wonder if there was something more to this chance encounter. Then, on a fateful day, Alex and Max agreed to meet in person. As they shook hands for the first time, an inexplicable sensation rippled through their minds. It was as if an invisible thread connected their hearts and souls, awakening a dormant force that both had never encountered before. In that moment, Alex knew that the Love Algorithm had been activated, and their destinies were intertwined in a way she could never have imagined. Their meeting was no mere coincidence; it was the catalyst that set "Speed of Hearts" in motion, leading Alex on an extraordinary journey of love, self-discovery, and unlocking the true potential of her heart and racing skills.

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