
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantasy
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21 Chs


panting as he was running stopped at a door..

huff and puff..... he knocks at the door after controlling his breathing ,

''who is it''

''ah elder, it's me Ethan ''

'' oh Ethan, why don't you come inside ''

he opens the door, sees the elder putting down some paper in the table as he gets up and walked towards him.

'ah elder it is important ''

'' oh is it the work that is finish already, we gotta prepare for tonight as well''

'' no no no elder lights'' as he was still out of breath and regaining control of his breathing..


''yes there was a beam of lights we saw like five minutes ago while we were working''

''beams of lights''

''yes a beam of lights was showing suddenly from the mountain, they say that it might be from the top''

'' did you send anyone to tell draydon about this''

''ah yes I did, elder you need to come outside''

''you go outside I will come before you''

arranging the paper on his desk properly and got outside of his house as he close the door.


''draydon, you heard about it''

''yeah I heard about it, want me to check out''

''oh yes I want you to do that or should I go instead?''

''you don't need to, i will go''

''wait, take 5 of them with you''

''do I really need to?''

''just take it''

after finishing what he said, he took 5 of them with him to go to the mountain the top of the mountain where those two beams of lights was coming from.

''what happen'' looked at himself

''what is this body''

''it doesn't feel like a human''

''no what did I saw, it was a figure I couldn't remember it but it was a white figure but then I was inside of this big rock, a few minutes later it cracked as soon as it did, I could get outside of it and my eyes...'' said as he put both of his hands on his eyes

he looked at the surrounding as there were tons of tall tree around him.

he crawled forward and said '' looks like i am at the top of the mountain''

he went back and sit beside the boulder he came from and thought about what's really happening..

"what is this place, what happen to me last night"

"is this an afterlife I mean I though I died yesterday or is this another dream"

*sith-err-iz-um* sound was coming from the tree as he was relaxing but..

*whoosh* it's got louder and louder; he stands up as the sound was getting nearer and louder...

he heard someone dropping from the tree and the sound of him walking..

their eyes met together as he walked closer and closer.

''a baby?'' as he thought he looked around ''it is getting darker and darker it is turning night soon yet there is a baby in the mountain's top'' moved toward the baby slowly...

he notices the boulder behind him and check around to see.

he saw a crack and holes around the stone as he tries to be looked inside of it, he couldn't fit in, but it was all dark inside.

he looked at the kid again and

''hey, did you perhaps come out of here, if you understood what I said just nod at me''

he nodded at him

''mm so you came out from this stone which means no parents''

''i have not heard of our people coming out from the stone but it is definitely not so impossible I think''

''you don't have a place to live right, come to my village i will carry you it is getting late anyway'' he removes his upper clothes as he gave it to the baby to cover him as he grabs him and saw his 5 people coming.

''let's go back, there is nothing here except this baby''

''huh However, we just came ''

'' let's go back you don't want to be late for tonight right''

''yeah, let's go back ''

as he was carrying him, he couldn't swing by the trees as he walked down the mountain as fast as he could.

''what's wrong with me''

'' i nodded at him but why i don't feel afraid or anything towards him even though''

''wait that's not that i am concerns of, there are monkey wait i looked one of them as well''

''what's going on in here '' said as he looked the surrounding as he felt like he was riding a bike, the surrounding was going fast.


as he heard the baby sneezing, he stopped and looked at him and rub his running nose.

he walked slowly and slowly that his five companions catch up to him.

''what's wrong''

''go ahead I will come slowly this one here needs some time''

they looked at the baby he was carrying

'' alright but come back before the night'' as one of them said, they all gone.

as he walked slowly, while carrying the baby while looking at him.

''ah we are finally here, let's go the lakeside''

as Valin was looking around, he saw a huge blue clear lake as it was peaceful and statue still...he stared at the lake as the itching grass snapped him out of it.

he looked at the person who was holding him as he was also looking at the lake.

''this lake in the evening as the sun is setting, it looked so beautiful''

he looked at baby as his facial face was intense as he was trying his best not to tear up, he then bounces him up and down.

''do you like it''

as the baby was not making any sound but cry a few mins of doing it.

''alright '' as he stopped doing and sat down as he put the baby in front of the views..

'' is this even real, or it is just a dream, I felt like I die but now I am suddenly in this place and as a monkey..''

''16 years of my life wasted on my suffering and now... what, a new world to add more of it when I suddenly die?''

"I have spent all my life resisting the desire to end it,"

''now that I am suddenly dead in my room, I am back in what a new world?''

"I don't know if I am angry or sad or happy,i just don't care anymore"

sigh internally '' I don't know if this is even real or just a dream, but it is what it is.''

they spend a lot of time there that it was getting late so he hurries as fast as he can and arrived at the village.


''elder ''

'' I know everything what they told me of ''

'' ah yes you see elder i saw this baby in the top of the mountain nothing more than that but there was a big stone that was still there even when I was still a kid but it had cracks and holes so maybe this baby came out of it''

'' I don't know about that much either, let's discuss something in my house''

''alright'' as he put the baby down '' hey look after him''

'' alright'' as there was a two person looking after him as they were starting a firewood as it was night time already''

as they kept talking to each other, valin moved a little farther from the fire and move to the near tree which was kinda dark.

'' I don't know what's going on, I am a monkey now like them when i finally thought that my life was over''

''am I even a human or monkey, I don't really know but I am a monkey as they seem to have no problem at all''

''I wonder how my mother is doing, how my father or my siblings are feeling about my death.'' as he looked down "and my friends..ah I don't even want to think about that"

''I was always a disappointment to my family after all but still..'' as he looked at the fire.

'' I hope they were atleast sad or even cried for me, I hope so'' thought as he was staring at the fire while others were talking or drinking..

''i really was never alone as much as I used to thought I was, i always have my voices to accompany me..'' said as he stare around '' even in this situation''

''my situation is absurd but I accept them as they are because what can I really do''

''Fight, struggle, resist, but why? Isn't it impossible to win at a game that doesn't even exist?''

''what can I do is to deal them as they are...''as he was staring at the fire as the fire shadow cover him..

"I wish to be forgotten,i wanted to escape and live somewhere unknown where no one could find me,I wish to not exist but now I am in a what new world even though I just said that i will deal as it is, it is just to hard to accept what is going on and what is happening"

the surrounding people talked less and less, he saw the person who carried him with an old man beside him.

"I wish I never was born at all, never exist..never"

draydon locked eyes with valin as they stare each other for a few seconds.

''you, look at him he looked like he is about to be disappear in the dark, bring him near to the fire'' shouted as he looked at two of them.

''he must have been afraid of the darkness'' said by the elder.

''I used to be afraid of darkness but now the darkness comfort me'' said as the two of them came to carry him back to the fire as he looked at the darkness.

''it's all darkness, the world that I view as if I am blind''

as they put him near the fire, stare at the fire as the elder gathered all of them


''this baby who has no parent no relative today I am gonna take him under me'' said by the elder

''what....the elder gonna take him''

'' seriously is the elder gonna take this baby''

as the people talked about it but also cheer at the word of the elder..

''bring him here draydon''

as he walked and carried the baby towards the old man.

one monkey came up and gave him a knife as the elder grab the knife and looked at...

''w-wait, are you gonna kill me?'' confused as he thought

as the elder was bring the knife closer, valin closed his eyes and open a bit later.

he saw the elder hand in cut as the blood was dripping out of it..

the elder than put his thumb on the blood and put his thumb on valin forehead as soon as he did, all the monkey cheered up.

''hold up'' as he said those, the surrounding became silent.

''from today onward, your name shall be SUN'' loud noises was being release by all of them.

''let's celebrate for tonight new year day and that we have a good harvest this year as well sun birthday''

valin started crying as the elder finish his sentence.

he held sun and hold him up as he looked at him while blood was dripping from sun forehead..

''SUN'' smiled as the elder looked at him as sun was looking at him..

gonna release new chapter everyday from now on....if there are still some people reading which i don't really think so but still...thx for reading

RecklessInsanitycreators' thoughts