
告诉我为什么 告诉我为什


RecklessInsanity · Fantasy
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18 Chs

New Place

Genesis stepped out of the carriage, his mind heavy with guilt and anguish. He had never expected to be sent to prison, not like this. Two guards stood at the gate, knocking in an ominous rhythm. As the gates slowly opened, they gestured for him to come forward. His steps were labored as he entered the building.

The guards led him down a claustrophobic corridor until they reached a small room. They gestured for him to sit in the hard wooden chair in the center of the room. He did as they asked, and they quietly left, the door creaking shut behind them.

Genesis was alone with his thoughts. The guilt he felt for killing his friend was crushing, and the torture he had endured had left its mark. He had no idea what awaited him in prison, but he knew he would never be the same again.

Genesis slowly sat down in the chair as the guards stepped back, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of him.

"So you are Genesis," the man said, the words heavy with implication. "A murder, huh? Power."

Genesis kept his gaze fixed on the floor, his heart racing.

"Thirteen years old, huh? I guess that's why you are here in this prison, then."

The man looked over the report without taking his eyes off Genesis.

"So, is there anything related to your mental health that we should know about?"

Genesis shook his head.


He shook his head again, the tears starting to well in his eyes.

"And no suicidal thoughts either?"

Genesis' voice quivered as he managed to choke out a reply. "No."

The man looked down and wrote something on the report, then handed it to Genesis. He hit his desk with his fist and the guards stepped forward.

"Follow me," he said.

Genesis stood up, his hands shaking. He had been through a year of torture and imprisonment, but the look in the man's eyes told him he has yet to see more..

Genesis entered a room with two guards talking and laughing as the one who lead genesis shouted,"there is work here" as he left..

Genesis gave him the paper work as the guards looked at it..

Genesis felt his heart sink as the guards demanded he take off all of his clothes. He was taken aback and shook his head, unable to form the words no. He felt his breathing become laboured as memories of the torture he endured for the past year flooded his mind. He wanted to scream, to curl up and cry, to run away and never look back.

"What did you say?" one of the guards sneered, a cruel smile forming on their lips.

"I don't want to," Genesis stammered, his voice barely audible.

The guards laughed and exchanged a look, their faces strangely triumphant. "You're really spoiling our mood here. Just do what we told you to."

Genesis felt something inside him break. He felt ashamed of his body, ashamed of the memories that came with it. He just wanted it all to go away. He wanted to be able to forget the pain.

Genesis felt a chill run through his body as the guard standing in front of him spoke. "I don't like people disobeying my orders, especially prisoners like you. Don't think that just because you have power, you have the power in here. We guards have the authority. We have the class to order you around." The guard then sat back down and looked pointedly at Genesis. "Don't fuck with us kid, do it."

Genesis could feel the guard's eyes on him, judging his every move. He felt his body tense up, and he could feel the countless scars that covered his body. He closed his eyes and tried to prepare himself for the task ahead.

He slowly opened his eyes, and he could see that the guards were satisfied with his progress. "See, it's easy if you just do it," the one sitting down said. "Remember to do what we guards say. We have the authority of the class to order you around. Otherwise, there will be consequences." Genesis nodded in agreement and was told to take a bath in the shower.

With a heavy heart, he slowly started walking towards the shower room. He felt a wave of sadness wash over him as he went to the shower room.

Genesis slowly entered the shower room, his heart pounding in his chest. He had seen the looks on the guards' faces, and he could feel their power over him. He knew he had to do what they said, or there would be consequences. He looked around the room, seeing the scars all over his body in the reflection of the mirror. He felt a chill in his spine, remembering the terrible torture he had endured before. He shook his head, trying to forget the memories, and focused on the task ahead.

He stepped into the shower. He let the hot water run over him, washing away the sweat, dirt and fear that had accumulated throughout the day. He felt the tension in his body slowly start to disappear, and he closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax.

After a few moments, he stepped out of the shower, and dried himself off as he was given an black outfit as he wore it..

As Genesis stepped into the room, he saw the body of the other prisoner being carried away. His stomach twisted in knots as he observed the lifeless form being dragged away, a stark reminder of what happen to Vega as genesis started to breathe heavily.

He heard the clanking of keys as the guard approached, unlocking the door to his cell.

"This is your room," the guard said gruffly, as he opened the door and motioned Genesis inside.

Genesis stepped into the cell, and the guard locked the door with a loud clang. He heard the guard's footsteps echoing away as the man walked away.

For a moment, Genesis was filled with a sense of dread. He was only given five years in prison, but he knew that number could easily be increased if he stepped out of line. He felt the cold, unforgiving walls of his cell close in on him, and his fear and loneliness intensified.

Genesis trembled as he awoke from the nightmare. He felt a cold sweat on his face as he recalled the torture he had suffered. He could still feel the sensation of his fingers nails being pulled out one-by-one, and the moment he cut his tongue out. He rose from the bed and walked to the steel sink. He splashed the cold water on his face, trying to shake off the memory.

He slowly sat back down on the bed, feeling a heavy dread in his heart. He thought of his best friend, taken by him so tragically.He tried to fight off the tears, but they came unbidden, streaming down his face. He wept silently, wishing he could go back and change the past.

The oppressive bell reverberated through the prison, cutting through the silence like a knife early in the morning. Genesis stirred in his cell, the sharp sound grating on his already fragile nerves. He groaned, burying his head in his hands, wishing he could just stay in bed and never wake up.

After an hour, the guards came to perform the morning count, Genesis feigned sleep. He heard the heavy footsteps pass his cell, but he kept still, his eyes closed.

After the counting finishes by 8 am,

the food tray was slid through the slot in his cell, Genesis felt a pang of hunger. He forced himself to get up, his arms shaking as he slowly stood. He cautiously approached the tray, taking in its contents with a dull expression. Despite his hunger, Genesis couldn't bring himself to eat. He slowly pushed the tray away, the sound of the metal scraping against the floor echoing in the small cell.

He sank back down to the ground, curling in on himself. He felt so alone and helpless, no longer sure if he had the will to go on.

After 2 hours,

The rusty bell clanged, signaling the opening of the prison doors and the freedom of the inmates. Genesis stepped out into the yard, a desolate grey expanse of dirt and cement with warehouse, and surveyed the other prisoners. Some had gone to meet family members, some were exercising, and some were conversing with one another. Genesis sat alone, avoiding contact with the others, his eyes distant and his body tense.

After an hour passes, eventually bringing the guards back to take the inmates back to their cells. The stark walls of his small 12-feet cell loomed ahead, a constant reminder of his imprisonment and the constant reminder of his loneliness. Genesis's spirit was crushed, his emotions a twister of hopelessness and despair, as he entered his cell, the door slamming behind him.

As the night settled in, Genesis clasped his hands together, his knuckles turning white. His thoughts ran through his mind like a wild river, tumbling over memories of his past. He recalled the feeling of anguish as he was tortured, the sharp pain that accompanied every attempt to use his power. He remembered the different colored uniforms of his captors, the inky black of his own contrasting with the yellow, green, and blue of the others. His finger twitched in recollection as he stared at the wall, his eyes widening with a sudden remembrance of the hurt. He shut his eyes tightly and tried to sleep, but the grief and guilt immediately overwhelmed him, so he stayed awake, the oppressive air of depression surrounding him.

The deafening bell rang, signaling the start of another day in prison. The guards marched through the block, counting the inmates in their cells. The prison was silent, but its inhabitants were filled with dread. It was the same every morning; a solemn, agonizing ritual.

The guards opened the cells later that day, pushing in trays of food through the narrow slots. The prisoners, in a daze, slowly took their meals and watched as the guards locked their doors again. As the hours crawled by, their spirits continued to sink. The monotony of prison life was a heavy burden, weighing them down with every passing moment.

It was only after two hours that the guards allowed the prisoners to get out of their cells. An hour later, they were slowly herded back into their cells, the guards counting them one by one as they went. The day passed in a similar fashion to the day before, and the day before that, endlessly repeating itself in a depressing cycle of captivity.