
告诉我为什么 告诉我为什


RecklessInsanity · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


As the sun rose and the time for outside ring, Blackwell sent his group of inmates off to test in the Genesis Room. But this time, they returned injured and in worse condition . Blackwell's face twisted with a mixture of horror and guilt as he realized that he hadn't gone with them this time. He could see the fear in the inmates' eyes and could feel the crushing weight of their anguish on his shoulders. He could practically feel the heat of their pain searing his soul.

Next day,

Genesis searched desperately for Blackwell, but the elusive inmate seemed to be avoiding him at all costs, never showing his face. Frustrated, Genesis decided to take out his anger on Blackwell's group, attacking an inmate and causing serious injury. As word of Genesis' aggression spread, Blackwell's reputation amongst the inmates dwindled, as he failed to step up and protect his own. The mood of the prison was tense with a sense of apprehension, as the inmates felt the mounting pressure of Genesis' wrath. The atmosphere thickened with a palpable air of hostility, as Genesis' actions reverberated throughout the prison.

After a week,

An inmate told genesis to meet Blackwell at the warehouse as he will be alone there,

As Genesis entered the warehouse, his eyes darted around the area, taking in the sights and sounds of the decrepit building. He saw Blackwell sitting in a chair, illuminated by a single beam of light streaming through a hole in the roof. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation as Genesis slowly stepped forward to take a seat beside Blackwell. He could feel the tension between them, the air thick with unspoken emotion.

Genesis sat still as Blackwell's gaze burned into him. His knuckles whitened as he clenched his fist, rage flooding through his veins. He growled, "You! Trying to ruin me? You think you can just come here and mess up my life? You're nothing but a kid!" Blackwell jumped to his feet, his face twisted in anger. He stepped menacingly closer, rage simmering in his eyes. "You think you can take me down?" he snarled.

The air seemed to thicken with palpable tension, a silent battle of wills between the two. Genesis stood strong, determination in his posture, his eyes never wavering from Blackwell. He wanted to let the man know that he wouldn't be intimidated or pushed around. With a final growl of defiance, he shouted, "You fuck!"

Genesis stood his ground as he looked Blackwell in the eye. He could feel the tension in the air, his heart racing as he awaited Blackwell's response. He tried to keep his composure, but his fear was palpable.

"1 versus 1 you and me fighting," Genesis challenged.

Blackwell's face curved into a smirk, but there was something in his eyes - a hint of fear and hesitation.

"I won't use it," genesis said quietly.

Blackwell blinked in surprise. "What?"

"I said I won't use it," genesis repeated with a firm conviction.

Blackwell couldn't help but feel a spark of hope. He studied genesis face, searching for any hint of deception. Genesis remained silent, his gaze never leaving Genesis'. His expression gave nothing away.

"How can I believe you won't use it?" Blackwell breathed, his voice barely more than a whisper.

Genesis reply was soft and steady. "You just have to believe. I mean, what's there you can do other than believe?" A small smile tugged at the edges of his mouth..

Genesis let out a soft laugh. He knew what he had to do.

"Alright, let's fight," he said, his voice tinged with determination.

"It all comes down to this"as genesis stood up

"It was already decided the moment you came here,either I am dead or you are"as Blackwell backward a little bit...

Genesis dashes around the blackwell, dodging and weaving, trying to stay one step ahead. Blackwell, frustrated by genesis agility, tries to close the distance and use his size and strength to his advantage. Blackwell throws a wild punch, but genesis is able to duck and dodge it easily. Blackwell up then charges at the genesis, trying to grapple him, but genesis slips away. Genesis then retaliates, aiming a few swift punches and kicks at the blackwell, but Blackwell is able to parry most of them. Blackwell then manages to finally grab the genesis and throw him to the ground. Genesis quickly leaps back up and counters with a swift kick to the blackwell face, knocking him back. Blackwell stumbles and genesis tries to get the opportunity as he attacks Blackwell..

But Blackwell grabs genesis by the shoulders, as he throws genesis as he slams him into the table as the table breaks. Genesis cowers but quickly rallies, pushing his way free of blackwell grasp but Blackwell grabs the chair as he hits the chair on genesis as it lands on genesis,

Genesis was down as he grabbed another chair to hit genesis but genesis quickly evaded it..

Blackwell swings a fist, but genesis ducks and dodges the blow.

Blackwell lunges again, but genesis is ready and lands a solid punch to Blackwell's jaw. Blackwell stumbles back, stunned as he grabbed genesis while genesis was backing away,

at that moment, Blackwell started throwing furry of punches at genesis many times on his face as he hit genesis for the last time as he didn't let genesis go but grabs genesis by the shoulder,slamming him near the door wall

As Blackwell was breathing heavily as genesis was on the ground laying as he was all covered in blood as he breathed heavily...

Blackwell's piercing gaze remained fixed on Genesis, who lay motionless on the ground, surrounded by a pool of his own blood. The room was silent as Blackwell slowly approached Genesis, his fists clenched. Genesis weakly lifted his head and his body as he met Blackwell's gaze, his mouth turning up into a faint smile as he let out a laugh. Suddenly, Blackwell's face turned into a mask of rage, and he charged forward with a loud roar. Refusing to dodge, Genesis remained motionless, accepting Blackwell's fury as his body trembled in exhaustion.

The door stood between them, though it barely hindered the force of Blackwell's unstoppable rage. With a loud crash, the door gave way and the two of them stumbled outside. A crowd of inmates had gathered, their eyes wide with shock. The rage that seeped from Blackwell was palpable, his fury consuming everything in its path.

Blackwell lunged for Genesis, intent on delivering a punishing blow. His fist shot forward, passing just centimeters from Genesis's head. Genesis had just enough time to duck and maneuver away from the door that he had been perched on. But Blackwell's momentum was too great and his hand became lodged in the doorframe. He pulled and yanked, trying with all his might to extricate his hand from the grasp of the door, with no luck.

He used his other hand but got the same result as he screamed...

Genesis then attempted to escape, pushing his body upwards as Blackwell maintained an unrelenting pressure on him. His desperation to get away was palpable as he clenched his fist and pounded it against Blackwell's body, loosening his grip just enough for Genesis to break free. The intensity of the moment filled the air, while the desperation and determination of Genesis caused a wave of emotion that stirred within the scene. He had no choice but to fight his way out of this situation, and the tension was electric as he made his courageous escape.

Genesis' muscles tensed and he let out an animal-like growl as he lunged towards Blackwell, his fist raised and ready to strike. Blackwell stumbled backwards, his hand caught in the door, panic and terror in his eyes. The other inmates stood still, their eyes wide and their mouths agape as they watched the two men square off and watched the events unfold.

As he got both of his hands out as he stood up,

Every breath Genesis took was heavy, filled with rage and palpable intensity. His eyes were locked with Blackwell's and the tension between them seemed to be palpable. They stood locked in a standoff, both men's faces contorted in anger and fear. No one dared to move, the silence ringing in their ears as they waited and watched.

Genesis looked as if he stopped his breathing,

Genesis moved with blinding speed, dodging and weaving around the blackwell strikes. Frustrated, blackwell began swinging wildly, trying to land a blow, but genesis was too fast. Genesis seized the opportunity, darting in and landing a series of well-placed punches to the Blackwell midsection. The blackwell stumbled back, and genesis followed up with a hard punch to the face.blackwell collapsed to the ground, and genesis stood victorious.

Blackwell held the weapon tightly in his hands as he looked around nervously. The inmate he had taken it from stood motionless, unsure of what to do as sirnake moved forward...

Suddenly, a voice pierced the tense atmosphere. It was Genesis, his authoritative tone refusing to be ignored.

"It's okay," he said, calmly.

Blackwell's grip on the weapon loosened slightly, but he still wouldn't look away from the inmate. Genesis moved closer, his body language conveying a message of protection, but Blackwell waved the weapon away, panic etched into his face.

"Don't come near me," he yelled, his voice trembling.

As genesis moved toward Blackwell..

In hurry, Blackwell stab genesis on his chest as he laughed as he looked at genesis who was looking at him with no expression..

Blackwell stumbled backwards, fear and shock etched onto his face. He turned to look at other inmates and at Sirnake, begging for help. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words died on his lips as he saw the disdain in Sirnake's eyes. He stumbled further away, away from genesis, away from the sharp wooden object still lodged in Genesis' chest.

The silence was heavy and oppressive, mixed with the emotion radiating off Blackwell. He was desperate and terrified.

A million thoughts raced through Blackwell's mind as he slowly sank to the floor. He was trapped in his own head, unable to comprehend the horror of the situation. The only sound was his ragged breath, long and unsteady. His eyes darted around, looking for a safe place, for a way out. But there was none.

The emotion that filled the room was almost tangible. It was a mix of fear, desperation, and guilt. It hung heavy in the air, a reminder of what had been done.

Blackwell had no answer, no way out. He had been pushed to a place of no return. All he could do was sit and wait. Wait for the inevitable.

As he started to remember this exact feeling and moment in his past as he got frustrated and angry..

As Blackwell charged towards Genesis, rage building up in his chest, he yelled, "You! You took everything from me!" His fist flew forward, desperate to make contact with the man before him. But Genesis didn't dodge. He took the punch, letting it do nothing to him. As Blackwell stepped back, stunned that his attack had no effect, Genesis retaliated with a flurry of blows to Blackwell's face. He didn't stop until he had kicked Blackwell in the gut, sending him crumpling to the ground. All the while, a look of cold determination was etched on Genesis's face, conveying his unyielding resolve. Blackwell, for his part, felt completely powerless and overwhelmed by the situation. His emotions were all a jumble, from disbelief to despair. His heart was pounding and his mouth was dry. He had never felt so helpless before.

As Genesis straddled Blackwell on the ground, the inmates circled around them eagerly. Blackwell, breathing heavily, kept his eyes trained on the cloudless sky, his expression a mix of resignation and defiance. Genesis leaned forward, his finger lightly grazing Blackwell's forehead,

"I win" said as he flick his finger as Blackwell forehead got blown away as blood scattered around the place and genesis

The inmates looked on in stunned silence, the tension in the air palpable. Genesis stood up and looked at everyone..

As the bell rang, signaling the end of another day at the prison, the inmate fixed his gaze on the man in front of him.

Genesis spoke in a low voice, edged with a barely-suppressed rage. "Wanna avenge him? Come and get me." The air between them seemed to crackle with anticipation. Even the other inmates seemed to sense the tension, all of them quickly shuffling away and leaving the two men alone. The inmate's eyes were filled with a passionate determination, his face set with a fierce expression of conviction. His words had struck a nerve, and he was ready to fight anyone..

"You okay..."asked sirnake

Genesis looked at sirnake, the tears still glistening in his eyes. He tried to compose himself as he nodddd at sirnake words..

"Lets go"

"No," genesis said

As sirnake turned and looked at him,

"You go," he said softly, his voice trembling slightly.

Sirnake paused for a moment, and then nodded slowly. As he turned to walk away, Genesis called out, "Sirnake...I forgive you and thank you."

Sirnake stopped and turned back, his eyes full of emotion. He struggled to find the right words, finally managing to nod several times. "Thank you," he managed to whisper.