

Kamilia's life was forever changed when she was adopted and forced to become an organ donor for her sick stepbrother, Iyad El-Mukrani, from the most wealthy and power family in the entire country. Though she only lived with them for a few short months, she quickly discovered the truth behind their intentions and made a daring escape but unfortunately after the success of that transplant surgery. Years later, Kamilia has built a new life for herself, free from the shackles of her twisted past. But when Iyad suddenly re-emerges, determined to reclaim her as his own, Kamilia is thrown into a thrilling race against time to protect the poor pathetic life she's built hardly . --------------- please support this work, I am writing it with so mcuh love , plus I feel connected to the plot and every caracther in this work. show me more love , I appreciate it . moaaaaah ~kiss kiss~ --------------- Updates: 2k/day Genre: female lead, romance, step-brother,

Ilomina · Urban
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5 Chs

In his house

As Kamilia gazed around the room, she felt a sense of unease wash over her. Even the maid who had just left the house looked at her with a hint of pity in her eyes.

The thought of staying in the same room as Iyad, with his temper and anger, was more than she could bear. She tried to hide her fear by slipping her hands into her pockets.

"Why are you still here?" Iyad's voice broke through her thoughts, his tone loud and commanding.

"Iyad, I think it's best if I go now," Kamilia said softly, "I have a lot of things to attend to and it's already quite late."

"Leave? Interesting," Iyad replied with a hint of sarcasm, "I think you're not fully aware of the situation, Kamilia. There's no way you're leaving this place."

"Iyad, what is the meaning of this? Let me go, I demand an explanation." Kamilia tried to pull away from his grip, but his hold was strong.

Iyad merely chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Patience, Kamilia. All will be revealed in due time."

He led her up a grand staircase and into a beautifully designed room, filled with elegance and sophistication. The room was adorned with plush furnishings and intricate details that left Kamilia in awe.

" I have some business to attend to. We will talk later," Iyad said, releasing her wrist and leaving the room.

Kamilia stood there, still in shock and wondering what had just happened. What did Iyad want from her? And why did he bring her here? A million questions raced through her mind, leaving her feeling confused and unsure of what was to come.

As Kamilia stood there in that beautifully designed room, she felt her heart racing and her palms growing sweaty. The realization that she was locked inside hit her hard, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and anxiety wash over her.

She walked around the room, taking in its sophisticated design, but all the while her mind was racing with thoughts of why Iyad had brought her here. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right, and she longed to escape the room and find out what was really going on.

But with each passing moment, her fears only grew stronger. She heard Iyad's footsteps as he moved around the house, and the thought of being trapped with him filled her with dread.

Kamilia tried the door handle, but it wouldn't budge. She was truly trapped, and she didn't know what the future held. All she could do was wait, and hope that Iyad would explain what was going on and why he had brought her here.

Exhausted from the events of the day, Kamilia attempted to rest on the plush bed in the opulent room. Despite her fatigue, sleep eluded her as she ruminated over Iyad's behavior and why she was locked in this room. As she sat there lost in thought, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching her door, and before long, Iyad appeared before her, a haunting presence in the doorway.

Kamilia was feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what was happening. The place she was in was not familiar to her and Iyad, her step-brother, was acting in a manner she had never seen before. She was scared and didn't understand why she was there. She had waited for Iyad to come back, but she couldn't sleep, despite her exhaustion.

When Iyad finally appeared in front of her, Kamilia stood up quickly, hoping to get some answers from him. But instead, he moved quickly and pushed her back onto the bed. He looked into her eyes intently and Kamilia couldn't believe what was happening. Iyad was so close to her and focused on her expression.

The situation was making Kamilia feel uneasy, and she didn't know what to do. She had always felt a sense of comfort and security around Iyad, but now everything had changed.

She didn't understand why he was acting this way and why he had brought her to this place. She felt trapped and alone, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the situation than she knew.

Kamilia tried to speak, but her words were caught in her throat. Iyad's eyes were intense, and she could feel his breath on her skin. She was frozen, not knowing what to do next.

The situation was getting increasingly more tense, and Kamilia didn't know how to handle it. All she could do was wait and hope that Iyad would give her some answers.

"Why do you still keep yourself awake?" Iyad asked, his voice a low whisper as he gazed into her eyes. Kamilia felt the warmth of his breath on her skin, and she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his intense gaze. She looked away, breaking eye contact and said softly, "I was waiting for you to explain what is happening."

As she spoke, she could feel the weight of the tension in the air. Iyad's presence was commanding and it seemed like the room was filled with his aura.

He leaned closer to her, and Kamilia's heart began to race. She didn't know what to expect, but she knew she needed answers.

Kamilia watched Iyad closely, noticing the beads of sweat that dotted his forehead, which seemed strange given the cold weather. She remained silent beside him, not quite sure what to do or say.

Suddenly, without any warning, Iyad's body relaxed and he fell into a deep slumber

. Kamilia was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events and found herself feeling both relieved and apprehensive. The silence of the room was only broken by the sound of Iyad's peaceful breathing, and Kamilia couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over her.

As she looked at him, she couldn't help but wonder what had caused his exhaustion. The tension from their earlier argument seemed to have taken a toll on him.

The sight of Iyad, peaceful in sleep, was a stark contrast to the intense anger she had witnessed just moments before.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of tenderness towards him, despite the confusing situation they were in. The thought that he needed her, even in his dreams, filled her heart with warmth.

Gently, she brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead, and watched as he slept. In this moment of quietness, she hoped that they could find a way to reconcile and work through their differences.