

Chaos. The being who killed us and sought to end the world. He killed four of our holy gods and tried to cripple Order, out beloved goddess. We Hate Him. Bullshit. I did not do shit. I was attacked out of nowhere and sealed in my own power, is self defence now attacking someone? The Fuck? Yeah. That was me. The villain of their world. Well but I will return. Even if it takes thousands of years.

Waffle_That_Exists · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: History

Divine Beings, Gods, Saviors

Whatever you call them.

Worthless beings, weak and feeble.

Oh I have to introduce myself.

I am Chaos.

Chaos itself.

After all order is but a useless force that was built upon chaos. Have you ever wondered if order even actually existed?

Is order truly order? What is Evil? What makes Order righteous? And what makes Chaos the evil?

Afterall, there cannot be Order without Chaos.

Of course there comes humans, beings of neutrality. They are the ones I can never respect.

They are selfish but selfless at the same time, how contradictory. What weird beings who cannot even take a side.

Of course there are pure hearted people and evil ones. But they all have a hint of the opposing force.

What weak beings, to not even be able to choose a side.

But what can I say?

The very being that was sealed by them.


Foolish trash.

The Great Cataclysm. The very event that ended up in me being sealed. Sealed in the void. My very own Power.

The Primordial Gods. I am one of the two. The Chaos. While my sibling, she was Order.

I was born to be hated. To be blamed on.

But she was born to be respected, how wild.

Opposing forces yet born together.

Weird? No?

Then came the Seven Gods which would serve under her. The only ones that mankind respected and knew of.

But not me. Who was named Primordial Evil by the humans who believed they were superior over other creatures.

Wrongdoings of humans were blamed on me. How hypocritical. Laughable. Pathetic.

In the name of righteousness and for absolutely no reasons they sealed me. ME!

They attacked me. I was just someone minding my business. Well before I killed four of her underling gods, crippled half her power and reduced humanity by a third, only then did they seal me.

Oh yes, after this, her power disappeared for a while. She seems to be dormant and resting.

But I was sealed. By the seal of order. Funny thing was it's power was deprived from Chaos. My own power. The void.

I hate this.

What was wrong? Was Chaos wrong? Order was the wrong one! The one who limits imagination. I am Chaos!

How was I even wrong?

And most importantly what the hell did I do?