

Long ago, there was a man who had the title of Monarch of Magic. His power was that equal to of gods. Later, he was betrayed by his subordinates and was killed alongside his sister. 8 centuries later, he was reincarnated along with his sister who has no recollection of her former life. He vows to protect her at all costs and to live a peaceful life with her. However, to live a peaceful life is never really achievable. He meets new and old enemies as he ventures through the world. He will reclaim his title as the Monarch of Magic and fight anyone who stands in his way. The legend of the Monarch begins again. _____________________________________________________ Note: This novel takes place on earth with all the same countries and continents, but some of the history and all characters are fictional. Warning: Some Gore I do not own the cover. I am saving up for my own cover.

MonarchX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Class 3-A

Kenji walked out of the room, holding a club admission form in his hand. While he was passing down the hallway, he received many stares.

"A third misfit? How can that be?"

"Look at those eyes. Could he be-?"

"No way, wasn't he sentenced to 3 years?"

Kenji ignored them and stuffed the form into his jacket.

"What do they mean third misfit? Doesn't every school have multiple misfits?"

Kenji soon arrived upon his class. Fortunately, the teacher had not arrived yet, so everybody was all over the place. As he entered the room and walked to the back, everybody went silent and stared at him.

Kenji inspected everyone in the room and tried to spot his sister. Arisu said that she would put Kenji in the same class as his sister, but there is no sight of her.

There were about 20 students in the room. Kenji had used a little detection spell and had already checked everyone in the classroom. None of them were Kimiko.

`Tch, don't tell me I was tricked.`

Kenji lightly kicked one of the tables, scaring some other students. Then he headed towards the door. As soon as he opened the door, standing in front of him was Kimiko.

Kimiko looked at Kenji with wide eyes. Kenji stared down at his sister and then looked at the two tagging along with her, Sakura and Misha. Sakura, slightly terrified, hid behind Misha, who was unfazed.

Kenji looked down and looked at Kimiko's hand. Kenji then pointed at the ring.

"How was my present?"

Kimiko held the ring close to her chest.

"I love it."

She said with a smile. Kenji returned that smile. Suddenly, the atmosphere between the two turned a little... intimate.


A woman interfered, and the mood was ruined. It was the teacher. Everybody got into a random seat. Nobody knew what seat they were supposed to be in, so everybody sat in random spots. Annoyed by this, the teacher started yelling.

"You guys are all over the place! Get up, I already have seats prepared for you."

After a few minutes of yelling and getting people into their seats, everybody finally settled down. The teacher sighed and shook her head.

"Kids these days."

"You're more of a kid than us."

Someone from the other side of the room said, and everybody snickered. The teacher was really short, and she looked like she was only 12. She had short blonde hair and wore a gray formal suit with a black skirt.

"How dare you?!"

Everybody chuckled as the teacher facepalmed.

Kenji had taken the seat next to the window. Kimiko's seat was just right next to him. Kenji was smiling and happy with this seat arrangement. However, he didn't like the way people were glaring at him.

`Tch, what's your problem? I just got back with my sister and you're all glaring at me?`

Kenji growled in his heart while glaring back at them. Like as if they heard him, they looked away.

"Alright, stop staring at the misfit."

The teacher shouted, getting everyone's attention. Kenji looked out the window and watched the birds on the tree do whatever.

"My name is Akiko Gen. I will be your teacher for this year, and possibly next year if you are all lucky."

That's when the class went silent. A few seconds later, right as she stated her name, everybody started talking.

"Akiko Gen?! She is a national rank!"

"A national rank as our teacher?!"

"No way..."

S ranks are to be feared among the schools, but national ranks are on a whole other level. There are around 15 national ranks in the world. Their power levels are below both the Warlocks and the Monarchs, but they are just as strong. In order for one to become a national rank, they must go through some specific requirements.

"Everyone settle down."

`Well, at least I got their attention now.`

Akiko muttered in her mind.

Kenji rubbed his chin and looked at Akiko.

`National rank, huh? I'll have to research about this when I get back.`

He said inside. After that, the teacher sat down and started talking again.

"Now, I'm going to call your name as it is an obligation. When I call your name, please stand up and bow. Then afterwards, state your rank. First~"

Akiko started calling students by their names, and they all stated their ranks. Most of them were all E ranks, D ranks, C ranks, and B ranks. For some reason, most of the students in the class were girls and there were only a few boys. Well, that's to be expected as the population of girls surpass that of the males. At most, 32% of the world are males and the rest are females.

Then, the student in front of Kimiko was called.

"Tsutomu Kodaira."

Kenji looked away from the window and looked at Tsutomu. He had a white uniform. The word misfit flew past his mind. He looked at the insignia on his back. It represented a shark and it probably the size of an adult's hand. Tsutomu then got up and bowed.

"A rank."

He said, then he sat down. Kenji rubbed his chin for a second as he had caught a little glimpse of a tiny presence coming from his insignia.

`The first A rank in a while.`

For some reason, there was an odd silence that filled the room. Kenji guessed that it was just that the first A rank to be introduced was a Misfit.

After Tsutomu introduced himself, Akiko called Kimiko.

"Kimiko Katashi."

Kimiko got up and bowed. Then she introduced her rank.

"S rank."

The class started to react.

"Whoa, a beauty like her being an S rank?"

"No way..."

"She was from my school, she was an A rank if I remember."

It was an uproar, everybody was chatting about how beautiful she was, well, that was most of the boys. The girls were showing a bit of jealousy as she captivated all the boy's eyes.


An intoxicating aura darkened the room. Kimiko turned her head to Kenji, who was looking a bit gloomy. When everyone took sight of him, they immediately looked away and calmed down.

Akiko didn't care and continued to call the student's name.

"Lucia Yamato."

The girl at the front of the Kenji's role stood up. Kenji gazed above the students in front of him and got a look at Lucia. The first thing he noticed was the white uniform. Then he recognized the name and guessed that she was a misfit because of her status.

"A rank."

When she stood up, Kenji felt a little change in the atmosphere, as if it was a bit chilly. But he shrugged it off, after all, it was spring so it tends to be a bit cold.

The students in front of him were also introduced as A ranks. Kenji thought for a while and guessed that everyone in the back and furthest row were probably the higher ranks.

Then Akiko called him.


Kenji tilted his head.

`What was that slight pause for?`

He got up and then bowed. Then he said his rank.

"S rank."

There was silence. Kenji looked around the room. He expected everyone to be talking about him but instead, all he received were terrified stares.

`What's with everyone?`

Kenji looked down and Kimiko who shrugged as she didn't know what was going on.


`They are all afraid of you, like they should be.`

Said a distorted voice in his mind. Kenji then understands why they are afraid of him. Because of the event that happened one and a half years prior.

`Well, it's best to stay quiet. This is a bit awkward.`

Kenji then sat down and gazed out the window again.

"Ok, that's everyone."

After she finished, she started lecturing. She first threw a question at the whole class.

"Ok, so does anyone know why you are in this school?"

Everybody raised their hands except a few.

"Yes you, what's your name again?"

"Misha Hiragana. The reason why we are in this school is so we could watch and learn from each other."

"Please give an example."

"The higher ranking students are role models for those that are under the rank of B. A ranks and S ranks are considered being advanced students."

`Unless they lack in intelligence.`

Misha said inside her mind.

"Good. Now I will tell you the second. Have you all heard of the tale of the last Monarch?"

Everybody nodded, but some shook their heads.

"The last Monarch was the master of all elements. But due to his ambition and power lust, he doomed himself when he used the stone of fate. Which resulted in the Qliphoth growing up onto the earth."

`That's definitely about me.`

"Fearing the possibility of this happening again, the Monarch's title was split into 10 by the 10 warlocks in order to prevent another disaster like this. Have you guys been hearing of the gates that have been appearing? It's been appearing everywhere now, and it's pretty common now."

Akiko looked out the window.

"Who knows, one could even appear here in the middle of the school."

Everybody shuddered as they heard that. These gates have brought magic beasts from them, and the only way to shut them down is to take down the boss inside, or if the boss comes out. It's like an RPG game where you have to take out the boss in order for the quest to be finished.

"Now, can anyone tell me where the first gate appeared and when?"

"Yes, in America, fifty years ago."

A student answered. Akiko nodded and then asked again.

"Now what beast came out of that gate?"

Everybody stayed silent. No one knew what came out since this gate appeared fifty years ago.

"Well, I'll tell you since I was one of the ones that were there. The creature that came out was a Tarasque."

Everybody went clueless when she mentioned that. She then started explaining what a Tarasque was. A Tarasque is a mythical dinosaur-like creature whose appearance looks like that of a Tyrannosaurus rex. It measures up to 800 feet in height according to the current scientist team.

"Don't worry, you won't be fighting these kinds of creatures. You'll be selected for missions that suit your rank."

Akiko said as she noticed everyone's concern.


After she heard the bell ring, she dismissed everyone from class.

"Alright, you are all free. Join some clubs if you want or just go home. When you guys come back tomorrow, you'll be taking a little test."

And then the class was dismissed.


