
あなたの目に - In your Eyes

The arranged marriage between Archduke Benedikt von Hohengoldlinden and Princess Kirishima Yumiko forces them to see their world from a different perspective. In the midst of a political and social turmoil they have to find their own way to protect their budding love. Will they be able to overcome the cultural differences and expectations?

TheBumbelbee · History
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

Tears kept silently streaming down Takane's cheeks as she watched the ceremony unfold in its glorious entirety. The lovely Ojou-sama looked as noble and marvellous as a young formidable lady from her standing should look like during her grand wedding.

Takane was rejoicing, the ceremony was splendid and nothing less than what her beloved Ojou-sama deserved. She gasped as the realisation dawned on her. The Ojou-sama is no longer an Ojou-sama. Koshaku Yumiko was now an Archduchess von Hohengoldlinden. Or rather the Princess von Hohengoldlinden.

Takane scolded herself internally for making that mistake in addressing her wrongly even if it was only in her head.

The allemanian wedding was definitely more public than the elegant intimate yashimian ceremony in the morning, however Takane felt relieved and also surprised about the overly enthusiastic support by the people of the Hohengoldlinden duchy. Their cheers and applause was overwhelming when the couple exited the church. The unmistakably curious stares from both the crowd outside and the highly-regarded guests inside changed almost immediately. 

The new Princess carried herself with such confidence and splendour that it silenced all doubts and wavering. 

Even though Takane couldn't fully understand what was said during the ceremony, she could still read the atmosphere within the numerous guests.

Most of the illustrious attendees seemed supportive, but the overall tendency was rather critically observing the newly wedded couple. The currently tense situation around Allemania seemed to have made the guests more careful with voicing their opinions. Especially since the marriage did have an impact on the general power balance. This much was known to Takane as she was briefly taught about the situation on the western continent before coming here. 

She had discreetly observed the guests just as much as they had observed the lovely couple.

It was important to know who carried their ill-intend openly and who tried to conceal that. It was unfortunate that Takane had to put the Emperor of Allemania on the list of people who didn't try to successfully conceal his dissatisfaction towards the marriage. To some untrained and naive eyes it might have seemed like the Emperor was truly supportive and content with the wedding, however it was Takane's duty to read and understand the people around her protégé at all times. Several reasons could come into question as to why the person with the most powerful position of this country wasn't pleased with the unification of these two noble figures. Considering the fact that both Archduke Benedikt and Archduchess Yumiko wouldn't inherit the privilege of continuing the Hohengoldlinden duchy under their names. They were merely the second in line, causing their official title to be Prince and Princess von Hohengoldlinden. Only if the first born Archduke Leopold and his wife the Archduchess Linda weren't going to have any heirs, then Prince Benedikt and Princess Yumiko would take the title of Archduke and Archduchess. Even then this option seemed unrealistic to Takane as she had the profound impression that Archduke Leopold and Archduchess Linda were in a genuine good relationship with each other. Just like the current reigning head of the Hohengoldlinden duchy, Archduke Richard and his wife the Archduchess Ann-Sophie, who cultivated an admirable marriage.

That was a good thing as this resulted in Prince Benedikt being taught early on in his life how a healthy and fair relationship should look like. Takane didn't have any grand doubts in that regard anymore. The blonde younger Archduke had shown his earnest efforts towards the Ojou-sama from the very first day.

Takane didn't want to be too pessimistic about the possible hurdles that Princess Yumiko had to face due to her wedding in this new society. So she tried to memorise those who gave her the impression they gave off to her during this joyous day. It might come in handy someday to know who was in favour and who wasn't.

"I hope you have enjoyed the ceremony." A familiar voice approached Takane as she was waiting for a carriage in front of the church to take her back to the Hohengoldlinden main estate. It was Hagen who came to her with a friendly smile and offered her a cotton handkerchief. He too had seen the couple off as they were first taken in a beautifully decorated open carriage back to the island. 

Takane took his handkerchief and wiped away the tears on her face while returning his smile politely. "Hagen-san, thank you for your concern. The ceremony was wonderful. It feels like a spectacle." Takane bowed down and gave the brunette aid of the Archduke back his handkerchief. 

"Yes, indeed. It is a grand event, afterall." 

Takane enjoyed the company of the young man who was always diligent and still emphatic. She had observed him fulfilling his duties by the Archduke with ease and devotion. Virtues that she herself held in high regard. Since they were both attending to Prince Benedikt and Princess Yumiko, they were to spend plenty of time together. It was a relief that they were able to get along with each other.

The shared values and ambitions connected them in their own way.

"Though, the wedding is still not fully over." 

Takane looked at the tall man beside her who had a faintly exhausted expression on his face. She knew that he was handling a lot of the organising and arrangements.

"You are doing well." Takane gave him an encouraging smile.

Hagen-san laughed. "You shan't praise me before the night is due. Just as the Prince is unpredictable sometimes, I don't expect any less during his wedding as well."

"Even then, we shall take pride in our efforts so far. It will give you courage to overcome the remainder of the day."

He looked at her with a thankful expression. "You are right, Miss Takane. I'm afraid the pride I'm feeling caused by the Prince will overwhelm me. The entire day has been nothing but memorable."

She nodded. "I feel like this too."

A carriage came to a stop in front of her and Hagen-san opened the door for her. 

"Shall we go?" He smiled at her and she entered the carriage.

Together they returned to the beautiful white main estate on the island, accompanied by the seemingly endless cheers of the crowds still standing by the side.

Today's events went by in a blur of the most determining moments of her life so far and at the same time Yumiko could recall every second in her mind in great detail. 

It felt like a fever dream that she was still experiencing as Benedikt led her from the church, to the carriage and back in the Hohengoldlinden main estate to welcome all guests in a grand banquet. The ceremony in the church was mesmerising, it felt like an eternity and a brief second at the same time. Yumiko could still hear the crowds cheering enthusiastically ringing in her ears, Benedikt's lips on hers and the gentle hand that undeniably held onto her firmly. 

He didn't let go of her hand ever since her father had brought her to the altar of the church. That moment was in fact so symbolic that it was more than just a gesture. 

Thinking of it made her shudder. Yumiko was now Benedikt's wife. The Archduchess von Hohengoldlinden, second in line. Princess Yumiko von Hohengoldlinden. From now on the course of her fate was more or less sealed and the vague marriage arrangement came to life. This place, along with its people, the reigning family and inherent obligations were now a consequential part of her new identity. 

Yumiko called the owner of the hand that was holding her into her mind. She turned towards him as he had taken the opportunity for them to sit down for a brief moment before the guests would arrive. 

"Hm? Is something the matter?" Benedikt almost immediately reacted to her movement.

Although they had shared the carriage there hadn't been an opportunity after the western ceremony had begun to speak with one another. 

During the ride to the estate they were busy attending to the lively crowd that wanted to show their support and celebrate this magnificent moment with them. Yumiko could feel the corners of her lips being tense from the smiling and laughing she did for the entire journey. Though, she was still genuinely exhilarated by the open encouragement everyone had expressed towards her and the marriage to their youngest beloved Archduke. 

"Not at all, I just feel so overwhelmed by everything," she snickered nervously.

Benedikt let out a brief laughter as well. "I feel the same."

"I'm glad to have you by my side." Yumiko gave him an earnest smile. She really meant it. He was relentlessly attentive towards her and she knew that his vigilance was due to the kindness of his heart.

"I should be the one to say that to you," Benedikt's voice sounded tender and she could hear his smile. 

She felt the warmth in her cheeks. 

It began to be more noisy, the others must have arrived at the estate now too.

"I'll be in your care." Yumiko grinned at him upon hearing their family and guests entering the hall.

"Likewise," he sighed jokingly and they giggled with each other as everyone took their designated seats.

The banquet was a carefully selected assortment of different dishes that compliment both the allemanian and yashimian cuisine. The overall mood was more relaxed now during the exquisite meal. Even though she couldn't really spare any bit of attention towards her surroundings during the ceremony, she could still feel the faint tension.

She had diligently memorised all the dishes during the rehearsal, so that she could easily navigate at the table. The plating didn't change and Yumiko put great attention into giving no one a reason to doubt her independence and noble upbringing. 

Due to her nervousness she could barely taste any of the dishes. It was noticeable even for her that all eyes were on her, since almost all of the attending nobility saw her for the first time today. For Yumiko there were no visual first impressions that would create a prejudice based on one's appearance, her impression always began with the first things another person said.

Her mother had told her that for everyone else the first outer impression was the most characterising feature that would bias one's opinion and expectations.

More than often enough those initial impressions could be wrong too, as actions and words do speak more about what's within a person's heart. That's why Yumiko hardly had any wrong notions about a person she met for the very first time, her perception of other things such as voice, tone, delivery and words was too sensitive to be wrong. Her opinion wasn't influenced by the way a person presented themselves. 

However, she was now in a position where something that she couldn't perceive herself was determining the way the high society along with the Imperial Emperor of Allemania were thinking of her and her family. 

It was a daunting thought that was luckily damped by the happiness she felt due to Benedikt's comforting presence next to her.

She knew that he was in a way tense as well, but it was strangely reassuring that she wasn't the only one restless about the current situation.

As much as she enjoyed the ceremony, she also wished for the day to end as soon as possible. 

Maybe Benedikt could tell that her thoughts took over as he gently put his hand on her leg, subtly and soothing.

"I think the food seems to be to His Majesty's liking," he whispered to her. 

"That is good, I'm relieved." Her voice came out a little bit more nervous than she wanted.

"I believe the one who enjoys it the most must be Isabella, she is openly showing her enthusiasm about the menu." Benedikt chuckled and Yumiko could tell that he was facing somewhere to his right. He must be looking at her.

The thought of Baroness Isabella savouring the exquisite dishes openly enthusiastically lightened up Yumiko's mood. She wished to be able to speak to her for a little bit as that would certainly ease her mind even more. Yumiko liked Isabella for her braveness of never really hiding her true feelings in front of others. It was admirable.

"What about you? Do you like dishes that our parents arranged?" Yumiko looked up to him.

Benedikt laughed. "If I'm perfectly honest with you, I can't really taste anything. I'm just chewing, trying not to mess up anything. I feel sorry since they put so much effort into planning the banquet and I seem to not be able to taste anything now."

That made Yumiko smile. He felt the exact same thing.

"Me too," she confessed with an apologetic grin.

Yumiko heard how Benedikt tried to hold back an outburst of laughter. 

"I couldn't tell at all. You still look as elegant and composed as always."

They spoke quietly with each other and although the entire room was filled with everyone's polite conversations, Yumiko could make out Benedikt's voice the easiest, regardless of the fact that he sat next to her.

"You are giving me too much credit."

"Not at all. My wife is the epitome of class and refinement," Benedikt spoke with pride, sounding almost smug. 

Yumiko blushed at his genuine remark. 

"I should put even more effort into matching your atmosphere. I can't bring your dignified impression down." Benedikt scoffed jokingly.

"Do not worry about that, I'm certain that you are carrying yourself perfectly." 

"That is a very gracious encouragement coming from the diamond of this entire room."

Yumiko almost gasped loudly, but was able to keep a composed expression. Considering the other attendees and especially the Imperial Family, he mustn't say something so shameless. 

Calling her the diamond of the entire room made her flush and her heart fluttering. At the same time it was considered very brazen and she was surprised by his boldness.

Benedikt quietly chuckled upon seeing her reaction.

"I do not regret saying the truth nor will I take that back." He sounded defiant and Yumiko could tell that he wouldn't change his mind.

"Very well, I will not challenge you," Yumiko smiled, accepting his playful nature wholeheartedly. "I probably have to get used to that."

"Luckily there is an entire lifetime for that." Benedikt placed his hand on hers as his voice got softer.

She looked at him with a warm smile.

Indeed, Benedikt and her were now connected to each other for the rest of their lives and today was only the very start of their journey. 

Yumiko was thankful for Benedikt to have lightened up her mood and easing her mind. He was able to read her already quite well and it was comforting to have someone beside oneself who could understand one's inner thoughts and feelings without explicitly saying them out loud.

Although words were her most important way of communicating, there were some situations where not expressing one's thoughts was more appropriate. Yumiko was used to reading the overall mood in the room and adjusting herself to that in order to be considerate and sophisticated.

Benedikt on the other hand was more expressive and she liked it that he could read her this well.


The room went silent as His Majesty the Emperor stood up from his seat.

It was time for a few polite words for the freshly married couple. 

Benedikt observed the Emperor closely while keeping a friendly and modest expression.

The Emperor Wilhelm Friedich held his glass of wine in one hand while speaking. 

"I want to express my warmest congratulations to Prince Benedikt and Princess Yumiko von Hohengoldlinden for their marriage. May happiness and success be your constant companion. It is an honour to participate in this unique unification of families. It is in our duty as the leaders of the west to be open-minded and face the challenges that may arise with proud hearts and a strong mind. I shall bear witness of your future. The Allemanian Empire shall be your strongest supporter." He lifted his arm up. "We shall raise our glasses to the fortune and prosperity of Prince Benedikt and his wife the Princess Yumiko von Hohengoldlinden."

Rustling noises filled the room as everyone followed along the Emperor's summon and raised their glasses. "Auf den Prinzen Benedikt und seine Prinzessin Yumiko von Hohengoldlinden! Prost!" 

"Auf den Prinzen Benedikt und seine Prinzessin Yumiko von Hohengoldlinden, Prost!"

The cheers echoed through the room as everyone first cheered to His Majesty the Emperor and then towards Benedikt and Yumiko. The atmosphere was vibrant. 

As everyone settled down again it was Benedikt's turn to respond to the kind words, so he stood up and Yumiko followed his motion. He held her free hand as he began to speak.

"We are grateful for the generous words of His Majesty the Emperor of Allemania from the bottom of our hearts. It is an indescribable honour to have the blessings of the virtuous Imperial Family upon our humble marriage. There is possibly no greater dignity and praise than receiving those benevolent well wishes from His Majesty the Emperor himself. We shall carry that honour in our hearts!" Benedikt spoke with his utmost respect and gratitude. He raised his glass towards the Emperor who was also still standing.

"To the great Kaiser Wilhelm Friedrich von Allemania, his family and the prosperity of the Empire under which we shall carry out our humble marriage worthy of his praise!"

"To the great Kaiser Wilhelm Friedrich and his family of Allemania!" The others joined his cheers and Benedikt saw the satisfied look on the Emperor's face. That was enough to meet His Majesty's expectations and Benedikt was content.

The positive attitude of the Emperor in regard to their marriage set the authoritative example that the western society had to follow. Benedikt could still feel the subtle suspicion that he was able to recognise in the way the Emperor had carried himself. His words were truly generous, though nothing but shallow phrases in order to appease the other guests and their curious gazes. This was the moment that everyone was waiting for, now it was established how the person with the highest, most valuable and respected position in this country thought about this marriage. Hardly anyone would dare to oppose or question that opinion.

Benedikt didn't enjoy being so suspicious of his Emperor, but he couldn't completely shake off the doubt he felt towards him. 

Considering the current situation of Allemania in the grander scheme of things it was a crucial time period of important and major decisions that lay solely in the hands of this man.

The applause and cheers from the guests brought Benedikt's attention back to the actual event at hand.

He smiled brightly and thankfully at everyone and Yumiko too was showing her appreciation of the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere.

Benedikt looked over to both his parents and his now parents-in-law. They seemed content with the outcome, happily talking with each other and the other close friends who were sitting beside them. 

"Our parents are happy as well." Benedikt leaned over to Yumiko.

She looked at him, still smiling but now her smile seemed just faintly more genuine than before.

"I'm glad. I'm happy too."

He returned her smile. "Yes, it's a blessing indeed."

The feeling of being observed and watched never really disappeared when Benedikt stepped outside the Hohengoldlinden estate. As a well known member of the family his presence was always a sensation, worth following. Especially in the company of his other family members it was impossible to keep up some privacy. 

More or less Benedikt got used to the constant stares, the more inconspicuous gazes and the curious looks. However, during the banquet it was even more intense than what he was used to.

Particularly due to the fact that both him and Yumiko were in the limelight of today's occasion.

Benedikt wasn't so sure on how much Yumiko was able to sense from the constant attention that everyone attending was giving them. In some way he was glad that she at least couldn't make out the more doubting gazes and stares. He didn't want her to feel any more pressure than what she already had upon her slender shoulders.

Though, without a doubt she was able to carry all of that with ease. Benedikt was certain that his wife had a lot more strength and ambition within her than one would assume.

His wife.

The words melted in his mouth and made his heart flutter.

Yumiko was his wife.

The thought of that made him happier since Yumiko hadn't shown any indications of rejecting or despising any of the recent events. And deep within him he didn't want that day to ever come.

Merely imagining her beautiful face distorting into a grimace of detest or loathe towards him gave him a feeling of utter horror. He stopped his thoughts and was astonished by the impact she already had on him.

Benedikt looked over at her, still unbelievably dazzling, her cheeks flushed from either her embarrassment or the alcohol they had drunk. Her dark hair was put up elegantly, shimmering in the light, showing the velvety softness. The slender fingers of her navigated around the plate in front of her perfectly, seemingly effortless.

Her red lips moved gracefully as she ate whatever the current course was and for the first time in Benedikt's mind the thought popped up that they were looking tempting themselves.

The moment of their first kiss appeared before his inner eyes.

It was also his first ever kiss with someone who wasn't a member of his family. With a romantic motive nonetheless.

A tingling sensation welled up inside of him, heat and restlessness.

He knew for sure that he was ready to sacrifice his entire existence for her happiness.

The vow he spoke aloud in the church burned into his brain. 

This lovable woman beside him, his wife, should never feel anything but joy. 

"Please do tell me if there is anything on my face, Prince Benedikt." Yumiko didn't turn her head as she spoke up. She continued to eat calmly.

Benedikt felt caught on and blushed. He hurriedly looked at his own plate, trying to hide his puzzled expression. Apparently they had a lobster dish. 

"Pardon me. Worry not there is nothing on your face, Princess Yumiko." Benedikt cleared his throat and began eating. He took a bite, but couldn't taste anything. It was now his embarrassment that stopped him from being able to focus on the dish.

He should've known that she was able to sense his intense stares beside her, although he wasn't all too sure on how.

"That is good to know." She seemed unfazed.

"Since when did you notice me looking at you?" Benedikt let his eyes wander around at the table, but he eventually stopped upon seeing Yumiko again.

Her lips curled up to a smile.

"A while ago."

He squinted his eyes trying to read her expression.

Yumiko looked undisturbed, eating with an almost nonchalant aura.

"How did you know?"

She then turned her head towards him, perfectly matching the height of his face and smiled cheekily at him, it felt like she was now staring back at him. "Just a guess."

He grinned. "My dear Princess, are you already keeping secrets from me?"

Yumiko gave him an innocent smile, slightly leaning over to him. "I would never dare to, Prince Benedikt."

He laughed. "How could I ever doubt your words?" He accepted his defeat, the light hearted banter was energising and gave him a warm feeling.

Before Yumiko could reply, the next course was announced.

It was the grand wedding cake, signalling the end of the wedding ceremony.

Benedikt got up from his seat and extended his hand to Yumiko. She raised her hand and he took it. Together they walked towards the cake that was brought into the room.

All eyes were on them, but Benedikt could only see his wife beside him.

He stopped in front of the cake and as he reached for the knife he wrapped Yumiko's hand around it first before supporting her grasp. The cake was lavishly decorated with exotic fruits that his family was importing from different countries. It was a splendid display of colours.

"The cake is even more elaborate and brilliant as expected," he whispered to her, trying to describe the dessert that they were about to cut.

"It has very interesting scents, I can't make them out," Yumiko whispered back to him and he smiled warmly at her. Despite the confusion she was able to keep up the graceful expression, as if she knew exactly what was in front of her.

"I will show you all the different fruits so that you will always know what they are in the future."

Benedikt was determined to include Yumiko into his life as tightly and open-minded as possible.

There was no reason to have her feel excluded from the beauties and wonders that his world offered.

She smiled shyly upon hearing him.

"The newly wedded couple shall now cut the first piece of this wonderful cake!" It was his father, the reigning Archduke von Hohengoldlinden Richard, who spoke up and laughed cheeringly.

Benedikt nodded to him, smiling brightly and gently guided Yumiko's hands on the knife to push the blade into the cake.

The guests clapped and the small string quartet in one of the corners began softly playing some music.

The greatly anticipated wedding ended with no issues, all guests, including the Imperial family, had their fair share of impressions on the new couple of the highly-regarded Hohengoldlinden duchy.

All of the personal greetings and well-wishes were tactful and most importantly respectful.

Yumiko shone brightly and lived up to her new role without any hesitations. She managed exceptionally well in conversing with all the shallow conversations that she had to do with the various guests. The only people who weren't exhausting to speak to were their family members and Baroness Isabella. The latter openly showed her friendly relationship with the new Archduchess von Hohengoldlinden in front of all the other illustrious guests, undermining her explicit support for the unknown Archduchess.

After numerous tiring talks about Yumiko's long journey, her country and the greatness of Allemania Benedikt had signalled Hagen inconspicuously to prepare for their traverse to Kleingoldlinden. It was time for the newlyweds to retire to their shared home.

Yumiko did well in concealing her genuine well-being, but Benedikt could tell that it was straining for her in a way that no one would be able to fully comprehend.

Subsequently, the couple departed from the on-going celebrations.

Both Hagen and Takane-san were joining them along to the port and onboard to sail over to the smaller island.

As Benedikt and Yumiko sat on the ship that was also lavishly decorated they both could finally let go of most of their tension. The sun was nearing the horizon as the calm waves carried them over to their new residence.

No one spoke for the entirety of the brief travel, letting today's events sink into everyone's mind in a comfortable silence, accompanied by the sound of waves, the wind and some seagulls.

Although the rich orange-reddish sky indicated the end of this pivotal day it just wasn't over yet for Benedikt and Yumiko. As the canopy changed its colour it was also time for them to consummate their marriage.