
Love of my husband

This is how it all started when one night after I leave work I went to the bar to have a drink with some friends while I was there a talk dark skin men walk over and order a vodka then he asks me if he can buy me a drink I said no thank you he insisted so I accept his drink we keep have more drink until I hear my favorite songs star to play so I when to the dance floor and drag him with mean starting to dance my friends were laughing and shouting go you go, girl, we were dancing so close together I can feel him breathing on the back of my neck and he is holding on to my hips while I was rocking my hips side to side the I could hear he said to me Your quite a dancer then I smile then he said can we talk privately I said sure then we step outside we were there talking laughing an getting to like each other more then we kiss and one thing lend to another and we make out in his car after then I when home with my friends 2 months later I felt sick so my husband bring me the hospital an I found out I was 2 months pregnant I was so shock when the doctor told me that